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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. You could read the lips of Raven's player while being ejected "f*ck yo*:.
  2. Clearly your mind reading ability is on the blink.
  3. To make more money Madden will have a one of a kind blow up doll.
  4. I do not get it. Humor like Keystone Cops is so out of date. Simpler to change avatar to a dunce cap. There are many, many such trolls. Something to do with quality of other boards with graphic signatures, popup ads and overuse of icons in titles.
  5. Fatal is extreme overreaction. Bills will need to alter defense plan to give better run support. Too bad NFLPA has imposed rules so much that teaching better practice techniques with practices is almost impossible during season.
  6. Ignore social media; equivalent to sharing needles for drugs.
  7. I think starting line is Floyd-Phillips-Oliver-Rousseau with Miller as depth. Lawson is depth too and a experienced player.
  8. My brother was a Seabee who signed a 5 year contract to be guaranteed to be assigned as one. Unfortunately he was signed late for current class but he was sent to it anyways. Despite being several weeks late he was top of his class. He was sent all over the world including Lebanon when there was trouble there and every time he could be promoted he was to the day. They were pushing up ranks as fast as they could. At end of enlistment period he was offered any detail he wanted, anywhere he wanted to go in the world including White House honor guard. He told them he just wanted to go home. He continued in construction including designing and building his two houses (both houses were sold to people who saw them and fell in love with them) and currently is contract manager for a large firm in Buffalo area. Me? I applied to Air Force and Coast Guard and rejected since I had a seizure as a kid. I have been on plenty of ships however doing installs on systems; one of the ships left early and I turned down offer to be lowered onto ship via a net on a helicopter.
  9. Bump. Evidently math is not your strong subject. 2 x $300 = $600.
  10. Movies had competition from TV which used a different system which resulted in movie system revised. https://www.filmratings.com/History#:~:text=The current rating system emerged,new parent-focused rating system.
  11. Say congratulations to Coach Diabolical on a great plan.
  12. Well some say it is a good idea to tank.
  13. Which is why I suggest playing with 5 defense men - 2 DEs, 2 DTs and a NT. It has been done before.
  14. The only way Milano can be replaced by Miller is if the scheme changes. Bills could try changing scheme to 5-2-4 scheme.
  15. A lot of it seems because he got tired of people mispronounced his name and corrected it. I felt he got tarred and feathered with Rex - Rex did bring in some good people (not his brother) and all were dumped when Rex was.
  16. It is the NY Post. Surprised they did not call the new management committee a threesome.
  17. Learning to tackle is not a task for regular season games unless Bills are comfortably ahead in 4th quarter. I would not trade Milano for Von Miller.
  18. More likely promoted to front office.
  19. He is a crappy coach because Ernie Adams is no longer directory of cheats, spying and intelligence. He used to get film on each zebra and tailor notes on what each zebra would call flags on.
  20. Yea. I was working at my desk and started noticing but I figured he was just going out for lunch but when I started seeing pattern I started writing it down and the blotter on desk since it was only thing consistently on my desk. Recognizing patterns is something I was very good at since high school math. Got a patent in ICR/ORC because I notice things others do not. I supposed subconsciously I was looking for something to be wrong with VP. When I play online games some people have commented I play like an accountant.
  21. First company I worked at had that rule but it only applied if you were in same group/organization. One of the VPs came down hard on people in cafeteria stopping to get coffee, whatever when not at lunch time saying it was violating rules on timecards. Multiple people pointed out they were entitled to 2 15 minute breaks but he stated it was an appearance thing. He also said people could not record time until they were at their desk - he had a private entrance with separate parking area and we needed to walk from parking lot thru gates with metal detectors which often failed resulting it taking up to 20 minutes to your office. My office was on top floor on same side of building as his office and I started noticing he would leave at 11:00 each morning and a secretary would leave a bit latter. He and the secretary would return in their cars at about 1 PM each day. After noticing pattern I noticed he came in after me and left before me. It was emphasized in multiple memos that we report any charge discrepancies; it was signed by VP but person to report was someone else so I did. I was called down to office and I provided my notes from blotter on desk for last two weeks. It was determined VP was charging for hours he was not working and so was secretary; she was also breaking security using front door. He was fired for payroll fraud and illegal charges (he was paying using corporate card for love nest which was labored as VIP Visitor). She was fired for security violations.
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