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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. Gruden has enough money to have a name change and some cosmetic surgery and some hair dye/wig and never need to deal with again, On other hand: Jon Gruden intends “to burn the [NFL’s] house down” https://www.nbcsports.com/nfl/profootballtalk/rumor-mill/news/with-his-lawsuit-against-the-nfl-jon-gruden-intends-to-burn-the-house-down
  2. I have also had the cupping treatment. One Korean doctor wanted pictures of me in book he was writing.
  3. I have had treatment twice. Once to help in correcting insomnia and the other was due to back and shoulder injuries. I find acupuncture to be like other treatments - it works for some and not others. People vary and sometimes treatments are not effective. Only treatment which I find to work 100% for me was a cluster headache set of medications which I took once and it never returned again.
  4. Floyd reminds me of another player who did not get much attention but exploded when he joined the Bills - Lorenzo Alexander. Hopefully his career is still ascending.
  5. Maybe if he gets into Hall of Fame he will unretire if he can get guaranteed zebra calls like one former QB did and be the one and only GOAT NFL player who played once inducted in NFL Hall of Fame.
  6. It is TIME for Steve Tasker to be put in the Hall of Fame! I was there for Thurman, Kelly and Ralph. I'll be there with my signed Jersey. Cindy Fox got it for me. https://members.tripod.com/~g_host/st_index.html
  7. New Hall of Fame Policy Permits Three Seniors for 2023 Class
  8. Tasker is one of the players who changed the game. He belongs in it.
  9. Yeah I was posting late and mixed up annual and hourly numbers. Ironically even after 35+ years of professional work my best hourly rate (not counting day I worked holiday and got triple time) was in college when I got $100/hour. A girl in open computer area destroyed her final project work and if she did not turn it in TODAY she would fail class. I told her I could fix it and she said it was impossible it was due in an hour. I said I can fix it, will you pay me $50 and she said sure. With her watching she saw me restore her damaged project using some code I wrote as I was working and reformated all the code correcting some typos. After I tested it I said "Are you going to pay me $50 and she dug the money out of her purse and paid me. I transferred the files to her account and I watched as she submitted project. She started to leave and I said "Take a minute and look in instructors folder to ensure files are there and she did and then said thanks and ran off to professor. It took me half an hour including the checking to ensure files got there since there had been problems in past.
  10. I wonder if he could practice as a Long Snapper. It would make him more versatile and give us a backup in case Reid Ferguson (who I have no complaints on performance) is injured or the Bills get to too tight on cap. Same height as Reid Ferguson but a bit stocker for more protection. I read on twitter he was working with his brother who is disabled and is part of Special Olympics.
  11. LOL I get job offers in LA offering "market rate" of $35-$40 hour without benefits. Not sure how they would expect me to find housing. Maybe they expect me to live in a hostel.
  12. Know someone who has "I invoke my 5th amendment rights" tattooed on his back of hands / fingers. He says he did it because police said he never invoked his rights.
  13. We have had no debt for 10 years and a few years away from retirement.
  14. If someone retires and has a settlement with Bills or someone is traded giving Bills cap more room I could see them doing it but I would want to make sure Jim Overdorf goes no where near contract for in fast he either was not able to or choose not to make free agents and players resigned to make concessions which would invalidate bonuses for failure to follow terms.
  15. Only way I'd sigh him is a performance / availability based contract since he has been getting dinged up recently. Some people imagine there is no cap.
  16. 13 is a lucky number. Most will not pick that number so your odds are higher of winning and likely less splits with others.
  17. How far is it from his offseason coach Josh Allen's house?
  18. She needs to marry a man with last name Kevorkian.
  19. I have tried that Squirrel Proof Tube Feeder and squirrel landed on top and reached down to get peanuts. I had another feeder which squirrel was able to open top which had screws you can remove by hand and squirrel figured how so my wife installed some screws only removeable by tool so squirrel chewed on bottom release cover so much that it could not be removed. I've been tempted to put poisoned food in feeder which squirrel can only get to but they are messy eater and other birds would eat leftover.
  20. This is something which I deal with every day at work. Too many rosy outlooks but deployment teams with each decision being to change technologies or export out part of our system to external vendor (i.e. AWS) and in each case we have issues which before would have been issued in hours take days. When issue comes up the answer is always "we did not expect that occur but it was a remote possibility" and "there was no time for testing in order to meet deadlines".
  21. Perhaps they will cut Morse so they can get Hopkins that so many seem to want. Bills will then offer to put Morse on PS so he can continue to get insurance and PT as needed if he does not find a position. Not my plan since I think Hopkins is more interested in paycheck (which is why he went to Arizona) and will not keep healthy enough to play to end of whatever contract he signs. Availability is very important. I agree about Bates if he has time in training camp and preseason to concentrate on center.
  22. I am sure she will find a private job, license or not.
  23. He also needs to bond with Dorsey like he did Coach Diabolical. Coach Daboll used to have an idea in middle of night and even in offseason he would call up Josh to hash out idea and Josh would do the same. After the number of times it was reported I am surprised the NFLPA did not file a complaint. I think part of the degrading of the offense is not just losing Coach Brian Daboll and Josh's elbow injury but losing secondary staff like Shea Tierney. Losing Davis Webb previously for he was the glue between parts of the team. Bills wanted him as QB coach but he wanted another chance of being a NFL QB. I do not think Dorsey has developed the contacts like Coach Daboll had.
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