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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. This reasoning makes most sense for this organization.
  2. Because of the stipulations Ralph Wilson put in last lease making it expense for any owner to buy and move which most buyers who wanted most money would do.
  3. The company which screwed out many homeowners on mortgages (some I know from personal experience helping out homeowners). Makes sense.
  4. It was only the outhouse for fans who do not believe in indoor plumbing. I guess they believe in indoor recycling.
  5. Dean is already on Bills website roster. Sometimes it takes weeks for them to update it. I think they are using his old picture however.
  6. And even players like Bobby Hart are contributing.
  7. One year both Hyde and Poyer were out at different times and each time Dean was inserted and defense continued to play well. Bills said they wanted to keep him but there cap issues. Hamlin and Marlowe will be sold safeties with Hamlin being the thumper and Marlowe being the flexible one.
  8. Certainly does comparing how much players get paid now compared to when he played. We will likely hear something on Wednesday on who was withheld from practice.
  9. It depends on offense and defense Bills are facing. If the offense is a high scoring one you need to weigh whether giving that offense more chances is good idea. If the defense is one which is good at takeaways (no takeaways are not luck) then you need to question taking chances. It also has to be weighed about injuries to Bills team and opponent as well as how long each part of team has been on the field. Bills K-gun used to exhaust opposing defenses but also exhausted Bills defenses because offense was on field for short periods of time. There is no absolute on this.
  10. Dean Marlowe played very well he needed to start for Poyer or Hyde one year but neither will be playing with him this time. I expect Dean Marlowe will be starting as safety until Poyer is able to play. Poyer was not put on IR, even short term, and Bills likely want Poyer for playoffs. Shame for Poyer since he was having a very good season.
  11. Marlowe was waived to allow Bills to keep player on roster so he could be signed for IR. This has happened a couple of time the last few years. Fortunately the Bills do not worry about your touchy-feely impressions. Maybe you need to act it up and cry as well?
  12. A number of posters were calling for that before even before announced.
  13. Bills are signing him so Pat(hetic)s can't.
  14. Good enough to move them to QB purgatory territory.
  15. Beane doesn't, listens to it and appears on it.
  16. Depends if you have a phone with video capture. If so you send a copy to Bills and hope they send you a gift certificate. Of course since using a phone when driving is illegal you say a companion took film. I used to have a camera mounted in my car as part of a Virginia program used as part of traffic study. I was actually paid to be part of this. My wife is amazed how I find deals like this. I had a special transparent license plate with camera behind it and anytime I saw something on road I'd click button and it would make position on tape with any comment recorded. I was stopped once for cop and was going to get a ticket and I said I had video contradicting what he said. He said it was illegal in Virginia to do that and I said (and showed) letter from VA department of motor vehicles and it was signed by governor of VA. He then put ticket book away and said it was just a warning.
  17. Form a church and buy the ticket using church money. Angel would make sense.
  18. Here is picture of her from Twitter. Never really got the knack of embedding twitter quotes.
  19. That is why I stated coaches and front office. Did not state players.
  20. It is an EPIC Failure for post not to be locked and moved from main board. When you do search and this appears first it appears this board is for @Adamb412 types.
  21. NFL is going to cut off their nose to spite their face. My attitude is I will mute in broadcast and fast forward with videos any such reference. I am expecting they will go to split screen with games when they see not enough people paying attention.
  22. Not only players but coaches and front office of Bills. I wonder how long before NFL tells coaches and front office personnel they cannot appear without additional license payment to NFL? The Bills monetized Bills Mafia reducing support of Bills Backers groups who have supported them for 30+ years (we got a Bills Mafia flag this year rather the box of items they used to send) and NFL is being same way monetized whatever they can and dissing those who supported them. Actually thinking of stepping down from Backers Group due to attitude change of teams and NFL.
  23. I sympathize with Mike Zimmer. I barely can see out of right eye since born with no possibility of recovery.
  24. Diggs needs to jaw less during games. I have had it twice requiring surgery each time.
  25. It was Aaron Rodgers close. Rodgers has made comebacks in past hence why Bills did QB run up middle late in game.
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