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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. I hope some mad NFL player does not experiment with Godell's face with his fists. It would ruin a player's career for someone not worth it.
  2. Amazon AWS claims in commercials it can make schedules that took NFL months to make. They never claimed good schedules. Amazon should take as much blame as Roger Goodell. It is not the travel which is the issue. It is trying to make players perform when their bodies are normally asleep.
  3. Because business "partners" do not want to contribute? Because NFLPA would rather depend players deliberately injury other players sometimes post play? They would rather NFL spend more money on NFL player guaranteed salaries.
  4. More likely a preseason game. Get Barry Gibbs to do an opening music set and stands will be full at kickoff.
  5. I'd like all of the extra games played out of NFL Teams markets. Each team gets 8 home games, 8 away games and 1 "neutral site" game This would certainly increase fans to NFL. Last neutral site game week 18 would be held in US or Canada location to make travel easier.
  6. Yes Northern Cuba is enough. Why not just hold pro bowl there?
  7. Buffalo Bills @BuffaloBills There is no guarantee they will get playing time.
  8. We did it as kids using wiffle balls before there was a pickle ball. Some of my relatives were good volleyball players and could keep it going for a long time.
  9. He got paid enough that his college costs are paid which is most important thing.
  10. I think Elam ceiling is better but Benford's floor is much higher than Elam's current level. Elam needs to get beyond his physical talent. So have a few broadcasters. He gets respect in the league.
  11. Sounds like $nyder $pecial tickets have not stopped.
  12. Good couple. He married college sweetheart and been married since.
  13. I got several emails to my Bills Backers account for travel agencies saying they had blocks of tickets for game in London. Clearly some see this as a "Bills Mafia" travel game although I do not consider myself a "Bills Mafia" member. Still have not used the "Bills Mafia" flag I was sent by Bills rather than usual box with schedules, magnets, stickers and Bills yearbook I got for more than 15 years.
  14. That is WHAT HE SAID and no one from Bills felt need to counteract him.
  15. It is bad to tweet about travel but it is okay to talk about it on show.
  16. That was before he was told he would need to take a paycut for Bills to sign him.
  17. FYI: The Stadium Wall Buffalo Bills Community. Discussing the Buffalo Bills and the NFL 24 hours a day since 1998! Report button is available.
  18. I am assuming you are talking about mathematical construct of a Klein bottle not the stuff they sell which is not truly one. Always loved Möbius strips and imaginary constructs. By age of 6 I read two sets of encyclopedias including Encyclopedia Britannica plus one set of map encyclopedias and was reading Isaac Asimov at 5. I had real problem in elementary school where teachers could not believe I completed work already. Was moved to special school because teachers could not deal with it. On first day teacher said I was misdiagnosed and specialist gave me am IQ test and I tested as 164. Tester said that I was reading at 6 levels above level and they were setting up me in special program to correct issues in elementary school. Children should never be berated for not being at same level as other children. They recognized same issue with my sister and she skipped a grade from 1st to 3rd so she did not need to get schooling below her level.
  19. My first submission for publication was when I was 6 years old over 50 years old. I was reading Scientific American and each issue had one (or more) unsolved problem. I got a letter back from them "Mr. Host thank you for your submission. We unfortunate publish only first solution. Dr. xYx and Dr. xYx (do not remember names) submitted solution first. Thank you for your submission and it was actually shorter and more concise than submission published." They did not even recognize they were sending a letter to a 6 year old kid! I have a paper DISA uses for last 20 years as their standard document for testing and installing guardians (guardians are firewalls used as gateways between connected systems of different security level). I have a patent on OCR licensed by 13 companies which is basis of scanning documents and converting to text. Apparatus and method of fusing the outputs of multiple intelligent character recognition (ICR) systems to reduce error rate (using fuzzy logic) I was brought in as system administrator to process hard written documents for government agency to determine best algorithm producing lowest error rate, While doing this I noticed patterns on failures and I was able to find a way to combine algorithms to radically reduce error rate on tests determining correct letter which neither of original test algorithms could. My issue is not recognition of deeds but the in-between times where I do a lot of drudgery work.
  20. There actually have been a number of doctors and other people with elite traits who decided to go to NFL first but did not major in basket weaving in college.
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