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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. I think this is mostly PR and teams would accept a player back suspended for gambling more than PEDs, drug use, domestic violence, etc. if there was a clause in contract forfeiting salary, bonuses, etc.
  2. Does not make a difference since most of the porn is overseas and VA laywers will get them in court or get courts in their country make them pay as long as they use a overseas credit card processes. The real risk is to them is low unless they have offices in Virginia.
  3. Opposite. He had cash to spare and stayed in while those who bought in with him bought out not making money. He is part of one of the few SPACs making money these days.
  4. I dealt with fans acting like elementary kids - they dumped red and yellow tempura paint all over my car and I was on a military installation. They cursed themselves and have not been back since. Then curse was doubled with $nyder who was first owner who required people to (directly) pay for tickets for practices.
  5. You never should brag about visiting Boston. Best say nothing about it.
  6. I wonder if a player can force himself off a team this way.
  7. I am terrible at this kind of thing but my wife is much better. Her elder brothers taught her. We did have an issue with heater once and I opened the controls and used vacuum cleaner to blow dust out of it and it worked again.
  8. It is not impacting just porn. You live in Virginia. Is that where you are seeing impact?
  9. Sure if you want to argue the negatives. I was on debate team and sometimes we were given unsupported positions we were to represent. We would concentrate on minor things discarding any facts which did not support it. I was offered a full scholarship to Gannon University but I had no interest in going there being a pre-Vet major. Corrected.
  10. I was mocked by a bunch of fans in a bar once when I worked on the road in last 2000s. They called me Billlls Lllloser. I pointed out that the fans were wearing gear from the Browns and Lions their team has never been to Superbowl and the other fans were wearing gear from teams which have been there but also never won. One pointed out their team lost less Superbowls than Bills and I pointed out it is because they won less conference championships than Bills. They went to prey on some hockey fan then. Best description I have heard.
  11. Likely there is going to be an issue hushed up for competitive purposes but the team's players know they are likely to lose a big game but odds are in favor of them winning. Players, especially players who are going to retire, will pass this on to family members to bet. If they get suspended does it matter?
  12. https://lis.virginia.gov/cgi-bin/legp604.exe?231+sum+SB1515 It provides no mechanism for checking age "leaving it to providers" so companies are very vulnerable to lawsuits with burden of proof much less in civil courts. https://www.vpm.org/news/2023-06-26/virginia-porn-law-age-verification Quote It reminds me of what happened in 50s with banning of comic books https://www.washingtonpost.com/made-by-history/2022/10/17/book-ban-comic-books-panic/ Some companies have said (and are already doing it) they would prevent access in Commonwealth of Virginia.
  13. I Contracts: https://www.spotrac.com/nfl/indianapolis-colts/isaiah-rodgers-47809/ https://www.spotrac.com/nfl/indianapolis-colts/rashod-berry-47990/ Images have some white space deleted.
  14. Some would never want to be a bat unless they get home AND THEN they would complain and say opposition was weak.
  15. So many current fans would be happier being virgins. If they never in Superbowl then they would not have 4 losses in it. They should be fans of another team who has never been there so each time they can say: This is our year to be in the Superbowl and win it on our first time. and then I told you so. Bills will not make playoffs. We need to dump owners, front office and coaches as well as most of players. Best term for these players: douches
  16. Agree. Very non-aggressive. They will have a bunch of sparrows and finches around and will defer to them. Been trying to figure out a feeder for them for peanuts which a squirrel cannot get to.
  17. Good location. Are you giving discounts to parking?
  18. Never saw it before. Only able to see part of it to family dinner scene but it seems like home if you home was PPP.
  19. https://www.si.com/nfl/patriots/news/new-england-patriots-hall-of-famer-willie-mcginest-fight-gym-lawsuit-update Patriots' Hall of Famer Willie McGinest: Another Fight, Another Lawsuit - NFL Tracker
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