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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. The story about taking the $20 and threatening seems overboard and exaggerated. Could be woman who said it was nervous about him. My mother worked in restaurant in village of Orchard Park (same one my wedding reception was in) and he was being social with some people and when person put up money to pay from check he took it and then paid bill with credit card with very nice tip. Police can stop people on public property if there is cause. If they were just harassing him on stadium property he should have just asked for help from fellow players or Bills staff with clear head - have someone ride with him and another car follow him. If they stop him for no reasons he has witnesses and once he is out of Orchard Park. Even offer a member of press to go with him.
  2. I was assistant in high school football after I no longer could play due to a false diagnosis by doctor. During games I was in charge of equipment which made me very popular with cheerleaders on rainy days since I was in charge of the rain cloaks players took off. A number of them asked to borrow them when players on field.
  3. I am so shocked that NFL has not hired you.
  4. Clearly you no not like Coach McD from nickname and it slants your view. It was not completely luck for Waller has his hands on Johnson a lot to get into position.
  5. AJE may not have been as good as player if Miller was not with Bills. He had been working with DL.
  6. McKenzie was an excellent special player but poor regular player. Each game plan had to be tailored for his skill set. He made plays hard for defenses to account for. One of the most important roles he played was when he emulated mobile QBs like Jackson - defenses got true preparation. McKenzie's ego however was larger than his ability to work on his weaknesses. One thing about him he never cost teams as much in cap than some of the players brought to Bills on potential.
  7. The issue is defense linemen come in waves but few offense lines have adequate substitutions. The best teams have are decent swing tackles who cannot perform well enough when pressed to play full time or players like Bates who are good substitutes but not excel in any one position. I was hoping Kramer would improve offense line stock.
  8. Exactly but hopefully if Hines had been not hurt during offseason Harty would have done a different role/
  9. Contracts with player not getting traded always have the "unless player and agent are willing".
  10. Multiple citations of this and I remember it in the trade magazines at the time. Here is one. https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2023/oct/15/suzanne-somers-actor-threes-company-american-graffiti
  11. There is no guarantee that if last play of first half was played different the second half would play the same way. Being down at half time might have resulted in changes of play calls in second half or players reacting differently. If you truly were a codemonkey you would understand that.
  12. Reportedly she claimed false injuries after they refused to give her raise she wanted and at one point they had her film her scenes separately. Sounds like one of the players under contract demanding new one and when management refuses come up with phantom injuries.
  13. I see you avoided the question. This was like a division game where opponent knows you so well because you play so often.
  14. Sure when game is wrapped up. First game he played when game was not wrapped up.
  15. No one is on the GOAT cheater's level.
  16. Hines was traded for midseason; it takes time to get in sync with Josh (never other way around). Absolutely. Bele-CHEAT always tries to take away the best weapon. Dorsey needs to plan for this and adjust plan including more hitting of DBs on line like in Mijami game.
  17. Diggs ego definitely needs to kept in check - he was trying to get crowd ramped up after bad call by Zebras but Bills were still on offense. There was enough noise from opposition fans in this game.
  18. 8:32 PM I turned on TV. Wife is #1 in house not Bills.
  19. Each loss someone posts asking what you did which caused the loss (the loss in London was due to the King Josh sign put up by peon of Goodell). What did you do to help Bills win this game against Bills former OC? I was late to watching game since I needed to complete another task. Cheering D-FENCE when offense was on field which was very clear on TV is not one of them.
  20. Clearly it is not enough. He needs someone to question everything.
  21. I am curious. What is your "best" loss you can remember?
  22. When he is let go I think he will do commercials. I am thinking Mr. Clean and commercials for that new head shaver.
  23. https://www.nfl.com/network/schedule/ Monday, OCT 16 03:30 AM EDT 03:00 PM EDT New York Giants at Buffalo Bills Once again I had Verizon FIOS issues (service does not live up to ad) and missed part of game so I'll watch while I am getting prepared for work.
  24. Now you know why I did not bring Dorsey with me.
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