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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. The difference is being 2nd last in a race and so last they shut down the timer and left.
  2. Depends on how it happens. Nyheim Hines WAS the biggest chance for a big blowout for a TD return flips odds a lot. Special teams will be weaker for Bills. If Aaron Rodgers throws a lot of interceptions the story will be he has not had time to get in sync with receivers. if Bills defense overwhelms JEST offense again story will be offense has not had time to get in established with new QB and weapons. If Bills offense overwhelms JEST defense this will be hardest to explain away since like Coach McD JEST coach is a renown DC.
  3. Put a lot of unrelated words in posts so they are picked up be search engines like webpage designers do. Fish Fry. Jink the Jests (no longer PC to say Shoot down the Jets). Colts are Nags. Lemur Jackson - Most Volatile Performer, P*triots are Putrid
  4. I was in North Myrtle beach out for dinner with my wife. We met an older couple where man was wearing a Bills hat. He asked us if we were from Buffalo (my wife was wearing her Be in Buffalo T-Shirt from Invest Buffalo Niagara and I said I was but have been away 35 years and live in Alexandria, VA. He then asked about my shirt which is JOTT 24 - I said it was from Jimmy's Old Town Tavern in Herndon, VA where my Bills Backers group meets. He said they were from Northern Virginia too and went out to eat at Jimmy's earlier in the month. Enter to win the 2023 Hometown Touchdown here! We got our swag box from them this week. They are now giving out more stuff than the Bills do who used to send us box of stuff each year. Last year I got a Bills Mafia flag and this year nothing.
  5. Dan Marino got into commercials while he was injured with a broken leg and could not practice or play games. Tom Br*dy got into commercials while he was suspended for cheating and could not practice or play games. Sometimes not playing is very good for players' careeers.
  6. No need with Bills contracts. Bills still have Jim Overdorf (Senior Advisor to GM/Football Operations).
  7. Facebook has a group for Bills Backers presidents which has been useful to me in finding places for people to go to. Except Facebook cannot find my account : No Search Results Your search did not return any results. Please try again with other information. Help is of course is useless and sends you in a circle.
  8. When I was a teenager I got a job painting a large barn garage and one day when in there getting supplied I heard some chippering, mewing and crying so searched barn. I found 5 baby raccoons too young to be out of nest on various beams of the barn. I never found the mother and figure she was killed getting food. I called animal control and they came to where I worked and took the raccoon pups away.
  9. The bird feeder we are currently using can hold about a gallon of seeds It has trays on bottom as well as multiple level of standing poles. The sparrows and chickadees were standing in the trays digging in my bird feeder for sunflower seeds dumping other seeds on ground. Some of the ground feeders would eat some but a lot was wasted. We moved it to the ground raised on some flat stones so the ground feeders can access it. It has now become very popular with morning doves and we had 11 the other day as well as a couple of them next door trying to go thru wire fence. My wife has recycled some of the COVID plexiglass screens which used to be at work to prevent mud from sliding into our driveway from next door and sometimes the birds get caught between the plexiglass and the wire fence. Now the problem is the morning doves are emptying out the sunflower seeds so they can get to cracked corn and other food they like.
  10. Buffalo News also used to have a sign for each opponent in with Sunday paper too. I used to keep a bunch before I moved.
  11. Some fans are like media members who want be first to post or criticize and ignore it when they are wrong. One media member told me that they need to be like a CB and not be affected by botched plays.
  12. He and Br*dy can double date with stars on "80 for Br*dy".
  13. if @R. Rich is that rich he can afford to buy game tickets for all TSW members. He needs a little sun though for he is a bit pale.
  14. https://www.fox5dc.com/news/watch-otter-steals-koi-fish-hotel-ponds I had a koi named "Jaws" big enough by itself to fill almost entire length of a large 40 gallon fish tank. I think it would have given the otter a fight.
  15. Problem he has huge brass balls which anyone who cheats that much must have but rod that goes with them is crooked. Beli-CHEAT should do commercial for XIAFLEX medication.
  16. Saxum


    The MVP award should just go to player who gets most in endorsements since money is what NFL is about.
  17. He talks in his sleep about cheating he has done and deal with Roger Goodell. Dumper is so full of crap it has piled on road.
  18. "Just give it to them" And there will be some defending officials taking shots at Bills. Take to the bank when we were on gold standard.
  19. Bills USED to have best in the business - Rusty Jones - until he was promoted up because head coach wanted to bring in his buddy and Rusty left to Bears on Ruben Brown's recommendation. Bills have shown they are willing to pay the best on staff other than PR and Marketing; Beane and Coach McD claim they are always looking to improve if necessary or motivate if that is what is needed. Look at list of people employed by Bills - as long as some big budget movies! https://www.buffalobills.com/team/front-office-roster/
  20. Nothing honorable to PFF player grades.
  21. Former Dallas Cowboy Nate Jones explains his path into NFL officiating https://www.nfl.com/videos/former-dallas-cowboy-nate-jones-explains-his-path-into-nfl-officiating-432935
  22. https://thehellgoingon.blog/top-5-garbage-statistics-in-the-nfl/ 5. QB wins and QB Super Bowl wins This is one of those statistics that needs a major sample size to be meaningful, and even then it’s dubious. Are Tom Brady’s 7 Super Bowl rings indicative of his career greatness? Absolutely. At some point, you just can’t ignore it. But would he be any less great if Adam Vinatieri had missed the game-winning field goals in Brady’s first 2 wins, or if the Eagles got the onside kick and went down and scored in Brady’s 3rd win? Brady was watching powerless from the sidelines when those things happened, and they could’ve easily gone differently. (And do not forget the games won due to cheating and 'just give it to them'.) 4. Tackles Second on both the solo and combined all-time lists is London Fletcher, who was impressive for 16 years, but not good enough for the Hall of Fame (yet). In fact, only 5 of the top 20 in all-time combined tackles is in the Hall (could reach 7 with Bobby Wagner and Lavonte David still active). 3. Turnover Ratio Turnovers are game-changing plays that, more often than not, come down to luck. In fact, a Harvard study on NFL turnover margin found that turnovers as a whole are roughly 55% luck (tipped pass, fumble bounce, etc.) and 45% talent (cautious QB, strip sack, etc.). Any stat you that can be drastically altered by unlucky bounces shouldn’t be relied on to suggest a team is somehow better or worse at creating and preventing turnovers. 2. 4th quarter comebacks I can’t even fully get into how much I can’t stand how this stat is recorded. You can literally take the lead halfway through the 4th quarter and flub the rest of the game, but if your defense holds the other team’s offense, you notch a 4th Quarter Comeback. Or you can lead a game-winning drive and leave 13 seconds left on the clock and watch your defense let the other team drive down and get a field goal. In 13 seconds. 1. Practice interceptions (and touchdowns) What we’ve reached is what I call a Clickbait Loop. Some hypothetical reporter somewhere counted how many interceptions a QB threw during practice and wrote a throwaway article about it, knowing it was meaningless. That article got picked up by fans desperately hoping said QB will fail in the upcoming season, so they blew it up like it was a super big deal. The reporter knows it’s a garbage statistic and the fans know it’s a garbage statistic, but they can’t stop feeding each other. Eventually, fans start thinking it actually is a big deal because all these other people are talking about it, and any blogger like me sees a keyword term like practice interceptions as an uncommon topic where we can rank higher. Sheer volume of content eventually convinces everyone that something is important.
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