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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. Just saw commercial "80 for Brady" watching game on CBS. I threw up what I was eating. Now we know why he is staying in NFL so he could pick up those women.
  2. Nice TD for Hodges playing for Giants. 👏 👏 Too bad he could not show as much when he was on Bills roster.
  3. The one thing we kept hearing last year was that Coach Diabolical and Josh Allen were constantly in touch so much so they might have violated rules during offseason. OC had an idea and called/texted/videoed Allen "What do you think?" and Allen did same to his OC. We have not heard about that this year with Dorsey.
  4. Should be LVR since a number of posters say there is no advantage to playing at home in November and December. Could Bills make deal with NFL to play week 18 in LV every year?
  5. Unless you are Kevin Bacon and then it is good and scary.
  6. It would have been more comfortable for the Blue Jay to stand on the Buffalo..... We raised a baby blue jay. It fell out of nest we guess and there were neighborhoods cats so leaving for mother was not an option. My raised it first with an eye dropper to point it could eat by itself when she would catch crickets and grasshoppers, breaking back legs so it could flee fast and put JJ (name we gave it) on group and it would hop at insect trying to flee. It learned to fly in our kitchen which became an issue when it landed on sticky paper on top of cupboards which we did not expect it to be able to fly to. When he could fly she took him outside and he would fly around in little circles and land back on her. Once JJ was flying we gave him free reign inside for a while taking him out daily. One day he took off and mail carrier woman was going to front porch to give my wife the mail and JJ dive bombed her landing on my wife's shoulder. At this point he was eating by himself but sleeping inside each night. We had a trip going away so we started leaving him outside on the unscreened back deck at night but each day he would be on porch singing. We went away on our vacation and worried about our little friend. When we returned we did not see JJ until a week after we returned. He flew around house with another Blue Jay (smaller, female we think) and while he would go close to us other bird stayed away. We never never sure we saw him again but there were blue jays in our feeder. It is possible his companion taught him to eat from feeder but he never did that while he was living with us.
  7. One of the priests I was most familiar with (not the cardinal I asked question originally when I was ordained who gave me an open window with question "Any Questions?") who would come to many of our family weddings as a guest stated this while sharing a beer "Some who rise very high do not feel comfortable in their own skin as public figures adopt another name as a role they play." Not sure if he meant that as a complement or a criticism.
  8. When I was confirmed we did not get additional name and those who did typically got an extra middle name since first and middle name were not suitable. People were not renamed. Same when I was made an Eucharistic minister. Maybe times have changed since 80s but I have not been active for many years.
  9. When I was working DoD I had instructions that social media sites were to be avoiding and they were scanning social media sites for posts from employees. When it was brought it up to personally (as I found out later everyone approached) I told the person that only such site I went to was TBD and they I got my job via a fellow poster on that board ($$). He brought up site and told me it seemed fine just avoid the political crap (his words) section. I was raised Roman Catholic and I never understood why popes changed their names like some criminals do for government protection and told so to my teacher and I never understood explanation given.
  10. I have been a fan of Hyde since he played with Packers and was advocating Bills sign him as free agent before he was signed. https://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/H/HydeMi00.htm#defense_playoffs Hyde has a good career being in playoffs each of Packers playoff seasons starting 4 games and the in each of the playoff games for Bills having changed teams at right time. He has been healthy most of career before 2022 with 2021 being his best season. He joined Packers after their last Superbowl appearance however and one thing which might be important to him is playing in a Superbowl. Micah has generally been very healthy except for a few games when Dean Marlowe replaced him. It should be Hyde's choice, assuming his doctors agree, whether he can still play this season. All operations and recoveries are not alike. I am sure he is getting the best medical and physical therapy care. He has been working out keeping in shape, actively involved in football room and taking mental reps. Like Tre' White the Bills need to give him time on field and it is hard to ease him into lineup with every game affecting playoff seeding. He would not be playing on special teams as he has done in past which is where players with limited reps often play but Bills might be able to use him as 5th or 6th DB if they wished to ease him in without sacrificing too much.
  11. The scenario that applies: Two AFC teams have same overall record (i.e. 13-4 each) The two AFC teams have not played each other or are division foes and each won once. Both teams have same record against common conference foes (i.e. 4-1 in common foes) One of teams has more losses to AFC teams and other has more losses to NFC teams The team which lost once more to NFC team has advantage since they have more AFC wins.
  12. And went back in time and sold pilot insurance before pilot flew aircraft.
  13. Due to cost of some of the high end players I think the Bills will be using a lot of draft picks and free agents elevated for games in future. The NFL does have stratification of teams despite all Cowpokes are trying to do but I think roster stratification is something we are going to have to deal with. High priced players injured and elevated getting paid less than 1/10 of them per game taking their place.
  14. Tua Tagovailoa's Impossible Situation; Mike White's Audition: AFC East Analysis https://www.foxsports.com/stories/nfl/tua-tagovailoas-impossible-situation-mike-whites-audition-afc-east-analysis That fish is fried Ataxia describes poor muscle control that causes clumsy voluntary movements. It may cause difficulty with walking and balance, hand coordination, speech and swallowing, and eye movements. Ataxia usually results from damage to the part of the brain that controls muscle coordination (cerebellum) or its connections. i.e. some of previous Bills QBs. Ride or die with Josh Allen We see lots of those plays in NFL especially from QBs about to be sacked but Josh Allen is one only one who can make chicken out of chickens salad. Endorsement deal: Josh's turnovers. Nahhhhhh. Mike White to return Mike White needs to find a flak jacket company to endorse for it will be talked a lot about.
  15. Smart especially at cost per minute you were spending.
  16. I can barely operate a cell phone but spreadsheets I can still do until they break the technology with "upgrades" so much I cannot do it anymore. My daughter calls me "stone age". Oh and you forgot cost of beer, liquor, etc.
  17. This may be a little more readable. Click link to see it full size. https://i.ibb.co/Qk09dgn/Superbowl-Costs.png
  18. I think they are cheap labor since Bills are close to salary cap and would rather not structure although there are a few players who will be FAs I would rather extend now.
  19. My seat was behind a girder with overhang blocking most of view when I was trying to look on either side. I would not wish that seat even on a P*ts fan.
  20. And if Vikings make the Superbowl Bills will be able to beat the only NFC team they lost to. If Bills and Vikings both make to Superbowl we will have a new team with a Superbowl trophy and a team with 5 losses who never won the Superbowl.
  21. No. Absolutely no unless I won some that I could not resell. I have been to Phoenix stadium and there are some terrible seats there from which you can barely see a portion of field. You cannot see much on monitors either. Will NFL mandate those seats not be sold? No. Wish I had kept ticket from game and could look up what that seat is charging for Superbowl.
  22. Maybe they will do a Rob Johnson move and keep the QB playing in a game which did not matter.
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