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Everything posted by entropyrules

  1. when those flags appeared in the last two minutes of the game after each stop Buff made I wonder how many of us said "Aw Sh***t" the refs are going to steal this game from us? Other than the taunting call and a missed PI that should have been called against the jets I thought the refs did a good job of not being the center piece of the game. I hated the safety call but then again what was anyone thinking running the play they did - it looked to me like it was designed for Gore to take one cut step which of course resulted in that stop behind the line of scrimmage.
  2. no I blame the bastard who is running the computer simulation of all of the lives of Bills' fans
  3. looks like we we back to the famed "franchise QB" search..going to waste the defense this year which is a real shame
  4. Allen is disintegrating..too much pressure on him to move the ball..hopefully this penalty will give him breathing space
  5. ok onto next week...oh no its back to the Meadowlands....ok whos up the 3rd week?
  6. just forfeit the rest of the game and save us the fans the embarrassment..god this game is classic Billsy
  7. I wonder if the next dictionary edition will include as part of the the definition on "self destruction' "being Billsy"
  8. A decade..they deserve a millennium of losing
  9. You are aiming too low..only a 25 footer?
  10. was just listening to Bowie, and of course "spiders"...never thought about the coincidence..of course it was probably the influence of my home grown

  11. I can't believe the Jags fans didn't come as tarps
  12. oh they cut to commercial break on the Jets..that could make things interesting if they don't get back quickly
  13. Murray killing it with that Great Gatsby pink suit
  14. Yolo,


    any chance when you update that pre-draft visit list you could list in parenthesis after the player the round or rounds they are likely to be taken in?


    not a criticism just trying to get a feel where the Bills may head during any given round of the draft.


    love your posts

  15. I agree with those suggesting trading this years later picks for better picks, round wise, in 2020 but has any consensus been reached on whether the 2020 class has better depth than the 2019 quality wise? Yes I know its early and no one knows which underclassmen are going to declare but there must be some limited prognostication even at this time. .
  16. Bad Karma - in my previous life I was an awful dude so god is paying me back by having Buffalo as my birth place...so this life i am being equally as bad so I can be born in Cleveland next time
  17. all I know is we , as Bills fans, should have taken one for the country and jumped on the Trump bandwagon to buy the Bills and kept him too busy here in Buffalo to run for the presidency..after all this we better win a superbowl to make up for our strategic error
  18. The Pats win confirmed my atheism..definitely no god in the universe or one that's not totally perverse
  19. maybe there is a god after all
  20. geez why even play the game..on the second play after the penalty there was a clear pick that freed the Pats guy for a first down
  21. The existence of God is on the line..any win by the patriots proves Satan is alive and well and God is off playing golf
  22. Did you run any tests for outliers that are skewing the data? looking at how close to zero all the R's are makes me think there won't be any but it would have been helpful to see the actual regression curves
  23. I bet the local restaurants are rooting for the Bills to draft him
  24. be careful what you wish for I believe Ronnie Jones is still out there looking for a job
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