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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. A ranking on Facebook is as valid as a ranking on PFF. NOT!
  2. If he does not fall back with personal, anxiety or gambling issues.
  3. There are other possible results - teams can tie or a game can be forfeited like happened last year - but I think our playoff position will be mostly determined by week 14, Kansa City game. We also have extra days to prepare for Bengals and Chiefs.
  4. Since you are buying first home when you are older do not plan as many do on selling and upgrading. Don't buy more than you need and it may take a little time to determine what you need. Make sure you get a professional evaluation of any house you buy. We had one on a house which was bought from bank and there were a lot of things which did not satisfy code and needed to be fixed and could not be sold "as is". Been asked a lot on house buying. Paid off both my houses in less than half of mortgage period. Send me a PM if you have specific questions.
  5. Hood helmet to wear for players with concussions.
  6. I think he already knows where he is going but is staying out of training camp / preseason as long as possible.
  7. That is bullcrap. Coaches unlike players have fully guaranteed contracts. They get paid unless they do something determined by NFL to be a detriment to the NFL. Probably would require something like gambling on NFL games. Wade was instructed to fire his friend because he was incompetent and he refused and was fired but still won in arbitration (NFL coaches have their own union).
  8. My wife has decided to solve problem with ground feeders by putting bird feeder on ground without a pole and birds have adapted. The birds are no longer standing in seed trays knocking seed in piles on ground like they used to. I assume this means that we will be storing bird feeder in aluminum can we normally keep it and cleaning up seed each night.
  9. An exception is the Ravens playoff game which he came up with a completely new defense which frustrated Raven's MVP QB forcing him to stay in pocket and then make mistakes which cost him the game. This game plan has been duplicated by other teams which have the talent successfully.
  10. They are stopping all of the scripted programming except those which are poached from Canada or AMC. https://www.cabletv.com/news/the-cw-changes-strategy This happened after one of the writer's strikes when TV was filled with reality TV (Whenever the term reality is used it usually means the opposite on TV and on football boards). I used to watch CW but due to Verizon FIOS only allowing DVRs which they supply, you need to pay to use and are useless without their recording box I stopped watching CW due to them frequently interrupting and moving programs. I have a few series from them and I found out that a few years after they go off air priced drops 75% or more.
  11. Stories on Josh Allen made by draft gurus persisted for three years even after they were proved wrong.
  12. Nope. Talk radio is where they gather like the old up'Chuck Dickerson fans.
  13. Well there is probably a correlation between those who think they are in hot seat and those who say that the Super Bowl window is rapidly closing.
  14. My wife does not want bird feeders until rats are eliminated. We are dog watching so I went with my wife and daughter to help walk guest dog. Found a rat dead right outside the sidewalk smaller than one I killed in bird feeder which I needed to clean up. I think it was a Norwegian rat. I think it is a smaller one since older ones are dying from bait. When bait is stopped being taken (bait is often not eaten right away but stored in nest) then bird feeder will come out.
  15. How do you keep unwanted feeders out? I have issues with squirrels during day and rats at night. I covered up bird feeder one night and a rat chewed its way in and just continued eating until morning. Fortunately my dog and I noticed movement and I beat it with a stick and it tried to flee so dog kept inside and then it got its leg caught and together we killed it. Right now we only use suet feeders on a chain but still have issues with squirrel occasionally and the ground feeders who used to eat the leftovers like mourning doves cannot eat now. The rats we are poisoning in front yard; poison bait is still being eaten at a lower rate so they must have a big nest somewhere. I left peanuts in a cage to catch night feeder. Found a frightened cardinal in it. Chipmunks can be annoying. One went into our bird feeder and pushed a pile of seed out so it could crawl inside and use it as a feed hole. The pile of seeds were bigger than the chipmunk.
  16. They should have made a deal with Ford (not sure if her family still has influence although the owner Sheila Ford Hamp family is descendant of Ford fortune) to have a special 90th anniversary Ford Mustang car in the Honolulu blue with a Lions emblem on it. It would be great in advertising and help celebrate the anniversary.
  17. I am sure there are some other owners he could help. He should try other fanbases.
  18. We are talking about Tremaine Edmunds - part of the reason why they got extended is they made the wise decision to not extend him at figure Bears paid. You might try a visual keyboard.
  19. You must have the same source as that Albany writer who said Bills were moving to Austin.
  20. Media would speculate the earth is flat if it would get the hits. The fans? Too much drinking killed brain cells.
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