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Everything posted by entropyrules

  1. Cousins has career day Misspent Youth Danes - 42 Bills - 13
  2. This prediction is what happens when your parents raise you with poor quality toilet paper
  3. maybe we can apply for Federal disaster assistance
  4. i wish he could play QB or an OL position
  5. they were too busy beating up Santa Claus to be bothered by the gane
  6. nail biter Bills in upset 17-16..last second field goal
  7. someone please explain the rationale for going for 2
  8. of course there is a good possibility Kelly was "hammered" the night before he took the test just like all those nights before a superbowl
  9. actually it was Miss Cleo but I get the point.. the best part is when Ashcroft indicted her he so dryly stated "She Never Saw it Coming" full disclosure - i am married to a Cleo and I swear she belongs to a coven of witches-she and her sisters are uncanny when they know good or bad news are headed our way I'll try to entice her tonite to project the full Bill's draft
  10. should have included AJ's gal in this press conference
  11. to suffer in this life leads to Nirvana in some future life...I'm trying to get there quicker by also by rooting for the Sabres
  12. Let there be no mistake - we will have a QB of the future one way or the other.
  13. I think they should make it clear to the Giants that we will trade 12 and 22 for their 2 and if they don't comply we will send them Billy Buffalo thus condeming them to years of non-playoff hell
  14. If you love irony package Hughes and whatever picks work to the Colts for their pick at 3
  15. that was some subversive snark..thumbs up!
  16. Schrodinger cat - whether its dead or alive we'll never really know
  17. well he did have a little luck on his side with all his troops carrying bio weapons (smallpox) for which the natives had no immunity...maybe the Bills can introduce some Influenza A into the draft room).
  18. up until the eagles players starting coming down with the flu I thought Philidelphia would make it interesting but if you have two players with flu confirmations there are probably another dozen with varying symptoms...this one will be over by half-time...hope I am wrong
  19. I live in mid-coast Maine and the Pat's fans here are equally as loathsome as those in Boston. I always ask them if they saw the Pats during the 1990s and except for maybe two out of several hundred I get a blank look back; of course they get the meaning of the question but don't have an answer. I recently posted a bunch of referee jerseys on my Facebook page announcing the 2018 Pat's jerseys were now on sale. Drove the New Englanders crazy (that were friends - i think I have had more unfriending due to the Pats than to my politics (fiscally conservative libtard/snowflake/add whatever Ad hominen descriptor you have at hand when out of rationale arguments).
  20. I voted no...they have a great coach (coaches) and a superb QB...however there is definitely a "confirmation bias" that occurs with the refs in Pats games...kind of taints their victories as they would probably win almost as many games without those questionable calls at critical times and the lack of holding calls on their O line..but its not a conscious effort.
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