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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. I bought a third party warranty for my new vehicle a number of years ago. It was a 7 year warranty and if we did not collect on it at end of it we got 85% of money back. Not a bad deal for company I thought since got 15% for doing nothing other than paperwork if no claims on it. At end of year 6 we were sent notice of bankruptcy notice and I thought that that was odd for I had seen advertisements for it recently. Research showed me that the same group of people had formed a company each year in a limited partnership and miraculously their company went bankrupt each time in 6th year. There were discussions on net on whether it was their model was just failed in that business year (leases, etc) or whether it was designed to take out money and fail. I received a postcard on a lawsuit against them but nothing came out of it. Basically it was designed to take out the money before paying out so there was no chance of collecting at end if you had no warranty claims. I had a Toshiba laptop which seemed to be designed to fail after 2 years - if you did not buy the extended warranty they stalled you until you were past warranty period. Repeated models has same issue with motherboard power connection but they just repeatedly changed model numbers to keep ahead of people searching for reviews until they no longer make them. Right now I pay using American Express which doubles manufacturer warranties but never pay for any 3rd party warranty.
  2. It is more likely you are paid to ask the question. I used to be a submitter of posts and there was no ranking. Only change has been identification of articles which may require either paying for access to article or maneuvering around pay wall.
  3. The only ones who think that is a great deal is NFLPA and will use it as excuse for higher percentage of cap being for players' salaries.
  4. Sunday music Start out with Nick Lowe - "Cruel To Be Kind" (Official Audio) As part of the my wife's sisters challenge to me I was told to sing a song. I am not much of a singer but I sang from Man of La Mancha's "Impossible Dream" but "Cruel To Be Kind" could have been an alternate which is interesting since it is a song she thinks I made up. Next is Harold Melvin and The Blue Notes - The Love I Lost This was a song which inspired "Cruel To Be Kind" Next as recommended by YouTube from my history - Chicago & Earth Wind and Fire - Live '04 at the Greek Theatre A pair of bands which matched very well Chicago & Earth Wind and Fire - Live '04 at the Greek Theatre Tracks with minimal gap between each tune.. Meaning I cut out most of the applause and needless chat & NO waiting on the encore songs:) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pqi3WOIwjA8 The link could not be embedded because www.youtube.com does not allow embedding of that video.
  5. All hours. I work from home (not by choice) and even when I am not working I have automated things going on when I am away. At the keyboard? 14-15 hours although sometimes I am busier. I do not use cell phone for a lot of things others do.
  6. Exactly. Leslie Frazier came up with defense for Ravens in playoffs and it has been duplicated by other teams. I wonder if Ravens trade if they will get a QB as part of package. My prediction 1: If he is tagged no one will trade since he is insisting on a guaranteed contract and then he sits out to week 11 to get his year of service and force him to be tagged or released following year, My prediction 2: He will be out of football shape when he signs tag and then will get injured before end of season and then not play again that season meaning Ravens paid a lot for nothing next year.
  7. Well if they stay inside and breathe their own poisonous air problem should resolve itself. I think the issue started with the D👀mers and just continued ranting and probably would have no matter what the results. Some of it is instigated by those regular trolls who pretend to be Bills fans but are always negative no matter what happens.
  8. That was due to the general opinion of Buffalo Bills at time in NFL. A series of coaches which were unsuccessful in Buffalo and any improvement was short term so dismissed. Bills getting into playoffs was considered a fluke and credited to Bengals despite if games were played in different order with same results Bengals would not have "helped" Bills into playoffs.
  9. There should be its own forum for this - Look at friggin fire (LAFF) threads. Then it can be like PPP which is known to cause brain damage if you do not have it already.
  10. Hodges did not do the Kummerow role as WR. None of them did even replacement players. Kummerow enabled parts of WR plans to work doing blocking down field and Hodges is not a good blocker. He reminds me of Robert Woods who did not get respect he deserved when here.
  11. Jefferson is such a tool but I prefer a swiss army knife.
  12. Has not played 16 or more games since 2017. Availability is very important. 32 games in last 4 years.
  13. I am sure she is on expense account for a number of charity officers. I never donate directly to charities anymore - always through work or some other method. Too many charities have sold my information to others including other charity money raisers - one worked for a different charity and then called me for the new company he worked for. Whenever I provide information to a non-bank or government I always include some wrong information (i.e. wrong middle initial or two middle initials) and I see this information propagated. Charities also refuse to take you off mailing list and keep mailing to you despite it costing money. I have even returned their SASE with requests to remove my name and they ignore it.
  14. Thread has been going for 2 days:
  15. I wonder if the polled viewers how many decided NOT to use their services. Joe needs to remember to zip up more than I need to check my zip code. My general opinion is that if spokesman acts like an idiot than company wants idiots to be customers. https://www.forbes.com/sites/nextavenue/2021/11/12/the-truth-about-those-medicare-advantage-tv-commercials/?sh=3c7f5fad1e99
  16. Because none of the Moron Minority works in Vegas booking making organizations?
  17. Didn't voters hear that the Moran Minority wants Sean McDermott out of Buffalo?
  18. Generally on principle Bills do not block staff.
  19. Stopped looking at post after long amount of white space after it.
  20. Just is relative. Please include date in subject. There will be a campaign that domes are more structurally sound in earthquakes by the d00mers.
  21. Bills fan mob would be more appropriate. Grabbing for pitchforks and torches after groups of people show up at airport supporting them after losses. Talkiatry™ should be official sponsor of Bills Mafia. I am surprised that pushers are not in parking lot selling drugs to treat bipolar disorder. Some fight the extreme highs of mania and others treat the lows of depression. Bills Mafia appears to get both at once.
  22. Need to get Waste Management to sponsor upcoming Superbowl. Would be perfect match if certain teams were in it. I have a friend who is Eagles fan I see at a bar. I told him Jalen Hurts was going to be a rising QB back in 2020 and he dismissed me saying "I'd rather have Allen instead." In 2021 he added him to his fan league QB and again in 2022. He won a significant pool of money he told me and offered me ticket at base price he got from a relative with season tickets if I wanted to go with him but I told him I had a bad experience in that stadium and would not return there even if Bills were playing unless ticket was free.
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