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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. UB did not have a lot of scholarships when I went to college and were in different leagues. I knew a player however who was on team red shirted first year while he took classes to raise his education level to college level (he got acceptable grade in SAT but his high school's standard was low). He then took 5 years of college courses taking only 12 hours per semester with some classes changed to "audit" or "incomplete" and kept his scholarship from a club (may have been Rotary) which paid books + tuition + housing. He was a graduate student / team manager 7th year and did some student teacher assistant work. This was enough for him to play sports and to not be sent back to home country on student visa. Occasionally he was academically ineligible until he raised his grades. He was on more than one sports team and sometimes on two in a year. I met him when he was in my summer ESL class. I was later paid to do tutoring for him but not sure where the money was coming from but it was not him. He graduated and went home to teach and be a sports coach. Disadvantage is you are still only eligible for same number years per sport.
  2. Usually by taking minimum load (12 hours) and then getting incompletes which do not count toward GPA but do count toward full load necessary to keep student loan lenders from hassling you to repay. A number of people did that in college when I went to UB.
  3. X-Files is going to be rebooted but main two stars are not going to be on it probably for money reasons. William B. Davis has been contact on reprising his character and one of episodes will explain why and how he is back (i.e. Phil Coulson on S.H.I.E.L.D.) It would not surprise me for FOX to use NFL football to boost ratings on showing episodes after games.
  4. Terry Pegula unfortunately seems to get advice on Jerry Jones which is interesting for he is against profit sharing which helps smaller teams.
  5. I am in Alexandria, VA. The most number of these birds I have seen is 4 and it looks more like a Common Grackle except yellow beak. We have also seen crows when my wife throws out bread in the morning.
  6. I have been having issues with unwanted feeders at my feeding stations. Beside the terrible issue with long tailed rats (that is what they are called in Chinese, in English they are squirrels) recently we have been having night feeders. My wife said she saw a rat recently and Zelda, our German Shepard, has been indicating spots where she smells something. Last night I wrapped my standing bird feeder with an old dog seat cover (useless since she sheds so much) and then a plastic garbage can to discourage night feeders. I have found if they cannot feed multiple nights in a row they look elsewhere to feed. This morning when I went out uncover feeder and Zelda indicated something under cover. I slowly unwrapped it not giving it opportunity to flee. I saw movement under cover and my dog tried to get it thru cover so I banged it under cover trying to stun it before opening rest of it. My dog then attacked the rat which appears to have got its foot caught in feeder and killed it after a fierce fight. Taking off cover I found a hole the rat chewed in it to get to feeder. Don't know if it is only one or if another has been feeding. This year we have been putting suet out during year. It started in winter and I got some new birds so I continued feeding in spring. The small woodpeckers have returned and we now have some "black" birds with a shiny blue tinge and yellow beaks I have not seen before. They can feed from suet cage when suet is full but have issue feeding when cake is reduced in size.
  7. They eliminated blackouts for home games even when they are poorly attended.
  8. No surprise, It is clear that Jerry Jones has a lot of influence in front office which is not a good thing. Bills front office is feeding the alligator which will one day bite feeder.
  9. We lost both of our previous dogs to cancer, First one Ivan had undergone cancer treatment and vet said she never saw a dog recover so well but it came back and we were not going to put him thru surgery again so was put to sleep. The second one King(ston) seemed fine. We found him lying against a wall and he looked at us telling us "I cannot get up". We rolled him onto a cloth and carried to vet Vet told us cancer came on quickly with a huge cancer cyst in her stomach and surgery was not an option. We held on to her as vet put her to sleep. My wife swore no more dogs. My daughter has a small purebred German Shepard Zelda which we got from pound to be a companion. She spends far too much time just lying around the house so I took to training her. I remembered stories about an octopus opening jars and started making puzzles with her treats putting them in rope toys so she needed to untangle it to get treat. When she mastered that I started putting treats under a milk crate which she needed to tip over to get treats. For bigger reward treats I put it under 2 milk crates sometimes under the top milk crate, She has learned all that and trying to find new task for her to do to get extra treat. She actually has learned to recognize letter sounds and understand when we spell out B O N E so recently we started calling it a B1 (B one) which she has not recognized yet. I have a picture of our first bird on refrigerator - a cockatiel named On-On which my first dog found on walk and refused to leave until my wife took care of it, My wife nursed it back to health and it would do anything for her. She even put it in wok once and On-On just let her making sound he normally made when he did not understand but trusted my wife completely. He lived for 20 years before a snake got into his outdoor cage, I have more pain from pets which have died than relatives and friends for with pets in each case I felt there was more I could have done for them. Pets are like children to most people and like children they are dependent upon you,
  10. If Bills games are still broadcast you will need to call a 900 number to get connection.
  11. For those who do not want to navigate thru Buffalo News payfence: https://www.wkbw.com/news/local-news/remembering-sophia-sophia-the-fierce-benintende https://www.facebook.com/groups/244486120668343/ https://www.amigone.com/obituaries/Sophia-B-Sophia-The-Fierce-Benintende?obId=27903024
  12. The new scheduling and broadcast partners have contributed to disparity. Somebody had to get screwed so all the new scheduling options. NFL Teams are now being screwed along with fans who attend games and fans trying to watch all games and needing to pay for various services they would not buy otherwise and raises in prices of services they already were buying.
  13. I hope it is a Cowpokes vs Redsucks type of game where owners Bitchastard constantly. Agree completely. There will be fans tired of this and lose viewers.
  14. Yes he did but that takes no NFL talent right?
  15. If they put a d0me in Buffalo they would have the same thing. Now they get only overpriced.
  16. Well if team says "We are going to bury the opponents in their endzone" it is a little scarier when they are backed up to the 1 yard line.
  17. That is also about the time the Bills switched from supporting Bills Backers Groups and fan groups from buying season tickets to selling them to ticket agencies and brokers to resell. Most of them are in zip codes which Bills fans who live in those zip codes cannot buy season tickets. I do not think it is a coincidence.
  18. The team is heavily marketing to visiting team fans so making money at gate is more important than home field advantage.
  19. I am surprised the way things are going they are not telling clients to do looking from home. I have had doctors offices tell me they are not seeing clients anymore and doing all appointments remotely and one office called and asked why I did not schedule my annual physical. My response was "I guess your office forgot to read the email telling you to create account for communication site to get message from me. Maybe next year you will," and I hung up.
  20. Interesting nugget: Bills Rookie camp QB Quinten Dormandy has history with Shane Ray. Quinten Dormandy was cut to allow Ravens to put Shane Ray. on camp roster.
  21. Some will criticize move for hit fits in their irrational rant against Beane.
  22. Yes. "Why sign him when with that money you can give me a raise?"
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