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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. https://www.rd.com/article/damar-hamlin-thank-you-buffalo/ Buffalo does have beaches on Lake Erie - Hamburg and Angola among others. I was teaching ESL at UB during the summer and one of my students from Africa said she loved going to the beach during summer. I told her that Hamburg had one and requires a permit for parking but nothing prevents you from taking a bus there. She said in her French accented voice "Bus system too difficult for me" so I told her I could take her next weekend. We took multiple buses and walked down to the beach. After going into the water she said "too cold!" and she lied on the beach. I told her to put on some sunscreen but she said "Africa sun hotter". After a couple hours reading she fell asleep. I woke her later telling her we needed to catch the bus back. She put on her hooded cloak and stood up and yelled "My feet hurt!" and fell back onto the blanket. While her skin was very, very dark her feet weren't and they were sunburned badly. I packed up the gear and told her I'd carry her to the bus stop. I carried her on my back while I carried our gear in my arms. We heard a few comments on the buses about us being a "cute couple" but I ignored them. Once we got to the campus I was able to get security to help her to her room.
  2. I had a coworker flip out like this stating that my boss was trained by agency (which agency varied) was going to kill me when I went to work to renew my badge. He also said another coworker was training by Red China / North Korea. This sound this is going to be resolved by police catching guy and sent to asylum for examination.
  3. NFL teams watch it and sign players from both leagues. It is a good way for players to get experience like they used to NFL Europe which a number of good players came from.
  4. Maybe fine should be paid to official rather than NFLPA charity.
  5. They will change their mind after they decide that Josh Allen was not the wrong Josh.
  6. It is their way of admitting they do not know much about football.
  7. Even if all games are supposed to available it will do no good how since the NFL has divided the pie into so many pieces some of which you need to pay separately for and for those being sent over airwaves if you are in area with a NFC and AFC team those will be shown first.
  8. Right now he is classified as missing but his brother said to not approach him but report his location to police.
  9. Former NFL player Sergio Brown is missing after his mother’s death was ruled a homicide https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/17/us/sergio-brown-missing-mother-dead/index.html Updated 5:19 PM EDT, Mon September 18, 2023
  10. French are the ones known for foot fighting "savate".
  11. Von Miller also thought injury was minor and he was put on IR for year and is not even back yet.
  12. I am thinking he saw the Ryan Fitzpatrick photos / video and thought he would top it and was hoping for seats in redzone. No personal contact with TKO as I have other former players; just a TKO hat I bought from his charity many years ago. Maybe the Bills could do a re-invite.
  13. https://www.twobillsdrive.com/community/topic/249457-which-tbd-member-was-this/?do=getNewComment
  14. He traded his ticket for drug - that is how expense tickets are now that he could get that much more stuff.
  15. Are you a psychologist and can you recommend a safe place which provides jackets with long sleeves?
  16. So that is what happened to @ieatcrayonz He changed his eating habit and his laywer will be suing Crayola about possible psychedelics effects of crayon ingredients.
  17. Why do you not put them away after your job? [ Garbage In - Garbage Out ]
  18. There are views available from each seat and each player before invited should be given a TKO test - "Are these seats good enough for you?" and if the answer is no then they can see if they have seats which satisfy player or tell player "maybe next time". These things are usually handled by Player Engagement. These things need to discussed ahead of time and if changes are needed discussed again and agreed to. I had a job offer once and a couple days before I was to start recruiter said they changed location and salary (lower) and my response was "That is not the job I agreed to." and his response "That is offer now." On the Monday on first day of job (I was home for I took three weeks off burning vacation time I'd lose) I got call from recruiter and he said "Client called and asked why you did not go to work. You start today." I responded I did not agree to contract and he said he has it signed by me. I told him the job stated different salary and location. He said "What I am to tell client." My reply was "Tell the truth - you screwed up. When I visited company I met people I knew in administration and if lie and blame it on me I will sue you for slander."
  19. Some common fans don't even have cable or fiber. IMO yes it is a win. In fact locally FIOS put ESPN and NFL Network on separate sports tiers to try to get sport fans to pay for both. I switched sport tiers when Bills were going to be on NFL Network repeatedly and since football is only sport I pay attention anymore to it makes more sense because during offseason they have some good replayed games on it.
  20. The dump-offs help free up the good long throws. Josh does not need to go to woodshed each week; it is negative reinforcement after a good game. Jeremy is the one who needs to go to woodshed but won't because it appears he attracts listeners like himself and those are the type that buy items and services advertised on his show. They should learn lesson of Buffalo News who canned Sulking Sully because a big advertiser quit (my brother's father-in-law) because he did not want to advertise anyone whose opinion columns (there certainly were not sports journalism) were idiotic.
  21. Yet another exercise I have not heard of. I heard someone referring to kegels exercise and I assumed it had something to do with emptying a keg.
  22. NFL will not even admit they took into consideration.
  23. Disagree. Dan Marino was a good thrower (almost as good as Alex Van Pelt in college) but there were large parts of the game he was terrible at so not a complete QB. If fakes were terrible (used to watch from a bar Grevey's and there were calls every time he tried) and this resulted in his running backs getting demolished. Dan Marino would be a great QB if offense line was perfect and he could just wait for opening without pressure.
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