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Everything posted by Lombardi1

  1. Would anyone be shocked if the Pegulas (at the conclusion of Sunday's game) called a surprised press conference scheduled for Tuesday afternoon to introduce Mike McCarthy as the next GM & HC?
  2. No one man, nor one position determines what a TEAM is capable of accomplishing.
  3. Thank goodness we live in a free country. God Bless America! and Semper Fi to the very end. Please forgive me for seeing the Rex choice for what it is, a waste of time and money. He is a good TALKER when he isn't putting his foot in his mouth. By mid-season the staged honeymoon period will be long gone. Hopefully, for the sake of the loyal fans he doesn't lose the locker room by then.
  4. I have no problem giving credit where it's due, the emphasis upon establishing a Running Game is to be commended. Not enough good can be said for ball control/game management. Something obviously missing with his formerly coached team at 4-12.
  5. That's a legitimate point. However, taking nothing away from it, I believe sometimes the right fit means more than how many times.
  6. The sense I'm getting is that he is so much of a defensive guru he doesn't need a QB. His former defense isn't responsible for the 4-12 record last season I guess, because the QB's played both ways and gave up all those points? All hail Rex, the savior...
  7. John Fox cannot be held responsible for two things: Manning's unfortunate injury this season, or the likelihood that Peyton & his teammates took the Seattle Seahawks lightly before the Super Bowl last year.
  8. Have to wonder if the Atlanta organization help put the Bills even on his radar, let alone make them his 3rd choice. Haste makes waste they say, wish the Bills had waited long enough to find out John Fox would become available.
  9. Well, in respect to his not knowing who the QB will be, at least he's consistent on that side of the ball with indecision.
  10. Thank You!, just saying...
  11. So, rather than keep Schwartz's defense alive and kicking we should entrust him to improve upon the top five defense he had nothing to do with while he coached a last place team? Oh, I get it.
  12. Fair enough if Schwartz chose to leave (care to share a link?) It's never a best practice to shun someone who just helped groom players to become All-Pros, especially following a defining season where this top-tier defense hit its stride.
  13. One is spoken freely without constraint, while the other is akin to someone very carefully choosing his words. I'm sure by mid-season the staged honeymoon period will be long over. Wouldn't surprise me the least bit if Kraft, Bellichick and Brady are smirking. You can take Rex out of downstate and transport him to WNY, however, the common denominator here is doesn't matter where Rex tries to reinvent himself he is still the same individual who cannot beat the Patriots. We'll see what Freddy has to say come mid-season when everyone has grown weary of the embarrassing pressers, and outright conflict in the locker room.
  14. and Chris Matthews said then presidential candidate Obama sent chills up and down his leg. Guess he's never listened to the voice of the late John Facenda, a pioneer sports broadcaster for the ages.
  15. Fair enough, but the beauty of Time is it always sets the record straight. Let's wait and watch, and hope he doesn't embarrass the entire organization during his forthcoming pressers next season, let alone lose the entire locker room before mid-season.
  16. Hopefully, a healthy Kiko Alonso's services are retained in the grand scheme of things.
  17. Having a healthy competition to fill the QB position is a good thing, no doubt. IF I was Whaley and/or Mr. & Mrs. Pegula's point man on personnel matters I would stay clear of bringing in a "retread" as much as doing my due diligence and finding a diamond in the rough in the latter rounds (think Tom Brady). Sometimes all anyone needs is a chance (think Kurt Warner). EJ and the entire Bills organization will be better served seeking out these types mentioned above than someone with mere "stats", which come with and carry many variables to discern. Fetch a modern day Brady or Warner off everyone else's radar and give him an opportunity to shine. The above strategy also earmarks a priority of funds to shore up the O-line and give anchor Center Eric Woods some help upfront. No need to waste money on a prima donna QB, or a legend in his own mind.
