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Everything posted by entropyrules

  1. unfortunately i am in Pats territory and have to watch that game.,..they are picking everybody and everyone and its not being called
  2. that 4th down stop and then a score with only 40 secs was something one of the old 2000 Bills team would have been done to them
  3. I always thought putting things in italics signified sarcasm for those whose minds can't handle irreverency
  4. if I had to guess she was headed back to be with small barnyard animals..too bad you didn't get her address as someone should call the ASPCA I raised two boys in Pitt ~ 20 yrs ago and it was a wonderful experience so don't judge them all by the Squeeler fans - they were equally obnoxious then - the hockey and Pirate fans were much better
  5. I hate to say this but i am fairly certain we (WNY's) have all been bad in our previous lives and for us to reach nirvana we must suffer in this one, and the next, and so on...so karma is never with us. Now on the off chance that this decade is the end of the world then yes maybe we win the Superbowl and the world ends the day after (hopefully the end gets delayed to after the parade).
  6. Its going to take a bit to get used to this feeling of: 1) no anxiety about making the playoffs and 2) not worrying about where will we draft and who will we take with our top ten pick
  7. I am a typical pessimistic Bills fan having watched them from their inception (oh god 70 yrs old - where did the time go - was a 13 year old with those end zone passes where you got to stand in that space behind the goal end line in the old war memorial for the Chargers championship game). I will admit I didn't think they would beat Pitt at home but that victory got me so juiced I couldn't sleep....I think these guys in spite of that "weirdly wait until the fourth quarter to show up offense" can do some damage in the playoffs.
  8. Yea I forgot about that Cleveland game
  9. One good oddity is their road record which I think is 7-0 right now..good omen as a wild card team Oops I'm wrong forgot about that Cleveland game
  10. Maybe this team is different. Those last 2 minutes with the penalties and that horrid punt brought up visions of McKelvin running the ball out of the endzone
  11. Has anyone noticed if the Cigarette Man is near Heinz Field?
  12. The home field is going to tip this in the Steelers' favor - there will be at least 2 bad calls that go against the Bills at critical times. Still it will be a tight game decided by a touchdown or less. The only other possible scenario I can envision is somehow old Mr. Duck implodes and the Bills get 2 or 3 takeaways in the 1st half and the game gets out of hand and the Bills romp. Low probability but i definitely don't see the Steelers rolling the Bills in this one. i hope I am just one of those Bill's fans with Buffalo PTSD from watching our sports teams always grasp defeat from the jaws of victory in the must unusual ways. I wish I hadn't given up drinking until the xmas holiday!
  13. The following is a really pessimistic outlook but given the Bills' history I don't think we can say its totally impossible. I think even if the Bills lose to the steelers and pats they probably still beat the jets. So my question as a life long disappointed Bills' fan is can the Bills still make the playoffs if they lose the next 3? Just curious as I think that happening has to be less than my chances of winning Mega Millions.
  14. I'm in Pats territory and dislike them and a number of their more idiotic fans but an overly severe punishment may set a terrible precedent for other teams who inadvertently stumble doing something stupid and then are required to have the same punishment meted out. I would prefer that they simply remove the Pat's ability to get any compensatory picks for about 3-5 years. The rationale is then no one can say they were totally stripped of the ability to field a competitive team. Its one of those areas where they play the game better than any other team so take that advantage away as teaching lesson. Of course that has some drawbacks if you have teams with almost no comp picks (aka the Bills); there is then no disincentive. The one piece I don't get is if every team knows the Pat's are doing this why do they have no or very weak counter measures. Surely there must be a Cersei Lannister lurking in every teams front office.
  15. I was discussing with my spousal unit and she quipped its ironic they are called the "Patriots." I am more concerned that this behavior is more a reflection of our current societal thinking where the end justifies the means..lies don't matter as long as they help you get to the result you want.
  16. we all feel your pain but it will pass if the Bills beat the Squeelers Sunday
  17. well the one other bad thing about the blown calls in the Pats game is the officiating for the next game against the Bills is going to suck..guess which team is going to get the short end of the stick? I'll be curious to see if Hughes finishes the game with 25% of a jersey and no holding calls against the Pats
  18. well you can remind them that Buffalo is considered a Climate Change Haven City (https://stepoutbuffalo.com/buffalo-best-city-escape-climate-change/) as the huge weather swings will be minimal in Buffalo compared to everywhere else over the next several decades. One reason I love living in Maine is the weather is great (ok it does get cold and snow but only wimpy people can't handle a little precip and temp drop) and we have tons of fresh water. Unfortunately the warmer ocean temp is wiping out the lobster population and breeding areas are now moving further north. Good thing I don't like lobster. In summary - screw them! I loved growing up in WNY, especially the late summer and fall.
  19. well you probably don't have to worry..none of my lotto numbers ever come in so I am certainly not in Nostradamus's league you would have to agree though beating the ravens with our field goal kicker compared to how good theirs is would be delightfully ironic
  20. nail biter all the way to the end..Bills win in OT 27-24
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