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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. @BigDingusso this is your fault or just one of those storms which look dark but do nothing?
  2. Where are the pitchfork and torch wielders demanding long snapper being cut after flag?
  3. On third and long Bills always play poorly. If the word "always" means sometimes when other teams makes a play since players are paid on each side of the field.
  4. https://www.cnet.com/culture/entertainment/beloved-batman-actor-kevin-conroy-dies-at-66-following-cancer-battle/ Beloved Batman Actor Kevin Conroy Dies at 66 Following Cancer Battle
  5. Sounds like a lot of Vikings fans at stadium from cheering during Vikings TD. Really odd after FOX comment about how Vikings fans were able to take over other stadiums but not Bills stadium. Opposing Fans have had no issue buying tickets since ticket office made changes in 2010 selling large quantities of tickets to ticket agencies.
  6. Don't confuse irrational ranters with facts. A friend of mine asked my wife to be a partner to such a business so he could qualify for set aside business.
  7. Likely such gear will require you pulled out of line since pat search for prohibited items will not work with possible cavity search by auxiliary staff who work for border crossing during week.
  8. https://members.tripod.com/g_host/Hammer/index.html https://www.facebook.com/groups/572653699997794/
  9. DC is filled with lobbyists and laywers who do lie to consumers. While I agree with doing all NFL can to get rid of him this is NOT reason he was singled out.
  10. Good that Brown is available to be a backup in case there are no healthy linemen.
  11. DC has tried to get out of District workers to pay District income taxes multiple times but representatives and senators from VA and MD have blocked it. DC instead has gone to collecting money in parking fines and other such things while some enforcers ignoring cars from DC doing same thing, I was in district one time for a convention and walked outside eating meal and saw a parking attendant giving tickets to out of state cars but not DC ones. I pointed out cars to attendant and was told "I know how to do my job" and with me standing there watching DC cars be skipped. I got a parking ticket one time for not paying money in meter but I was had a handicapped hanging tag. Was told by DC that they do not count those since "hanging tags are abused by out of district parkers". Paid fine despite not agreeing with it and nothing in rules stating this. A month later I got another ticket in mail and it was for same location on different date. I had not been in DC since that ticket and I was at work with proof of both where I was and where I was parked. I noticed that the same typos were on both tickets. Sent letter to DC with proof where car and I was and received letter stating "You are responsible for tickets even if car was borrowed. If ticket is not paid car will be put on a list and when seen booted, towed and will need to pay fine, late fees, tow cost and storage." I sent back letter to DC stating that the ticket was false showing multiple places were typos were the same. I also sent copies of receipts with sales tax circled and told them I will not be doing business in DC and i sent a copy of this letter to each of the merchants who I had done business with. I also sent a copy of letter to my representative who is on DC appropriation committee. I got no responses. I never got my car targeted in DC again. DC is as corrupt as $nyder.
  12. I have recommended this restaurant before - Sun Cuisines, a Burmaese, Thai and Japanese restaurant. https://www.suncuisines.com/ I discovered it via a tourist magazine when visiting Niagara Falls. I have only been to location on west side of Buffalo near Black Rock where some of my family lives. 1989 Niagara St., Buffalo, NY 14207 716-447-0202. I know they have a number of customers from Japanese temple in area my aunt used to go to before her age and health kept her inside (my aunt is deceased now). There is another restaurant in Williamsville.
  13. "Clark Gable mustache". Never heard that one before. Almost as descriptive as "Zombie complexion" one said about Teflon™ T*m.
  14. He IS working hard. Often it will take multiple players to tackle him when he catches ball in middle of field. Just had such a play vs JEST.
  15. Almost all of the great punters can do things other than kick the ball just like all of the great QBs currently can do things other than throw the ball.
  16. Houston Oilers leaned that the hard way that waiving Tasker for a game.
  17. There have been multiple teams which have won Superbowls which with backup QBs. I believe Beane will need to find a candidate to groom to which can be our Reich, someone who can step in and win a game if Josh is dinged and is out part of a game or a game. Maybe even get trade when backup has had value enhanced by experience with Bills. The Pegulas have been willing to spend what is needed and they can sign a former player to take the role of confidant and extra head in QB room.
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