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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. So get their choices of rooms.
  2. Micro$oft thought same thing. Internet Explorer was initially supposed to be called Internet Exploder to compete against Netscape. Marketing including logo was completely designed and campaign was ongoing. When it was tested testers pointed out then when it crashed it they said "It Exploded". They changed name to "Internet Explorer" and missed in trademark check that name was already trademarked in use. They tried to sue owner saying it was a infringement on their copyright repeatedly appealing to try to exhaust his money but some came forward to support him. Eventually court ruled M$ could no longer appeal and pay copyright owner damages and court costs. M$ finally did it and then paid for license of name as well. This is a case where the plaintiff may get support from for his argument while he is continuing to pursue his claims.
  3. There certainly an argument for that but it makes no sense. The Don Quijote knight-errant ignores all facts which do not fit his campaign.
  4. Okay you banned them in your house; how many visitors come wearing them? Color of helmet had nothing to do with kick wide right. Not getting closer to goal posts was cause on a grass field where Norwood had trouble kicking on. Every year Scott Norwood shows up our annual tailgate and every year he gracefully answers questions on that kick.
  5. Leonard Smith and Nate Odoms showed up at annual tailgate and the golf tournament day before. Both were very nice social guys.
  6. Too bad there is not a way to test if posters have rabies before talking.
  7. Cutting is part of contract and players know it. Players holding out after getting signing bonus which is divided per contract year is not.
  8. Considering she graduated after 4 years in college in 2014 meaning she graduated high school in 2010 I am pretty sure she is. Don't let her height fool you - my wife is also 5' nothing tall and handles people a lot bigger than her. Someone from Special Olympics would be more appropriate for that post.
  9. @Mike in Horseheads hates sexy female voices - he wants Roseanne Barr.
  10. NFL professional facilities and being on a better team may make a difference in getting a contact post this 2 year contract. I guess it depends on what the bonuses he can earn on Titans contract.
  11. I think he should have signed with Bills for they have best training staff and facilities and he will need them a lot to be able to get to next contract.
  12. I like that helmet for practices and scrimmages only when players are supposed to not be as aggressive but sometimes get buffalo chippy.
  13. Does the contract have a no trade clause? Titans can trade him for past considerations (a playoff game they should not have one except for forward lateral).
  14. Rules seem to be relaxed in the dull days of summer before training camp.
  15. Anyone else expecting a shootout with him refusing to be arrested and being sent back to jail? it appears with his escape, kidnapping of elderly couple, etc. he will be sent to jail for life and he will attempt to escape again and likely will costing taxpayers even more money.
  16. As someone who has had both shoulder surgery (tore both shoveling snow) and acupuncture understand the differences each technique help. Acupuncture does not correct damaged muscles, ligaments, joints or bones but can help the body heal when blood is not flowing right and reduce chronic pain by stimulate the release of endorphins. Sometimes it is best to have a practitioner who can do both massage and acupuncture for if something is not properly aligned which often happens after an injury or used a lot as in sports acupuncture will help reduce the pain but not help resolve problem. Electrostimulation (called Electroacupuncture when used with acupuncture) helps as microcurrent electrical neuromuscular stimulation. Each practitioner is different and it takes several sessions to become effective. I had a practitioner doing it for insomnia and first time her treatment was effective and second time it was not.
  17. These days Gronk would probably be on Practice Squad. https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/37949317/nfl-cups-coffee-one-nfl-game-including-real-baby-gronk ESPN spoke to seven members of the Cup of Coffee Club to discuss their remarkable, if fleeting, NFL experiences: Glenn Gronkowski | Matt Kinzer | Chad Kelly Kerwin Bell | Cephus Weatherspoon Jordan Bernstine | Ted Karras Jr.
  18. Not interested in installing iTunes to listen to this. I dislike companies trying to make decisions for you. I have enough issues with medical insurance company telling me I need to use a medical device because it is on their list even though it caused problems for me in past. Skipping monitoring for a year rather than following their instructions and will change insurance next year.
  19. Good taste? Plenty of movie chains are willing to rent theaters now if you want to pay to show something movie chain is not interested in carrying. This is what movie chains do - they choose movies they believe will make a profit for them.
  20. I know it was an old article but it explained why teams may not take charters. Latest I could find. Did the Cardinals lose plane they purchased? If not there are two that fly from private planes.
  21. Some do and some do not; Cheaters and Cardinals had own plane(s). Some charters have been cancelled Old article: https://onemileatatime.com/nfl-charter-flights/?utm_sourcemedium=Twitter There is a site which keeps track of it but it is down for maintenance. https://jettip.net/ Cool Concept: Special Nike Boeing 787 For Athletes https://onemileatatime.com/nike-boeing-787-athletes/ Some more articles from my search bot: Fascinating: Miami Dolphins’ Atlas Air Boeing 747 Charters Cool: Arizona Cardinals Acquire Former Delta Boeing 777 A Look At The New England Patriots’ Boeing 767
  22. First they cut out the editors to save money since software has spell and grammar checks which writers ignore. Next they cut out the printing presses and layout staff to central production to make the news old when delivered. Next they eliminate delivery telling readers to get it on internet like you do doctor's visit. Next they fire the writers using automation to write the articles. Result will be articles like the Bleacher Report everywhere.
  23. Milk the private, for-profit medical school for all you can. Maybe you can open branch work in other campus in Parker, Colorado; only 10 hours away.
  24. He needs to get put pressure on owner to fire the GM.
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