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    Cooperstown, NY

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  1. use of popsickle sticks don't count
  2. Really hate to pick against the Bills but the Chefs are just slightly better and with home field advantage plus the extra 8 non contact teammates on the field just too much to overcome for the Bills. heartbreaker Chefs 34 Bills 31. Not many bad calls against the Bills but what will hurt is the failure to make obvious calls on the home team (heres looking at you J Taylor and T McDuffie-not even a real Irishman) God do I hope I have to ingest feces with this prediction. Next year will be the year!111
  3. you "x' guys are right...just saw the replay and he would have rolled in.
  4. i don't think the ball even if he caught it would be across the goal line. his bod was on the ground and the ball at least a half yard out
  5. even if Andrews caught that ball I don't think he would be in as he was on the ground and the ball outside the goal line
  6. Left brain says Ravens 31 Bills 28 Right Brain says Bills 38 Ravens 31 Going with Right Brain for tomorrow - analytical thinking is way over rated Left and Right Brain after Special Rice Krispie Treat consumption
  7. good thing that DB covering Coleman is really really slow
  8. I don't normally pick the Bills to win in a walk away but I think this is the one time the entire bills team shows up in all three phases of the game (ok maybe special teams not so much). Bills 35 Broncos 24 with Broncs getting two late fourth quarter meaningless scores.
  9. Bass did that on purpose to keep the Pats in the game..he never misses those😏
  10. do you think he was ordered to drop that ball?
  11. wasn't Coddington acquired by a trade with the Jets?
  12. I wonder if this is the type of game that drives the Vegas bookmakers crazy. Just about any scenario: the score, the weather, the winner is possible..ok Billy Buffalo will never improve his looks or get a date (maybe Sabre Tooth but the offspring are too terrible to contemplate) my pick: a close one higher scoring than people think Pats 27 Bills 24
  13. the irony would be that both teams have lost four Superbowls and have never won one...what is that expression "two men enter one man leaves?'
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