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Everything posted by TPS

  1. Florida cases accelerating, which doesn't portend well for the belief that climate helps significantly.
  2. Find my last response to @gg upthread. Related to the analysis by Pueyo.
  3. Yeah, a few extra bucks for the lazy, and a few hundred billion for the lazy corporations...
  4. Singapore, Taiwan, and a couple others can be found with a little googling. Germany is an interesting case and hopefully researchers are investigating. It’s probably because more bavarians pray to saint Corona, the patron saint of pandemics....
  5. This is the MMQ approach that the Trump cult is now throwing out there, kind of like what those in charge during the 2008 financial crisis said to protect their a$$es...
  6. A hit piece from the Religious cult perspective...ok. https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2018/05/white-house-loses-global-health-security-lead-as-a-new-ebola-outbreak-hits/560195/ Then there was the early warning by former members...on January 28th https://www.wsj.com/articles/act-now-to-prevent-an-american-epidemic-11580255335 Unfortunately, that window of opportunity was squandered because the stock market and economy were too important....
  7. In other words, it wasn’t dissolved, it was streamlined. It was subsumed under bioterrorism which hindered the response. Link
  8. If we were the most prepared country in the world, but Korea and Singapore and others were able to role out testing on a fairly significant scale, then the MMQing is basically covering up for the lack of urgency by this administration. I laid it out three weeks ago--Trump was more worried about the stock market and economy. It took the second dramatic stock drop on the monday after the Fed cut for him to take it seriously. The US has been gaming pandemics out for a long time, so it was no surprise to those who should've been more forceful about a response, especially when we were given the time from closing off China.
  9. Faster, please. .. No *****. It's what should've happened in tandem when they shut down travel from China.
  10. Quarantine life.....
  11. About 3 weeks ago, I quoted a friend who said this (knowing someone) about the US. I hope he’s wrong...
  12. Good timing.... https://www.wsj.com/articles/bezos-other-corporate-executives-sold-shares-just-in-time-11585042204?mod=hp_lead_pos4
  13. The shut down will be maybe 2 months. A rescue package done right would make sure that everyone is taken care of to a certain degree during that time period. The right way is to fund the majority of the wages for businesses as long as they retain their workers. Keep the workforce attached and ready for the recovery, which will hopefully be quick. This isn't like the 2008 crisis where many lost their jobs and houses, leading to much more stress, and the rescue package was insufficient as well. I don't disagree with your point about the discussion, but they are two very different situations when comparing the impact from the 2008 crisis to the corona-crisis.
  14. As I said, I'm not confident it was the right moment. If I was confident it was the right moment, then I would've gone all in with my cash position.
  15. Glad to see that since I decided to buy in again yesterday. However, I'm not confident we've seen a bottom, especially as NYC gets slammed over the next 7-10 days.
  16. It is a fact, and it is driven by NYC metro area. As Cuomo said today, the federal government needs to provide thousands of respirators from its emergency stock (not 400) since it is the epicenter of the crisis. I'm sure the city will be bustling with work by next week though....
  17. Unfortunately, Italy's numbers went the other way today. Not good.
  18. Don't order any online though!
  19. I think I read they made Shaq an offer similar to Miami’s, but less guaranteed money.
  20. Aren’t you just as extreme in defending trump? Or do you think you are objective?
  21. Some of the models I’ve seen start when the country had roughly its 100th case. I’m sure you played around with it. Good fits for sure. Other things I’ve seen are trying to predict the turning point by using dates when lockdowns happened, Using China’s data for example. Thanks for sharing.
  22. And Erie still can't test adequately. Way behind. Cool stuff. What did you use for that. Excel? So the growth rates are found from e^#? Seems you can conclude the US is (so far) on the worst growth path trajectory, no?
  23. I’m in Erie county. You can go outside, you can go pick up essentials, and many restaurants are offering takeout. I wouldn’t say it’s extreme in any sense. The restrictions on work are more extreme.
  24. It's a race against the exponential growth in cases and the ability to increase the number of ICU units and respirators. Right now, the former is winning, so most likely the CFR will rise, but hopefully not to the levels seen in Italy or Spain.
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