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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. Bills fans were taking over stadiums before Bills Mafia existed. Bills fandom was organized before being labeled as "Bills Mafia" and then commercialized as part of Buffalo Bills advertisement. Many fans do not think of being part of Bills Mafia but those do are those who are filtered thru a strainer removing anything which does not fit which is why they are so easily targeted, I got a Bills Mafia flag in mail unrequested. Not sure what to do with it. Maybe I will use it with Halloween letting the dummy wearing the Washington Team Football jersey hold it; I found 28 years ago in house we bought.
  2. What does baseball players got to do with Bills and your lovechild Thad?
  3. Does this mean his estate will give the key to Buffalo back? He was elected to Greater (than NYC) Buffalo Sports Hall of Fame (2005),
  4. That hornet is a dung beatle and has no stinger.
  5. It is okay. We have a spare Allen. Sullivan admitted he wrote column before game; sometimes he missed a few corrections. Bucky copied Sullivan's draft and did not do corrections.
  6. Emmit's greatest talent was acting. He would act like he was injured on field to give himself or his team a break and broadcasters would talk like his game / season / career was over and he'd take a play off without a timeout and then be back in game.
  7. Interesting that "Red White and Blue from Thermal" is a Barry Sanders video.
  8. Of course we do! Prices will be too high for locals so Bills will need opposition fans to buy tickets! That appears to be their marketing strategy since they are selling tickets to out of town ticket brokers and travel agents when they used to sell to Bills Backers groups.
  9. Agree about the noise. Our dog and a dog we are watching while family is out of country both start barking and are hard to get under control when fireworks are set off and we are no where near any big firework celebrations but just kids attempting to emulate Jason Pierre-Paul and C.J. Wilson. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/nfl-jason-pierre-paul-c-j-wilson-lose-fingers-in-july-4-fireworks-accidents/ Many people are injured from fireworks but in some states they are easier to get than cigarettes.
  10. And you know this because you are the Fearless Leader, right?
  11. https://sports.yahoo.com/jaguars-cam-robinson-4-game-124523744.html?src=rss https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/37935128/source-jaguars-lt-cam-robinson-suspended-4-games-nfl Yes and you wonder whether he was given a shorter punishment so he could be in game in England since NFL is pushing NFL in Europe.
  12. With the prices being jacked up some will appreciate that since tickets were cheap too. As a boy less than 10 I was able to turn in bottles and attend a game at the Rockpile by myself Now it will take 2nd mortgages for tickets and since I do not have a 1st one I cannot get.
  13. I am convinced prices are a shell game with sellers selling to each other to raise the market price.
  14. Never saw it. I wonder how many actresses went topless post Oscar win.
  15. I am sure you can find whatever statistics for whatever you are looking for. In my honors math statistics class in college we were given assignment to set the conditions necessary to get results requested by professor using data provided. It reminds me of Rodney Dangerfield "Back to School" exercise using widgets.
  16. Try it with the mini red potatoes and sweet onions. I had a friend make me one and the sweet onions were soaked in garlic ahead of time in one of those peeled garlic bottles.
  17. Yea I worked on IRS Agent Investigation Platform and there were things flagged to signify to do manual check of business also getting books for flagged suppliers. They almost always ended up resulting in investigated company with double books with typical excuse "we changed bookkeeping method or accountant/accountant firm",
  18. Barry Sanders had far too many negative plays. If he was a Bill when board was around it would argued endlessly that he should not be signed again, traded, etc.
  19. Who is "they"? Same ones who bashed him being drafted so soon? Excuses for Manning: He had a weak team so he needed to take more chances.
  20. There were such battles in 90s. UpChuck DICKerrson had his followers and he was stirring the pot of dung. There were connected boards prior to internet - they started in colleges before the internet protocols were formalized as well as UUNET (formed locally in Northern Virginia) as well as newsgroups with battles such as Frank Reich should replace Jim Kelly and Bruce Smith being bashed because he did not get a flu shot. The difference is it is so much easier and so much more of it.
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