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Posts posted by Saxum

  1. If you want to know one, exclusively human behavior, I think it's lying. I'm not saying there isn't any other animal that engages in that behavior---but I can't think of one at the moment.



    Humans like to think of themselves as a faithful species, but when it comes to true fidelity, many other animals offer better examples of how to keep a relationship together. Although monogamy and lifelong pair bonds are generally rare in the animal kingdom, there are some animals that pull it off.


  2. That is not how it works - bodies are machines, just organic ones - and with enough data you could see that a ligament or some other softer part was weakening before it got to point where complete rest was needed. Teams are already doing this with metrics and player 'ow it hurts' but this would provide more data. Perhaps the player would take days off, more therapy, etc. Teams would treat it like every other diagnostic tool - they may choose to have player not play, less reps, maybe not play when game is not in jeopardy, etc. They do this not with veteran rest days and rotations but this would provide more empirical data for their decisions pkus be invaluable for helping players recover from injuries.

  3. There is something the NFL can do but it would be expensive. Whole body MRIs can be extremely detailed and a team could do them on players on a regular basis and then have experts write software to monitor changes comparing changes over time and doing projections. This is an issue which is perfect for a BIG data problem. Now it will not catch all but it would show ligaments weakening with minor damage before they became strains, tears and breaks. Combine this with metrics which teams are already doing and ASSUMING the players would be willing to go along with it (NFLPA would complain about additional testing, privacy, players not getting paid, etc); players do not always want to do what is right. This would be cutting edge research and the NFL and NFLPA would need to fund it although they could get some sponsorships from companies like IBM and Oracle if they used their equipment. Researchers would need to be engaged w/NFL - they could not do what they usually do which is buy off the shelf and control it except for maintenance.

  4. @AdamSchefter: Police: Bills' IK Enemkpali hit a man he thought was woman in 2011:... http://t.co/IRSJWfjIOm


    Edit: here's the sans Facebook link



    Curious why there is no article titled: Police: Jets' IK Enemkpali involved in 2011 catfishing-type incident:


    Looks like ESPN editors' heads are full of fluff.


    And I agree with IK, it looks like a setup with the accuser even demanding money from ESPN for story.


    I wasn't a Ritchie fan before the whole incident (which I believe he did things to be punished for, but they threw all the blame on him) in Miami, but I've always heard he was a 'likeable' guy and never heard anything bad from fans so I don't know if it's him working hard to shed the bully label or if he's just a 'likeable' guy unless you're Jonathan Martin.

    Well I am sure the woman whom he was accused of sexually harassing and molesting (with a golf club) at a 2012 team charity event will have a different opinion BUT if you decide to settle for money rather than perusing charges it is MY opinion your accusations have less weight.

  6. WHAT IF, EJ is the guy all along and Rex has asked the media to be in cahoots with him and put out propaganda pieces to make it seem like EJ stinks? W

    The Buffalo media would leak it to Colts for a pat on the head. The best way to treat the local media is to treat them like opposition press; if I was Pegula I'd sit them with opposing team press and post on big screen every game the checks to NFL.

  7. @salmaiorana

    Ex-Bills CB Marlon Kerner trying to get Bills’ alumni more involved with organization. Here’s my story. http://on.rocne.ws/1Eg4zhb




    There has been some speculation that while the players of the championship teams - the Bills of the 1960s and those of the Super Bowl Era - are proud to be involved with the organization and do so readily, there is a bit of a disconnect with the players who were part of the many losing eras through Bills history, particularly the last 15 years of non-playoff teams.


    Yes there IS some disconnect with the players for many of them were poorly treated by fans. The losing was not the fault of the players but the coaching staff and front office, specifically the development staff, where players came in and then schemes were changed and players needed to change direction quickly. Some would gain weight one year, told to lose weight, lose weight and axis shifted and told to gain weight again. Some were run out of town by media or fans with pitchforks being called overrated even though they continued to perform well. Some also went elsewhere because they were not given extension or if given it was below market and fans/media called them greedy or disloyal.


    I'd like to see some of the coaching & training staff who left also be included in this; bring Rusty Jones back and let him lead the charge.

  8. One difference between this year and others is that there's no anticipation of picking up players cut by other teams. The Bills could go with the 53 listed here, plus or minus here or there, and have a very good squad overall, with some really strong positions. It's possible that a player cut elsewhere could catch on here, but it seems unlikely.

    Well unless it is one of the Jests Rex had a hand in drafting ...

  9. If indeed he is cut, I would entertain the idea of bringing him back, but it would need to be in a backup capacity and at a modest salary.


    I am not sure a modest salary is right but an incentive based one would work IF the OL coaches thought he would function as well as he did in the blocking scheme the Bills employed before. All OL do not fit in all schemes.


    New York

    In New York, if a person “being masked or in any manner disguised by unusual or unnatural attire or facial alteration, loiters, remains or congregates in a public place with other persons so masked or disguised” then that person is an illegal loiterer, unless you’re at a masquerade ball.


    What about hockey masks and football helmets? What about Tailgaters in the outrageous costumes?

    Maybe this does not qualify for "disguised by unusual or unnatural attire".

  11. Got ticketmaster tickets and spent a large amount to go to event including airfare, hotel, etc. Went to stadium day before and they confirmed tickets were valid. On day of event they told me tickets were invalid and all the extra seats were sold out - don't bother with scalpers hanging around outside since majority of them were selling fake tickets. I contacted ticketmaster and was told it was my issue not theirs since they sold me valid tickets. I told them I was going to dispute with credit card company and they told me agreement I "signed" disallowed it. What they meant was fine print referred to a document and that to another document and that document was not available when I got ticket. I still disputed ticket w/credit card company and company said that agreement was not valid based on THEIR agreement w/credit card company and I owed nothing. ticketmaster still tried to get me to pay again and another service charge which I declined and I was told I was put on 'red list' (no sale); I told them ticketmaster was on my list as well.


    ticketmaster is a company to avoid if possible but if you use make sure you use strong credit card company.

  12. I am not sure who is going to make the team, and wouldn't be surprised if Hogan does make it, but wouldn't be thrilled by it either. Really not sure where he fits into this type of offense, other than rotational 3rd wide out with Harvin on 3rd and mediums possibly.

    Hogan fits because he is the best blocking WR the Bills have; if you look at offense last year many of the WR plays were made with Hogan blocking for WRs and unlike some of the TEs/WRs he was scoring as well. His down line awareness needs to be better and it hopefully he will be able to break single tackles better but that hopefully will come with better WR coaching/

    Right. If you watched Rex today he did say you can't make the club if you're in the tub. Then said Harvin did. You can't really be serious that Hogan is better than Harvin.

    He is better on some things and behind in others. There is not a single skill needed by WRs. It is like a RB who is a great runner but can not follow a block or pick up on blitzes. You want him on team but you need to use in right situations or more precisely not use in wrong ones.

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