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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. Game was moved to Detroit because police and other emergency people were occupied dealing with the weather NOT that the Bills could not deal with the snow. It actually was more work for them to play in Detroit. And I was told that reason why Flutie could play in snow games at the Ralph is due to the design of the stadium winds go horizontally and at less than 6' in height he was below the cold breeze.
  2. Yes the Phish fans want game moved somewhere it is hot but not surprising their god lives in hell.
  3. Read this OLD article if available thru Buffalo News Pay Gate on glass cutter gloves Flutie brought from Canada which helps in cold weather: https://buffalonews.com/news/flutie-has-a-handle-on-sub-zero-conditions/article_d50b1cb5-e766-5f96-bdf3-f84af12c4c94.html
  4. Maybe it will make the d0mers happy if Lions share their stadium all year long with his being a serf tenant like Chargers and JEST are.
  5. Did he try to use the Grinch as dependent on tax return?
  6. Vikings were forewarned due to issues in Bills game. One of the hottest on record. And Miami plays a lot worse on road so we will see if the tropical fish swims as well in an icy pond. https://www.statmuse.com/nfl/ask/dolphins-home-and-away-record
  7. The question is like retractable roofs, which some stadiums have, when does this need to be declared? If Bills say no heating equipment can they declare it when inactives need to be declared so Bills players and staff know equipment to wear? Personally I think it is time to do a Pat(hetic)s trick in response to Phish half sun stadium and have mysterious fuses blown when Phish equipment is hooked up.
  8. Is there an interview or transcript available? Never can get enough Marv Levy. Marv Levy was supposed to be our guest of honor at our annual tailgate; then COVID situation ruined it and he was not travelling - Marv did not have COVID. I sometimes handle guests (agents contact me); Andre is one I brought in.
  9. I am unhappy how he went out but it appeared he ate crow so I am willing to wait and see if he swallows it.
  10. Beasley was very adamant about not playing in New York but evidently decided that playing with QB who likes hard balls is better than playing out of NYS who likes soft balls. Players have often mentioned that when they retire being with their fellow players is what they miss most (other than pay checks) so after being on bench or not even on a team taught him a lesson. I do not think at this point he is taking snaps away from other players. He is on practice squad working on emulating opposition and may even be playing Tua since he used to be a HS QB. Bills will be able to see how good of shape he has been in playing basketball and determine if they wish to escalate him for a game. Coach McD likes pressure on all players including starters for pressure creates diamonds; this does not apply to Josh for he is Superman and he creates diamonds.
  11. Last year there were reports that Coach Diabolical and Josh Allen were constantly in touch including offseason which appeared to violate rules but NFL never called them on it. Dorsey and Josh do not seem to have the same connection yet but Coach Diabolical and Josh Allen had issues at first with Coach Diabolical constantly yelling at him.
  12. Maybe we should move all teams to CA and FL. If they are not going to make south teams have domes it makes no sense to make northern teams get them.
  13. Make not overturning calls when obvious a suspendable offense. Then it is NFL oversight issue if they do not suspend referees,
  14. it is very hard to rant and rave when facts are contrary to OP but he keeps repeating it.
  15. Amazing, a QB who never threw the ball. Did he bribe someone to get the stats for throws he got? Tyrod was certainly not risk taking but the exaggeration does not strengthen your argument.
  16. To some throwing to DBs is better than not throwing to them but to each his own.
  17. I am in VA and I drove to Cardinals game but I was working TDY at time in Orange County. Miles were put on rental car for work. Driving back was terrible seeing all windmills on horizon looking into sun making me sleepy so I stopped at rest area and took a nap to dark and completed drive.
  18. Yes per recommendation of OC since P5t5rman could run his offense but Tyrod could not. That stance likely cost him his job.
  19. I have not seen the letter posted about unlimited call-ups in the post-season as we saw last year. One year anniversary of that letter.
  20. Maybe Beasley and Brown saw what Jordan Phillips and Shaq Lawson did coming back to Bills. Both had to give up something they were hoping for to come back. Neither Brown nor Beasley were getting much interest on market and practice squad with up to 3 elevations is a way to get some interest. John Brown has already had 2 elevations (week 13 with 12 snaps and week 14 with 3 snaps). I am hoping that the NFL renews agreement allowing players to be elevated regardless of prior elevation as they did last year. I wonder if there has been talk from NFL about 2022 playoff rules yet.
  21. Bills definitely could use a bigger back. Reggie is bigger but does not seem to play as big as Carwell played.
  22. You cannot start season behind when you play a different role. Plays requiring different roles is different and that is decided by OC.
  23. Beane should have said no until his bonus was due and then let him go just so those who criticize for letting him go can criticize for not letting him go.
  24. Good news is Murray will not need to spend time on playbook but can play video games all he wants. Don Marino got into commercials which lead to movie spots when he was injured. Maybe Murray can go into professional gaming.
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