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Everything posted by TPS

  1. He said they were out of respirators and they handing out the forms according to someone associated with the hospital. The hospital confirmed they have the policy but hasn't needed to use it yet--as of when they posted that tweet. Both of those could be true. Are you saying there is another tweet other than what Hedge posted?
  2. So, is this also false? How is it any different than what he said?
  3. Hey, it's just the market system man!
  4. Agree completely. Heck, they might even take a second RB in the 6th? Have a stable of backs with different skill sets like the Master in Mass.
  5. That is not a criticism of any of his decisions, that's just recognizing his personality.
  6. Is that an opinion or a fact? Any data? Have you ever said anything negative about him? Or are you a member?
  7. Ha! I've had rational conversations with Tibs on multiple occasions, so only now? Btw, saying there is a Trump cult, doesn't mean everyone who supports him here is in the cult, only those who slavishly defend his every comment.
  8. You will find in the economic thread that I've supported him on several issues, and again in the deep state thread on some things. How about you, ever criticize him?
  9. It would be interesting to go back over this space (since his election) to see if any of the Trump cult at PPP have ever criticized him....
  10. What you've posted doesn't prove his statement was false. They admit they crafted a policy, which indicates they may have to ration care. He stated they are passing out forms. They stated they have not had to implement it at this time. That does not mean they were not handing out the forms; it means they have not used the policy yet.
  11. They have him. His name is Allen.
  12. it was a serious statement
  13. I suppose they can always buy cds too
  14. In normal times...
  15. His daily update is the best....
  16. Pueyo's worst outcome estimates were based on doing nothing, treating it as if it was the flu. His prediction from social distancing was no different from Levitt, predicting two weeks before the turn. Btw, we're not below 20% yet, and it will be closer to 30% today. Yes, NYC is the canary, and let's hope it's leveling...However, I would not bet that you guys will get back to anything resembling normalcy for at least another month. Yep, that aged well...but who could've known...?
  17. Negative yields on T-bills, dumping risky junk, shouldn't be a surprise that the high end is "hot"...
  18. The president oversees the departments that respond to this, but carry on... Yes, it will take the heat off the administration's poor response after closing off China.
  19. Come to Buffalo Daryl and "be the best version of yourself you can be...."
  20. Sure, who wants junk now?
  21. Yeah, no big deal... As I believe you have argued on other issues, 40% from a low base vs 20% from a high base. So, 40% at 10,000 cases vs 20% at 100,000 cases is a difference of 16,000 more in the latter. The metric should be focused on the when the number cases (you can focus on severe, but there is a good relation between the two) per day is starting to decline. We are not close to getting to a situation in most urban areas where we can get back to business as usual. The guy just can't help himself though to focus on that...
  22. So Spain is an outlier too? Possibly France, if your metric is critical or severity of cases.
  23. What data are you looking at to conclude this? According to the Worldometer site, it’s accelerating in the US.
  24. As I posted yesterday, I jumped in with a bit more an d"bought dip" on Tuesday, but I'm really not confident that was the bottom. Investors are happy about the passage of a bill, but I believe the news is going to be overwhelming for the next 2-3 weeks, leading to the next big move down. Just my 2 cents...
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