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Everything posted by Saxum

  1. Josh wanted Dorsey to be the OC. Maybe he should have had longer talk with him about his game planning before endorsement. I think Josh's shoulder is injured a lot more than Bills are letting on and that is partly Josh's fault for joining brawl.
  2. I noticed in past people would respond to ludicrous polls and then change response later so I figured I'd record those who are following lemming over the cliff.
  3. I knew you believed that almost as as soon as you started posting.
  4. Gabe would be useful for those teams in two roles only - blocking WR which Bills use instead of "touchdown jesus" and bunch plays where Gabe could enable another player to get freed when teams decide to "lets be physical" to WRs like Bills did against last Mijami game.
  5. I wonder if any trolls will be in it? Maybe one dunked in ice water.
  6. But the cheats with help from zebras in a crooked facility has a much higher ceiling.
  7. This board will make its own food thru photosynthesis or chemosynthesis. Interesting. I have thought some posters were bacteria like.
  8. My "real" feelings on it I will be disgusted. If we win there will be a lot of comments it did not matter because Cheats are poorly staff/tanking. If we lose with flagrant "give it to them" calls by blind stripped horses there will comments that Beane/Coach McD/Allen/Pegulas should be gotten rid of and replace them with Beli-CHEAT and his clones because it gives poster a better chance to be his ball boy and their mouth is wet in anticipation.
  9. or as official as those who post "Official" threads.
  10. It is okay for you to admit you want to be his love slave.
  11. Stay out of Québec / France and you will never bounce cheques .
  12. Speaking of thigh master.... Just happened to be today's page.
  13. 3-0 Cheats. You are asking how many cheats they will get away with right?
  14. There is always these discussions on which was better. Ginger or Mary Ann, Bailey or Jennifer, Joyce or Chrssy. I always was on Bruinette side; I guess that is partly why I married an Asian. I am also allergic to peroxide and I discovered later sillicones.
  15. When I was growing up the ice coolers were raided at family functions by those too young but sneaky enough to grab one either when adult distracted or by someone refilling ice cooler with more ice. Genesee beer and Old Germany were a few of the beers in it. Every beer I tried I disliked and later when offered a beer I always turned it down. It was not until I was in college and doing beer runs to Canada did I discover that all beer did not taste like Niagara County water.
  16. Jump. Jump! JUMP! JUMP! JUMP!!!!!!! JUMP!!!!!!! Hopefully jumping off bridges without bungee cords will next thing. And not worrying about games at other than 1 PM. Some people are neurotic and can only be happy by being unhappy. Unfortunately they act like religious missionaries trying to convert others.
  17. New England got away with it. Is it a coincidence that source in Albany was making up nonsense about Bills moving to Austin, Texass?
  18. He has been talking to @DrDawkinstein ?
  19. When I played I was used in blocking drills by coach and I was good at knocking people down. Big feet and wide shoulders I guess. Before I was pulled for medical leave before a game some linemen would want me to do it with this for they would make sure they were ready to absorb hit.
  20. Can he do the role of Beasley? I think with someone doing that role well I think Gabe can handle WR role. I noticed that Gabe is often on field when Diggs is off and he seems to be doing Kumerow's role blocking.
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