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Everything posted by TPS

  1. Thanks for pointing out the hypocrisy of the right. It wouldn't be necessary if Clinton were president right now; could you imagine the posts about Iraq from the usual suspects here? Maybe they'd finally get the fact that you can support your troops but disagree with the policy/startegy of the administration...
  2. If you're there sept. 1, the Spin doctors are playing Thursday in the Square. Best event throughout the summer. Also, the chicken wing festival is labor day weekend. The wing eating contest is great. There's a little asian woman competing with guys who tip the scales at 300--sonya something. Two years ago I saw her break the record in the pre-lims, but she must have od, cuz she failed to win the next day. Once you get to town, pick up an Artvoice, it'll have all the info you need for a good time in the city.
  3. Between an incident with an overzealous previous moderator and life's ups and downs, I decided to take a long break.
  4. "I'm going to cut taxes, increase military spending, and balance the budget." R. Reagan.
  5. While surveys of reporters indicate that most are socially liberal (and fiscally conservative), the liberal counter-argument has been that the media are, in the end, corporate-owned and controlled. This study indicates the US media are controlled by a very small group of individuals associated with some of the largest US corporations. The 110
  6. It's getting better.... Pre-book a room!
  7. Gotta love this. Hotel wants to build on his land
  8. Kevin spacey as the serial killer in "Seven."
  9. taxing taxes Gotta love the conservative party mandate. They want to eliminate the federal deduction of state and local taxes. In other words, they want those of us who pay state and local taxes to pay taxes on the taxes we pay.... Uhh...let's see, we need to cut taxes on dividends because of the double taxation. I'm sure someone here can explain why double taxation of taxes is a good thing?
  10. When this team was 0-4, I said I thought they were a lot like Wade's first year Bills team--the 1998 Bills who went 0-3, then made the playoffs; you could sense that they were good, but just needed a couple of good bounces. The only difference is Flutie came on and took the team to the playoffs. If this team had anything close to Flutie as a QB they would be at least 7-4 instead of 5-6. While I wish Bledsoe could be the man, he doesn't make good decisions on the field. However, given the schedule, the Bills can still make the playoffs despite the poor QBing...
  11. Hands down: the coaching. - They've commit to the run. Unlike Gilbride's verbal commitment, Mularkey has done it. - Drew IS getting rid of the ball quicker, especially to his outlets. While he still makes dumb decisions, a conservative offense suits him best. - The O-line is getting it together. As usual, it takes time, and they are doing it near the half-way point. McNally IS the man! - Play-calling is suspect at times, but they are getting better. When they were 0-3, I posted that this could be like the 1998 season, Wade's first. You could see the difference, it was just a matter of when. It could be a great game Sunday night....
  12. A brief visit to congratulate GWB and supporters; my first prediction happens (the easy part). I'M not surprised by the right's reaction here: I suppose that's what's to be expected over the next 4 years--no attempt to dialogue; simply, liberals suck (in so many words). My second prediction, for those who missed it, because DCTOM and the fascists deleted my last post, was that most of you who voted for Bush will regret it before his next term is up. My new prediction: when Bush and the neocons go after Iran next, China will fire-sell their holdings of US T-bills-- because Iran is China's number 1 supplier of oil and gas and just signed a $70 billion contract with Iran to develop a new oil field--which will lead to a financial crisis here as the $ collapses. And I've made a nice little return the past 6 months betting against the $. Hope some of you get a chance to read this before it's deleted... Peace and go Bills! TPS
  13. Finally found something new on the Franklin Affair. Interesting stuff. Update on Franklin Affair
  14. Since when has Israel tried to make peace on the Palestinians terms? I think most outside observers have simply argued for the creation of a Palestinian state. It's apparent Sharon has other plans.. Another perspective...
  15. Yep, you just can't trust the AP..... I'll see if I can find the FT article.
  16. What do you think of this conservative's opinion of Sharon and his relationship with Bush? Scowcroft
  17. The modern Conservative
  18. No, I never said that! I guess if you're not concerned about him, then he's not even a nuisance either... "I'm not that concerned about him"
  19. Not that I trust the Moonie Times... Chechens??
  20. This editorial talks about one of the reasons I hinted at with respect to how the Iraq war benefits Israel. My general point was going to be that the war takes a lot of the international focus off of Sharon and allows him to deal with the Palestinian problem however he wants. Sharon
  21. You're right, maybe the writer did not check his facts. The error is equating Voters Outreach of America with America Votes. I found the following link that mentions the former group: Voters Outreach of America The article is about republican efforts to help Nader get on the Arizona ballot, and mentions the director of VOA. So I don't believe those organizations are one in the same--can't imagine dems throwing out dem registrations. "According to several sources, two of the contractors Sproul hired to oversee petition gathering for No Taxpayer Money For Politicians -- Aaron "A.J." James, who directs Voters' Outreach of America, and Diane Burns -- were also paid by Sproul to get as many signatures as possible for Nader. "
  22. I got a good laugh at your comment that you haven't seen anything about republicans trying to stop democrats from voting; why would Fox or Rush report those stories? Las Vegas
  23. Yes. And it's also about the (stated) Neocon goal of reestablishing "American Empire." Their PNAC document stated they were interested in regime change in Iraq even before Bush got elected. PNAC Oil is bigger than Haliburton. there's an interesting new book out on how the US military is increasingly being used to protect global oil. Oil wars
  24. Point taken. However the only reason I mentioned Pollard was to imply that Israel has certainly spied on us before; it was not to imply the leadership at the Pentagon are spies. Looking through that thread I don't see where "I started off with the spying angle." Look at the title of the thread--Fued between Pentagon and CIA. In fact, what I read from my posts is essentially what I've been arguing here, again. Of course; we are all biased, though most won't admit it, or think their beliefs somehow have a monopoly on truth. There is a lot in that article that I believe is correct; you may not agree. Time will tell. I don't believe that either. What I believe is that the Iraq war was mutually beneficial to the goals of the Neocons (and there are a lot more than 4) and the Likud party, and I'm sure they did things like share information; especially information that helped justify the war. That's not a conspiracy, and it's not spying. Think of it as two special interest groups (Likud Party and Bush Admin) combining their efforts to bring about an outcome that benefits both groups. On a side note, it's embarrassing to re-read an old post and find a spelling error that someone like Richio would make...
  25. My other thread is about the relationship between the Neocons and the hardliners in Israel currently in power. To say that all Israelis support Sharon is equivalent to saying all Americans support Bush. Also, I did not say this war was ALL about Israel.
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