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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. I think mixing politics into what may be a good cause will doom it. Not doom sales to those who it appeals to but to expand to those who do not wave their flag.
  2. NE- Can the Cheaters HC stir enough straw into the mud provided by Cheaters GM to make bricks or will Cheaters owner be forced to fire the GM and hire a GM that Cheaters HC will be willing to work with?
  3. Article is too anal with author mixing his political opinions with other items. Asking completely about opening books like Packers have to (and reason why no other team will be public) makes no sense despite them requesting public money (jurisdictions can always say no but usually they don't for this sometimes results in political type people including their appointees losing their jobs) but NFL could come up with a standard format and require teams to disclose it as well as a list of items which do not fit into list. You want to pay the moving costs of a free agent it gets listed, etc. NFL would need to employee a team of auditors (which would be a good idea with teams like Washington not dividing money properly to other teams) who are good at looking for two sets of books.
  4. When I had a DOD clearance I was advised to not use any social media for the investigators search them extensively and it can affect your clearance. They asked what social media I used and I said football boards, LinkedIn and some newsgroups. He did a check and said he saw nothing which should affect your clearance as long as I stay out of the political quagmires. I guess he did not notice PPP or did and saw I rarely post there. ironic that they tell you to avoid them but companies heavily advertise on them. Public Trust which I have now is far less scrutinizing. After I no longer had a clearance and not likely to find a job where company will pay for me to get one I joined some like social media sites like Facebook but most of the sites I do not post but have account so it does not keep asking me to create one or are limited to non-members.
  5. I looked for a laptop but unlike other sites which you can specify requirements (i,e, I consider Windows 11 to be equivalent to Windows 8 and not "upgrading" to it) so unless you have a specific model you want and are searching to see if available on Amazon Prime it is useless.
  6. Commanders sale: Serious legal issues related to Jon Gruden lawsuit 'threaten to complicate' deal, per report https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/commanders-sale-serious-legal-issues-related-to-jon-gruden-lawsuit-threaten-to-complicate-deal-per-report/ I wonder if $nyder could be looking for more money now that he has one group on hook maybe he wants to use it for bait to get more.
  7. Reverse the colors - make it red with white standing buffalo and use it in winter helping Bills QB.
  8. Yes. There was a lot of talk how on this never happened before but what never happened before was a game which was cancelled due to an injury. At the time the Kevin Everett injury was a big thing since they used a technique to help him which had not been used before and the research had been paid for by Bills owner Ralph Wilson. After this many teams used it just as teams are adding preparation for the Damar type injury now. Unfortunately many of the original articles are no longer available but the quote from Wikipedia matches the articles I have stored on my hard drive.
  9. The reds were not a gimmick. They helped a QB help see Bills WRs and Bills just continued using them for a period after that. Lots of articles on Bills potentially bringing back res helmets as throwbacks and there certainly are marketing reasons to do it - the most important reason for Bills these days.
  10. Most wrestlers do - had 3 state champion relatives and something about it makes you sweat even when not active.
  11. I know it was very popular with biliary stationed overseas and their families. I was supporting troops there with LOCE (Linked Operational Center Europe) and I got a number of pictures from soldiers there and one sent me a Frankfurt Galaxy jersey for help I did communicating to his family in the US. It was many more seasons than 2. Frankfurt Galaxy had 4 championships.
  12. For players who do not make roster I cannot see why not but I do not watch college football.
  13. Cocaine does not cause hallucinations. Is Bills front office likely to sign a Director of Cheating?
  14. Germans and US residents did but I guess they are nobodies.
  15. Maybe NFL should do some donations to colleges and make a deal.
  16. QB throwing ball to TE factors into list. Move Dawson Knox to somewhere else, say New England, and his rating goes down.
  17. #6: P Colton Schmidt and #18: QB Kyle Orton are easily passible by you. That the list choose to use #8: P Brian Moorman with ball in hand to throw shows how different Moorman was than most punters. A coffin kicker who could throw and run hurdling.
  18. Thanks for suggestion but I need a laptop I can use disconnected from net. Sometimes I do editing offline.
  19. I had my second time a week later than the first. My first was in Hong Kong for her family and all of the alcohol was provided by me. I was told it was custom in Asia to give gifts rather than tips so I brought lots of small bottles of alcohol; met my wife and never finished rest of trip so the alcohol went to the wedding and most of my in laws do not drink. Food was from restaurant and there was plenty of it - Hongkongese certainly can eat. Second one was in WNY (Blasdell and Orchard Park) for my family and fortunately I did not need to pay bar bill for my family definitely drinks. My mother worked in a very popular restaurant in Orchard Park so got discount on rental and food; two of her friends are bakers and the two men made the wedding cake. Transportation was biggest cost for I had a plane ticket to Hong Kong, 2 RT ferry tickets to Macao for Honeymoon, plane ticket for each of us to Buffalo and then 2 tickets to Northern Virginia. The pre-wedding events were minimal mostly photo opportunities.
  20. My farts are older than you.
  21. We went to Amazon Fresh Tuesday (yesterday) and Wednesday (today) but I have bought nothing online. Been a busy day so may not buy anything online but I am looking at laptop for vacation trip. Most of the stuff I see promoted is Amazon gear which I do not use. I find Amazon good if you know what you are looking for but bad if you are trying to narrow down choices. Hard to specify specific requirements.
  22. of course an "in context" ad for a romantic getaway. Reminds me of Amazon which when I searched internally for info on Amazon credit card would give me results for gift cards.
  23. The rumor I heard here via legal channels is the leak came from $nyder's office by a staff member unhappy with toxic culture of sexual harassment and lacking of punishment by NFL who helped cover it up. This got rid of $nyder and gave NFL a black eye. Where is the clapping emoji reaction?
  24. I have a Mongolian lady heavily recommended but she is away on vacation. Unfortunately usually these treatments cannot be paid using flex money so I am looking at supplementing it with chiropractor who uses electrostimulation as well. The money was intended for dental work but my dentist retired and know none I trust.
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