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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. There is difference between being on a gutter team and one which had been to playoffs previous year. I think Goodell will save the owners and get rule passed that no active player can be a partial owner of team and no draft pick can be promised partial ownership of team post career.
  2. Well Simms has not been invited to be a GM so in this case he is in like company but see poll (and polls often lie) on football experience. Speaking of polls I got contacted by Washington Team Football if changes made would it make me buy season tickets and if not what could they do to encourage me? I said no not enough and the change I would want them to make would be to bring back Snyder to Management group. I do not think I will be getting any more calls. Evidently person got number from Director of Group Sales who contacted me about buying tickets for Bills / WTF game. I need to start preparing for Halloween. When I bought my foreclosed house almost 30 years ago I found a Washington Jersey used as a rag. I cleaned it up intended to donate it to charity but never got around to it. One Halloween I decided to hang a scarecrow dummy from a tree near driveway entrance and used jersey on it.
  3. Interestingly he got his Pro Bowl award on year he made the most fumbles.
  4. https://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/M/MurrLa00.htm
  5. Did they ask permission from Farve? Turf is not only thing which needs to be replaced.
  6. This was discussed during St Louis Rams period. If your home stadium is a turf field and it is converted to grass you are less likely to make incentives is argument of agents and then teams should adjust contract so players can get bonuses. Same argument was made by them when players had to wear pads which could slow players down.
  7. Some NFL agents will complain that grass fields are slower and the players they represent will get smaller incentive bonuses.
  8. Really? You doubt Troy Vincent to hit a rookie QB with a red shirt on?
  9. Doesn't seem to be a priority for NFLPA. If it was a priority NFLPA would be offering to contribute to it but this is the same NFLPA which objected to additional safety equipment for players. Part of the problem is it is very difficult to maintain grass fields in the north which not coincidentally is where most of the Superbowl games are not played. Teams which hold Superbowls get additional revenue. If there is going to be concentrated effort to get all of the teams without grass fields the NFL and NFLPA are both are going to have to contribute.
  10. Simplest way to handle subscriptions to Buffalo News is use a credit card that you do not use very often and when you wish to change contact credit card company telling them that you need to cancel because it is possible that number was written down and they will cancel and send you a new one. Credit card companies prefer this to taking chance of them paying out for disputed charge. I used to refer to USA Today given free at hotel as McPapers - junk food without much taste.
  11. Do a google search - search for "Jim Kubiak" for last week. It is NOT a paywall - it is a pay fence and there are ways around it. Or send me PM with your email address and I will send you PDF of Buffalo News webpage.
  12. He also had Ernie Adams who retired when GOAT Cheater left with was responsible for spying, diagnosing rule boundaries and other cheats.
  13. No. He should be kept just to annoy those who have been calling for him to be fired, some for years. I am SURE there are things he could have done to prevent injuries like putting all of the important players on IR ahead of time but that would not have necessarily helped record. Time for some to take off CHINAGATE second hand jersey and show their other team.
  14. A coworker of mine played for the Jets as practice squad / 53 man roster player. He visited this board for a while when I worked for Verizon.
  15. Sure Aaron Rodgers might have the mobility of a Drew Bledsoe or Dan Marino but he could still play.
  16. I am still waiting for Josh's fast ball to the balls to a player who has been taking cheap shots.
  17. It was decommissioned 21 January 1994 - were you responsible?
  18. Many of the students from that area come from wealthy families but the families do not want to spend any more than they need to on college. I heard a number of them tell me that as soon as they got a degree they have a job lined up in family business. Never needed to work to help pay for college as long as they went to a state university. Knew one who had a safe in his room and he paid for everything except school tuition with cash.
  19. Ghost of @Buffalo Barbarian
  20. Yes - despite their complaints of lack of things to do locally these students choose to go to State University (get in state tuition) as far from home as possible. I went to UB and first year I was in a four person room. Two of roommates were from NYC and Lon G'island and they went to all of the Giants and Jets games. There used to be a bus from the Quadrangle. One person I knew as a Bills fan took the bus and never repeated it. Never asked how they got a bus but there were no buses going to other Bills games.
  21. How many Giants fans were there? On TV I heard D-FENCE multiple times when out offense was on field.
  22. No Tyrod did not ALWAYS refuse to take chances EasternOgggBillsFan - when he first came to Bills he took chances and after a bad game Rex clamped down on him and then he became the no chances QB fans started to hate.
  23. The story about taking the $20 and threatening seems overboard and exaggerated. Could be woman who said it was nervous about him. My mother worked in restaurant in village of Orchard Park (same one my wedding reception was in) and he was being social with some people and when person put up money to pay from check he took it and then paid bill with credit card with very nice tip. Police can stop people on public property if there is cause. If they were just harassing him on stadium property he should have just asked for help from fellow players or Bills staff with clear head - have someone ride with him and another car follow him. If they stop him for no reasons he has witnesses and once he is out of Orchard Park. Even offer a member of press to go with him.
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