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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. Yes the good old fays when scalpers had paper tickets when you MIGHT be ripped off rather than currently when you know TicketShafter will.
  2. Companies already do it. I applied for a job at M+T Bank in Buffalo and I was told - we are only hiring locally. I was aware of this but since I had family in area I used local mailing address and company I was working for at time did some (little) work in area so I figured I would at least get to interview stage but I was contacted and told local candidates only. I said I live in area for 20 years and how long did recent work experience need to be but the recruiter would not state it making it a fuzzy requirement.
  3. Maybe he was voted to Probowl due to contract incentive and someone wanted Beli-CHEAT to be one with hot foot this time. The bots I use for voting are VERY educated, The AI I developed nicknamed "hanging chad" has been stuffing ballots for Tua since before ballot box opened.
  4. Absolutely with Allen's family growing pistachios. Is it too much to hope that he beats P5t5rman's records for interceptions in a half?
  5. You should change posting alias to NotALLinALLEN.
  6. Does it depend if you are aiming for early draft picks?
  7. Cole Beasley always seemed to be a Joe Pesci type of wise guy to me although I think many on this site and Pat(hetic)s would want it to be Isaiah McKenzie.
  8. So Cole is playing the Joe Pesci character Tommy DeVito since Danny DeVito is not available, right?
  9. Stories about this: https://www.si.com/extra-mustard/2022/12/13/bill-belichick-peyton-manning-peter-boulware-art-modell https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2022/12/13/peyton-manning-says-bill-belichick-once-put-peter-boulware-in-the-pro-bowl-to-spite-art-modell/ https://russellstreetreport.com/2022/12/15/out-to-lunch/belichick-and-modell/ (IMO best one) Does this surprise you? This because Coach Hoodie (5-11) was fired by Modell before moving to Baltimore.
  10. Star was brought in to be a space eater requiring two offense linemen not role Jones is doing. He was effective at times but his fear of getting COVID cost him a year AND THEN after coming into shape working on his own he got COVID and was completely unproductive. If he had COVID-19 during first year when he had full Bills medical support he could have recovered first year and next year shown his value.
  11. Does that mean LA players are better playing in smog since they are accustomed to it? I worked in Carson occasionally near where stadium is but never able to but I had bronchitis / walking pneumonia in college and my lung capacity was reduced.
  12. Mijami has lots of snow. I am sure practice area has snow every day whether they are going to play warm or cold weather team and twice as much bye weeks.
  13. $400 per week is not petty change especially since it will not prevent some guys renting a house and sharing.
  14. Unless you are in SF or Seattle area.
  15. Maybe they expect to play game with no fans like COVID season? There was a video of him at Bar Bills getting wings.
  16. Miami weather is crap during September and they should be mandated to have an air conditioned dome before they are allowed to play games there.
  17. Not as hard as snowballs. I hope there is enough snow Saturday for fans to throw at Phish players.
  18. Would not work for me. He has more hair on chest than I could have on my face even if I did not shave for a year.
  19. Game was moved to Detroit because police and other emergency people were occupied dealing with the weather NOT that the Bills could not deal with the snow. It actually was more work for them to play in Detroit. And I was told that reason why Flutie could play in snow games at the Ralph is due to the design of the stadium winds go horizontally and at less than 6' in height he was below the cold breeze.
  20. Yes the Phish fans want game moved somewhere it is hot but not surprising their god lives in hell.
  21. Read this OLD article if available thru Buffalo News Pay Gate on glass cutter gloves Flutie brought from Canada which helps in cold weather: https://buffalonews.com/news/flutie-has-a-handle-on-sub-zero-conditions/article_d50b1cb5-e766-5f96-bdf3-f84af12c4c94.html
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