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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. Quinton Morris is third string backup and Trubisky is backup QB. It is likely that like Fitzpatrick and Stevie Johnson they had some sort of connection which does not excuse Trubisky's overthrow when Morris was not even in position to catch it.
  2. Very humble guy. When he was talking about driving an old car (even older than my wife's) he reminded me of Ralph Wilson who drove an old car despite him having money for more expensive one.
  3. When teams are playing backups and games are not fully planned (Tomlin is exception however for he has a real rivalry with Coach McD) sometimes players look better than they are. Give him some time to develop. I hope he can play some special teams.
  4. Well he did graduate with 4.0 average from high school at 15.
  5. Or being a pretty decent high school wrestler is why he is a good LB able to shed blocks and tackle.
  6. Some teams prefer to play one QB first half and one QB in second half assuming no injuries in preseason.
  7. I did in another thread. https://imgflip.com/i/90mg13
  8. It is Andreessen - A n d r double e double s e n . https://www.houseofnames.com/andreessen-family-crest https://www.igenea.com/en/surnames/a/andreessen Appropriate for a NFL player. I hate it when people can not make effort to spell names correctly. My name has only 5 letters and it constantly misspelled. Once a security personnel lead asked me why I did not include spelling with 4 letters as an alias - I said it is not an alias and he said that it is someone else' mistake and he said I should have included notation that it was spelled wrong. A few weeks latter there was a mistake made and there was a document stating "that idiot in security" cost company a lot of money. I saw that and asked him if he included "idiot in security" as an alias in future documents - he never brought up misspelling again.
  9. If this is regular season they have prepared and planned ahead of time.
  10. If Joe Andreessen other teams will look at signing him if they can find space.
  11. Which is why I said they need Josh Allen to buy in to getting a new backup QB and NOT a first round pick who would be looked at immediate rival.
  12. Shame Edmonton Elks vs Hamilton Tiger Cats is on same time as Bills Steelers preseason game. Maybe I will catch 2nd half of CFL game. Nine teams is soooooo odd. Windsor needs a team in the East.
  13. Unless you are Packers who have had three good ones in a row.
  14. Had to be reason why $nyder signed him to be a party favor. Maybe he can get a job with him?
  15. Statistics are deceiving and Legends is based on deception. They are signing them very slowly and cherry picking to try to keep renewal percentage high to try to increase demand - same reason for reducing size of stadium.
  16. All have injury issues and they should either be signed to incentive based contact "bet on yourself" or sighed after week 1. It worked for a former CFL QB signed by Bills and hit every incentive in his contract. Not all biceps injuries are the same and all people do not heal at same rate. Milano is an obsessive football player who works with specialist in offseason (I know him personally) and will be working hard to come back. His specialist is in Buffalo and I expect him to be helping players learn defense.
  17. NFLPA should be willing to concede helping to pay for them - they are supposedly partners of NFL but act like divorced spouses caught cheating and demanding more and alimony / palimony. Usually NFLPA resists safety improvements since it may result in lower incentives for players and all grass turf is one which may do so. St Louis Rams who won Superbowl were called Greatest show on turf for a reason.
  18. https://www.profootballnetwork.com/do-nfl-players-get-paid-during-preseason/ Players on roster do not need to work 2nd jobs like they used to and with amount they are being paid they need to put more time in. IMO money needs to be tweaked to make training camp / practices be more important to players even if it needs to come out of salary cap. The coaches sometimes spend 60+ hours a week.
  19. Not sure why it adds value - new owner who will move team cannot take stadium with owner.
  20. Probably a rookie. Bills want Josh to step up so they will ask him to help with QB evaluations and interviews assuming NFLPA allows it. The Bills will find a QB who is raw and needs time for development but needs professional remodeling.
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