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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. Only Dome teams get comp picks according to d0mers.
  2. In many ways medicine is an art not a science. I went to 8 different doctors for issue with my foot and got 8 different diagnoses all wrong including one by a quack that it was psychosomatic (I did not pay that bill). In last diagnosis doctor thought it was plantar and put me in a boot which almost disabled me. He said that should not happen and had a MRI done on foot and a cyst the size of a golf ball in my ankle was found and removed. That was a strictly physical issue and specialists could not determine issue. With brain they are dealing with organ which has a lot of issue healing and whose operation in many cases is just speculation.
  3. What good does throwing to bench do? Availability is one of most important attributes.
  4. Stats if you wish to compare Poyer's and Hyde's careers so far. https://stathead.com/football/pcm_finder.cgi?player_id2=HydeMi00&player_id1=PoyeJo00&sum=0&request=1&utm_campaign=2023_01_wdgt_player_comparison&utm_source=pfr&utm_medium=sr_xsite&utm_id=PoyeJo00
  5. There was a lunch lady at school which was very attractive and a bunch of guys would talk about her although she did attempt to get attention from students. One day a guy who usually did not have lunch with us (different lunch period) said "That is my mom you are talking about!" and comments stopped although they probably knew she was someone's mother for almost all of the women working there were students' mothers or in one case grandmother. My wife is a cafeteria manager and I understand why some kids in high school do not want their mothers working at same school they go to although in my daughter's case my wife deliberately worked at high school she was going to go to so she could support her.
  6. Ravens do not likely think JEST are rivals for playoffs but Bills are and have beaten them several times so may not have traded with Buffalo. A little surprised not traded to NFC.
  7. The issue with Zay Jones was his college coach was not capable of raising his game. The coach has bounced between NFL and college and never established himself. When Coach McD was building his staff there were slim pickings and he should have kept SOME of Rex's staff for a year.
  8. Bills had inside information for they signed a coach who had been with Browns previous year and could see what Poyer was capable of. Sometimes inside information was wrong as when Bills signed Zay Jones' WR coach from college and he said he was the most prepared for NFL WR he has seen.
  9. Bills used to have a swing tackle (I think he was a 4th round pick) who could play either position and sometimes was 6th OL but when forced to play multiple games as starter his performance went down and he did not have the ability to be a full time starter.
  10. https://www.si.com/nfl/bills/news/buffalo-bills-free-agent-jordan-poyer-targeted-new-york-giants-weather-taxes-dolphins-dallas-cowboys Actually they are in New Jersey. He would be substituting NJ taxes and higher prices for NY taxes and lower WNY prices.
  11. Tamarac is a city in Broward County part of Mijami Metro area for those unaware.
  12. They cannot be but teams can make agreements ahead of time.
  13. I agree on Hyde. Very intelligent and well spoken and unlike some ex-athletes who work in broadcasting does not sound like he is speaking with marbles in his mouth. He was my top free agent (a fan of Packers) and was advocating him being signed before free agency opened. Packers knew what that had with him but not what he could become.
  14. https://www.star-telegram.com/sports/nfl/article272747150.html
  15. It is odd how game has changed. There used to be defense lines where starters would rarely go out and backups were happy when they got any reps not in blowout games but current model is waves of defense linemen.
  16. How is that different from losing their minds due to the internet like now?
  17. The Bills did it because cap space was burned letting players go and then replacing them including one very expensive edge who did not make it to playoffs. Money left only could afford inactive players or players who they could trade for with low priced contracts. It is no coincidence they were former players for at that time of year hard to get players into new systems.
  18. Nothing like Stevie Johnson. Stevie would burn CBs and sank Revis Island because he would adjust routes doing what he needed to get to points rather than run conventional routes. He developed synchrony with Ryan Fitzpatrick when both were backups and Fitzpatrick understood route adjustments he would make. He had 3 1000 yard consecutive seasons doing that. Andre Reed made comments on what an fantastic adaptive WR he was. I had discussion with Andre Reed and Charlie Taylor (bless his soul) about Stevie at our tailgate,
  19. Well yea but he had a QB throwing to him not a RB so of course his performance with increase.
  20. Something is definitely OFF! I wish this worked on him. Evolution is resulting in bugs becoming smarter.
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