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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. Best he find a sponsor for flak jackets for he will need to wear one.
  2. So he did not bribe PFF. Big deal.
  3. I would rather Bills develop a rookie as 3rd QB.
  4. He played well when given opportunity including an interception. Maybe with losses he will get a chance but Debbie Downers will never give him a chance. Kumerow was a good WR resource being best blocking WR we had. Like Robert Woods he got no credit from fans on his blocking.
  5. They did use some of the time but not as much as many would have liked. Part of it was injury to Josh's arm which made some throws difficult and painful which has been documented before.
  6. Some of us do not work in fast food restaurant part time.
  7. With amount of cutbacks in media they cannot afford a fact checker. I worked part time with Buffalo Courier Express and I remember a very loud argument between senior editor and reporter about how his two sources were not sufficient since both seem to be getting information from same source. That will never happen today.
  8. I am assuming he lives alone with a case of empty Genesee beer bottles as his true love. Personally I could never finish one.
  9. Except for a d0me. We know there are some posters who are still insisting that Beane was actually doing the draft even though he was the assistant GM for Panthers.
  10. Oliver is at least smarter than some posters who create stupid threads and just repeatedly double down rather than deleting thread,
  11. If by "very interesting" you mean more threads on issue I disagree. Irrational mobs are not interesting.
  12. The "opinions have changed" because some perpetually loud voices have gotten louder resulting some to not post as much or anymore. You see the same slanted questions wording differently. Reminds me of sales calls I get when they are not automated ones.
  13. Can I have the other 4 guesses to see if I am right? PM if you do not want to make it public.
  14. Ohio state law requires all employers to provide workers compensation benefits to their employees, either through self-insurance or the state fund so likely Bengals owners believe they can pay less than Ohio charges but this would affect other athletes as well. But if they have option to self-insure there is no need to change law for them to do it.
  15. Many times accused will find witnesses "who saw nothing". People have been murdered and with people in room and some people will have seen nothing. It all depends on your point of view and how much you were paying attention to that particular thing at that particular time.
  16. He could also want to face the Titans as motivation.
  17. Trade him to Texans. I think he would be more comfortable in Texas.
  18. If Diggs wants money out of restructure tell him "we do not follow you" and you will get notice from Bills about it from Bills PR in social meeting channels
  19. They did not have a hole when they traded Tyrod to Cleveland and was depending upon getting a QB in draft?
  20. Well he had 4 TDs in KC playoff game so he can catch it but like our TE he sometimes has trouble with easy catches and it may be he is looking for return yards after catch before catching it.
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