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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. It took time for Ernie Adams each year to get tape legally and illegally to create set of cheats tailored for each referee crew. A team being beaten 72-0 with Bills defense getting 5 TDs off interceptions and fumbles would be historic and hysterical.
  2. Cheats won many of those games by cheating which means JEST would need someone equivalent to counter the cheating and do their own. All the Cheats wins should has asterisks after them. At least baseball threw the cheaters out.
  3. JEST could not challenge Cheats without the equivalent of an Ernie Adams.
  4. https://thesportsdrop.com/cl/the-nfls-strongest-players-ever?utm_source=outbrain&utm_campaign=JL_NFLStrong_Desk104_OB&utm_medium=outbrain&utm_term=CNN&dicbo=v4-LgPi5Cm-1131172265 Von Miller gets a mention. Search on page unfortunately did not work for me and did not investigate why.
  5. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/smash-mouth-singer-steve-harwell-known-hit-song-star-dies-56-rcna103254 I know it was a Monkees song but they made this song more famous.
  6. You won't. You will get access to 5 shopping channels, 2 infomercial channels and 1 political action channel for no extra charge instead.
  7. Yes he will for those on a crusade to have him replaced in front office.
  8. And can Kaiir Elam figure way to duplicate it since that is his biggest issue in game other than playing on a Zone defense.
  9. My first game was at the Rockpile. I walked from Blasdell there with one person recognizing me and giving me ride part of way on his way to work. I paid for game using money I got from collecting cans and bottles and turning them in for deposit. Actually got ticket from one of the guys at game who talked to a friend and had extra. I got my ass beaten for not being home in time for dinner but my mother never found out I went to a game. No way could a kid do that these days
  10. When Guerrero went to far was also period when Beli-CHEAT also wanted to trade Br*dy but Krafty refused. The Sith disciple surpassed the master.
  11. Frankly it is not just in NFL. I worked 80 hours straight once starting on Monday and ending on Thursday because my boss did not think an item was important for acceptance test overseas and it was first thing they tested. When US was doing the Haiti deployment I worked 18 hour days for 2 weeks straight because I was labelled essential by Army General in charge. My sympathy is for the interns who are getting paid next to nothing in NFL and hoping their hard work will earn them a low level position.
  12. Ball has been fumbled. Link on Kansas City has been fumbled. OOPS... Unfortunately, we are unable to locate the page you requested. Please check the web address you entered and try again. Read more at: https://www.kansascity.com/sports/partners/article272193588.html#storylink=cpy
  13. People who claim Dorsey does not have a clue don't have a clue except which end of beer can to open.
  14. Please have health inspector called and have it condemned, demolished and put up some big box replacement.
  15. Or creator has doubled chromosomes. Down syndrome, a major human chromosome disorder, has a duplication imbalance of chromosome #21 and is frequently caused by the presence of extra copy of entire human chromosome 21 in victims.
  16. Cover1 is overload with Fan Duel ads and appears they are making content longer to insert more ads and more room for people to pay for the piece on the air. I pay for You Tube plus subscription so I do not need to see ads but these are just ads now with some talking like the ads with music to keep people listening.
  17. Jim Kelley from Buffalo news died in 2010 from cancer. He lived in South Buffalo near my relatives.
  18. Best solution to Rodgers is knock him out of game with legitimate hit. Bills need to bring Arthur Moats in for a tackling ex-Packer QB lesson.
  19. It is likely she had been asking for other things between whenever they broke up and request for blood and he might have got tired of it and replied no by habit. Battles in media are rarely full disclosure.
  20. But she has lots of holes dug in case gold is in there.
  21. Where did relationship in Green Bay breakdown between Rodgers and coaching staff? It happened when they got rid of Alex Van Pelt (the QB who beat Dan Marino's record at Pittsburg) without talking to him because they wanted a QB coach who could develop an upcoming QB and they felt Rodgers did not need QB coach. Alex Van Pelt has been known as one of the sharpest offense preparers and he broke down the defense for Rodgers so Rodgers had more time to concentrate what was important to him. Joe Brady is a sharp man who graduated from William & Mary and is hopefully doing same role for Josh.
  22. Media members trying to generate material to get paid.
  23. Mods got tired of moderating and left Simon holding the bag. You forgot word "head" in subject.
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