  18. Will someone please tell me why Rex Ryan is the new HC of the Buffalo Bills? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocV5bGHdYag What exactly does he bring to the table? *Defense some will say (We already had that side of the ball well under control and headed in the right direction for some time to come with more than a few All Pros...how does that old sensible adage go, "If it ain't broken, don't fix it"). *Name Recognition (So, what! For that matter just go out and tap Miley Cyrus, whose more than capable of filling every stadium seat just as much as anyone else with "name recognition", doesn't mean mere "name recognition" translates into moving a product forward). Don't get me wrong, I get it, an investment was made by people who simply want to ensure a return on that investment, no problems with that at all, just expected more in terms of long term success as oppose to making a short term splash, hopefully not a long term THUD... *He Can Beat Brady/Belichick (On the contrary, what a myth! He can't because they are playing in yet another AFC Championship game for the fourth consecutive season this weekend, while the last team he coached constantly suffered from crimped necks year in and year out having to always look up in the standings to locate Brady/Belichick) *He's Likable (Pfft! Awww hug him like a teddy bear already, and let's sing Kum Ba Yah, NOT! Likeable? So is Minnie & Mickey Mouse, Barbie & Ken, Laurel & Hardy, The Three Stooges, pizza, ice cream, a fresh cold beer, etc., etc.., news flash OBD, "Likes" don't win championships...colorful personalities may fill stadium seats but they don't win championships). He's The Messiah (Riighhhttttt!, and there's a bridge for sell in Brooklyn, and no need to ever fear what's lurking in a swamp either) The peril of hiring someone like Rex Ryan: *Karma's a ________rhymes with witch: there was no need to shove Jim Schwartz aside like yesterday's garbage. For Thurman?! or anyone else for that matter. The only Thurman I know and respect is Hall of Famer Thurman Thomas. *It's akin to throwing money away (if that's the agenda anyway please consult the local yellow pages and find a worthy charity or two and spread the money around instead of wasting it on a %$#$@ hot air much ado about nothing clown) *It's akin to wasting time (if that's the agenda anyway, hire either a retired NBA, NHL or MLB former coach/manager and see how long it takes him to master the complex schemes in the NFL...give him at least the 5yrs Rex is getting, but at least with either choice you won't run the risk of him putting his foot in his mouth during pressers, or, even worse, potentially losing the team altogether with his antics). With that said, I'm taking a Missouri stance, where the good folks from the "Show Me State" give credit where it's due, when it's rightfully earned...TALK is cheap Rex, put up or shut...Pftt!
  19. Not exactly music to my ears. Jim Schwartz already has the defensive side of the ball in great shape and playing like All Pros, so I was hoping Whaley and Mr. & Mrs. Pegula would tap a smart innovative offensive mind to come in and give the offensive side of the ball the shot in the arm needed. Balance is key here.
  20. You are just making good sense.
  21. Where I honestly appreciate your comments, I believe with the right coaching EJ easily emerges as a force to be reckoned with. Unfortunately, Doug Marrone and his inept OC were not up to the task to enhance his strengths as much as dumbfounded. clueless about utilizing his strengths to maximize his productivity. One day under Coach Chip Kelly could enhance EJ's game far more than a full season under Marrone. With that said, I imagine any opposing defense in the NFL would rather face EJ with Marrone & his inept OC on any given Sunday than with EJ under the guidance and coaching of a smart, competent, innovative winner like Coach Kelly. Sometimes it's not the players as much as it's inept "coaching".Thank goodness Jim Plunkett didn't believe all the "experts", and eventually became the Super Bowl winning QB that he was capable of being all along.
  22. Cannot recall where and when Coach Parcells tip-toed out of town like a mouse with a mere shallow text. There are genuine stand up guys loyal to the very end, and then there's Doug "3 & Out Shuffle" Marrone's way of handling things. A smart, innovative HC could elevate EJ's game in his sleep. Thank goodness Marrone and his inept OC weren't around years earlier to impede Jim Plunkett's Super Bowl win.
  23. How to waste the time and resources of an organization for a full year.
  24. Appreciate the assist RedDogBlitz above in respect to highlighting the coaching prowess of Coach Chip Kelly. Here we have two coaches coming into the NFL at the same time period, but one is obviously a smart, innovative winner, while the other is a shallow-text quitter. There's little doubt Coach Kelly could elevate EJ's game, while all the texting quitter did was waste a full year of an organization's time handling the same player. There's winners like Coach Kelly, and then there's sneak out of town Marrrone, who I hope doesn't have anything to do with an influx of new posters out of the Bronx. If so, hey "coach", take a lesson from the Marines...never, ever leave your men behind and slip away quietly into the night tip-toeing like a mouse.
  25. Doug "abandon ship with a mere shallow text" Marrone made his own bed. You won't find him in the same sentence as class act. Nor in the same sentence with Semper Fi; stand up guy; loyal; faithful; true to the very end; etc., etc... There are smart, innovative coaches like Chip Kelly, who could elevate EJ's game in his sleep, and then there's Doug "the 3 and out shuffle" Marrone.
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