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Everything posted by entropyrules

  1. I like the under Bills 46 Hawks 0
  2. did anyone notice that Carolina has three rookies on that list-not sure that means anything but interesting as to whether it may have had an impact on their 2nd year QB
  3. TN has a league rule that its only forward if its 5 yds ahead
  4. just finished a Teams call with my son (a Bills fan) in Durham and we think we know what the issue/problem is with Tyler Bass. Its his darn name!!! Think about it - the most famous Tyler currently is Tyler Perry (really?) and going back in history probably one of the worst presidents was John Tyler who not only knocked off his running mate Harrison after several weeks in office but then went on to be loathed by all of congress. just a snippet from Wikipedia: Almost all of Tyler's cabinet resigned shortly into his term and the Whigs expelled him from the party and dubbed him "His Accidency". Tyler was the first president to have his veto of legislation overridden by Congress. So rather then get him a shrink I think he needs a name change.
  5. No probabilities this time......will still be a tight game Bills 20 Titans 16
  6. This game will be determined by which QB is sharper. Methuselah Rogers is a bit hobbled so am betting on Allen to shake off what's ever bothering him. 95% Bills 35 Jests 19 4.9999% Jests 28 Bills 27 after Rogers is given an injection of a wonder drug or better yet he has grade A+ pot and does a doobie at half time 0.0001% Jimmy Hoffa's ghost arises from the Meadowlands, inhabits Erin Andrews body and she's able to lead a wildcat strike of cameramen and vendors closing down the stadium.
  7. what a jaded fan base - love it as most of these cynical comments are quite funny and are making my day - maybe I need to find another hobby besides removing the warning tags from mattresses
  8. well that should shut up us negative nancies. I am definitely one of the worst
  9. Back to traditional Bills football where the punting is the only good thing
  10. Is it too early to be thinking about the draft on a positive note it wasn't Diggs
  11. they just don't have the horses on D.....no Frank Clarks
  12. Too banged up and the oilers at home,,,,no miracle comeback. Oilers 35 Bills 27
  13. Being a very old jaundiced Bills' fans this will probably be the game where the Bills look very mortal..wish it wasn't true Ravens 28 Bills 24 59.85% probability Bills 28 Ravens 24 40.10% probability 0.05% probability The radioactive waste dumped in the harbor from periodic nuke sub discharges has finally affected the fauna-huge interruption of game with the first victim POE
  14. For whatever reason the jags seem to either have the Bills' number or play them tough. Expect more of the same. Most likely (90%) outcome Bills win in a close one 24-22 Less likely (10%) but still possible - Jags 25 Bills 24 with last second field goal by Jags to win it I normally try to find a third alternative but am busy trimming my special plants and the contact high has caused a loss of cerebral capacity
  15. my wonderful spousal unit (ver. 2.0) decided during the game it was a good time to rewire a lamp she made. Of course what could go wrong - the next thing I know the house is plunged into almost total darkness. After several flips of the circuit breakers power was restored about 15 minutes later. then it took forever to get the internet booted up again. Missed an entire quarter-she's too cute and snarky (and usually handy around the house) to jettison.
  16. spoken like a true Bills fan...i actually agree
  17. as stated previously week one is simply not a good measure of any of these teams. With home field advantage I give the Dolphins the edge. 55% probability Fish 31 Bills 30 Bass misses game winning field goal from 48 yds out with 10 seconds to play..Bass joins Scott Norwood and goes into witness protection 44.9999% probability Bills 35 Fish 24 0.00001% probability Hurricane wipes out most of southern Florida and game delayed till later in the season
  18. any chance when you update the sheet next week you could add the team they play for..I know I could look it up so feel free to scold me for laziness
  19. Really infinitesimal probability that the Cards win this one but then again it is the Bills. Bills 27 Cards 19 99.99999% chance Cards 28 Bills 27 with a Hail Mary winner by Murray 0.00001% chance
  20. The schedule is a bear, not a fan of McDermott in critical games, and unless Von Miller regains form not liking the Bills D line and putting pressure on the opposing QB. Still Allen is an incredible talent so he will pull out at least two wins where all looks lost-9 Wins - could see 10 but going with the under. Hope I am way wrong.!
  21. Not so sure about Moss...he seemed pretty capable when he played for the Colts. Is it possible the Bills didn't utilize him correctly or they (the Bills) missed because his style of play didn't fit how the Bills run the O?
  22. just want a great game down to the wire, no serious injuries and please just this once some good commercials
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