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Everything posted by entropyrules

  1. well at this point not many picking the bills to lose
  2. agree totally - just need to play the year out and make a decision first about the GM and then go from there
  3. will be traveling to the left coast and have tickets for that game..seemed like a good idea at the time ot with a zero zero tie
  4. Well I predicted a 6-10 season with that first loss at Balt...but I also picked the Bills to beat the Jets in their first meeting so I am sticking with my original prognostication Carpenter nails a 50+ with no time on the clock for a Bills 18-17 win over the Jets
  5. I don't know about 4-12 (still think 6-10 is how this season ends) but unless Fitz self destructs it could be an embarrassing game on national TV
  6. reading the fan comments makes me glad to root for a team with the Pegulas as owners..maybe they never get it right in terms of GM and coach but they could never be as idiotic as Haslam and York
  7. well 4/20 can be considered 42 which is the answer to everything (re: Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy)
  8. I voted yes even though at the time I didn't like the move given the QB and OL were not great for the Bills. Always felt you get the trenches and the QB done first and then add the other parts. In looking at the choices (hind site being twenty-twenty) it doesn't look like saving those picks (the first and the 4th) would have resulted in completing/fixing the QB and OL situation for the Bills. At least Watkins is here for three more years and will provide some great moments in a lot of Bill's games. However if they don't find Taylor is the one at QB and the right side of the OL continues to be problematic then Mr. Watkins will walk unless he's offered a King's Ransom (which of course will put the Bills further in the hole cap wise).
  9. normally I would agree but I think the majority of the fans are so used to how mediocre this team typically is that they'll simply go "meh" 2018 can't come soon enough - new coach, new GM ( I like Whaley but don't see him surviving the inevitable purge)...there is one tiny glimmer of hope - if the coaching staff that showed up for that last game against the Jets does so for all of 2016 then just maybe things will turn around - just not optimistic that is going to happen
  10. The top ten reasons they won't make the playoffs this coming year The schedule is too brutal The QB is still an iffy proposition although there is some hope The right side of the OL is a mess Rex Ryan All the players needed to play Ryan's scheme won't be on board this year The Bills play in the same division as the Pats We aren't beating the Jets twice this coming year The Cigarette Man (ok a hint for some- think X files) Billy Buffalo is still around God hates us darn right he's an RPI grad !
  11. boy its universal everyone hates Brady
  12. darn..introducing all those MVPs the Bills produced 25-28
  13. sitting here in moose country and just loathe the patriots, the sycophant television sports reporters, their fans and even their pets and grnadmothers. Just lose Pats go Broncos
  14. 1. Billy Buffalo is discovered to actually be a Patriot spy and worse he has some sort mind control ray that ensures either once a game a bad coaching decision or player fumble occurs 2. The new coach hired in 2018 has the Bills on the cusp of the Playoffs after Billy Buffalo is outed and fired 3. Billy Buffalo and all his family are shipped to Guantanamo by President Trump
  15. My kids went to Upper St Clair (~16 kids with perfect board scores when my oldest graduated)...its certainly in the top 1% of high schools in the country. Got to see Whaley play for the championship all state team there. He's no dummy but I lost a bit of admiration for him when he allowed the Rob Ryan hire. Really, really hoping he knows what he is doing going forward.
  16. hey maybe this is the bottom of the barrel we need to get to in order to start to rise from the ashes (love the mixed metaphors) seriously 2018 and a new coaching staff is looking good right now
  17. that was pretty good..anyone know what part of Buffalo he grew up in?
  18. I voted no, yes, no no - bad and unecessary hie - this guy can't coach D as evidenced by NO and Dallas stints yes - my opinion of Ryan has gone from an over-rated coach to not only over-rated but one more concerned with padding his relatives and friends incomes then improving this team yes - I was thinking 7-9 next year but 4-12 is now a distinct possibility I wish there was a hibernation chamber so I could take the next several years off and awake when the new coaching staff and GM (I was a Whaley supporter until he let this happen) are hired in 2018
  19. a little off topic but that story regarding cow contamination etc. is basically BS..my field is in the nuclear arena but I sometimes get involved in the hydro-fracturing area because of the radiological contaminants so I end up looking at a few contamination and risk assessment problems/scenarios. Having said that there are legitimate reasons to oppose hydro-fracturing (its pretty dangerous work for the field guys, there is a potential to contaminate the Ground Water (although very low), it disrupts the community due to truck traffic and land use problems, etc.). My caution is when you read some of these news blurbs try not to take them as total gospel as there is a slant/agenda in mind and the info is typically out of context to the real situation. as a side note WNY is always interesting radiologically due to the shale deposits and the level of radon generated - so if you are scared of all things radiation and radioactivity that should take your mind off how disappointing the Bills have been this year
  20. I agree either you have faith in your GM or you replace...the GM should be in charge-the idea of some sort of triumvirate with Ryan, Whaley and a "Czar" will just lead to chaos
  21. well he's an RPI grad - where all the great engineers come from..hmm am i giving away my alma mater
  22. jahnyc, well put....the holes will be greater than ever...doubtful they can fill all the holes in one off-season ......not sure if fans would agree with the approach of simply writing off next year (the schedule is horrifically difficult), dumping salary and limiting spending huge on re-signs but if the Bills are looking at another 2-3 year re-build under Ryan going 5-11 or 6-10 next year may be the way to go....heck we may even be at 6-10 this year
  23. It starts at the top....lately they have been doing a decent job of drafting but not great I would say that the inability to hire a real coach and obtain a QB that is even slightly better than average has been their major problem - you lose all those close games when you can't coach (clock management and half time adjustments) and you don't have a QB who can drive the field (even for FG range) in the last two minutes of the half/game....with either one of those the Bills would be sitting at 8-5 instead of 6-7 right now.
  24. pretty depressing on how the team went from few needs to an almost 50% roster upgrade
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