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Everything posted by TPS

  1. I didn't know that you were a political (hack) appointee?
  2. Katrina was a good example of the ineptitude of "this government." He didn't say "the government," it was THIS GOVERNMENT. These people are more concerned that you pass their political test than be competent--and I'm talking about the appointees who "manage" the departments, not the folks who actually do the work. Here's a little snippet for you: After dinner please!
  3. "If there is a nuclear terrorist attack or a major pandemic ... you are going to see the ineptitude of this government in a way that'll take you back to the declaration of independence." From the interview with Larry Wilkerson, former chief of staff to Colin Powell. This reminds of something I've been reading and thinking about, how poorly this administration has reacted to 911, and ensuring that it doesn't happen again. It seems almost every appointment made in every department is some political hack who gave the right amount of money, and passed their political Litmus test. This is the last I want for the department of Homeland Security. About the most efficient thing this administration has done is to make sure the billions of dollars allocated to boost and improve security goes to their constituents. Katrina provided another test/opportunity for this administration to show how they've improved our security and response to disasters, and I can't say they passed the test. These guys are a joke; and unfortunately, the American people are the butt of it...
  4. A couple of resonses to some throughout this thread: 1. It was the CIA that requested Justice to investigate the leak, so it's not some political witch hunt. In addition, Why would the CIA ask for an investigation if they didn't think there was a violation? Does it matter whether the source was an act/law/bill? As for the credibility of Wilson (and this is the first time I've read someone question his wife's credibility too--only at PPP...), the administration admitted that the Niger data should not have been in the SOU address, which supports Wilson's claim. Didn't Tenet even take the blame? As for "editorials" from conservatives that claim Wilson lied, I can also provide "editorials" that claim he didn't. For example: Liars I'm not trying to defend Wilson per se, rather that fact that the right, center, left or whatever can provide us with any slant they want. Seems to me though, the right is saying Wilson lied, and at the same time saying the administration either exaggerated or "miscommunicated." Can't have it both ways...
  5. The plot thickens.... WHIG "So determined was the ring of top officials to win its argument that it morphed into a virtual hit squad that took aim at critics who questioned its claims, sources told the Daily News. One of those critics was ex-Ambassador Joseph Wilson, who debunked a key claim in a speech by President Bush that Iraq sought nuclear materials in Africa. His punishment was the media outing of his wife, CIA spy Valerie Plame, an affair that became a "side show" for the White House Iraq Group, the sources said. " Looks like Judy Miller was part of the PR process to get us into war! Gee, I wonder where the so-called "facts" came from that debunked Wilson???
  6. Here's a timeline which appears to try and keep any political judgment out. Wilson-Plame
  7. I think you have your facts wrong. What appears to be coming out of this investigation is that Wilson was correct, and the administration engaged in a dirty tactics campaign to discredit him--probably the articles you refer to as "facts." One of those dirty tactics was the outing of his wife, which is what's being investigated by Fitzgerald. If the facts are that she "wasn't undercover" when she was outed, I don't think there would've been an investigation in the first place. At any rate, we disagree on the facts; but those facts should be made public shortly.
  8. What do you know, the old, "but they were worse" response.... Or is it, "I'm rubber, you are glue..." response?
  9. It's a rhetorical question; I know the answer... Apparently someone high in the administration could be going down for this--the outing of a CIA agent. However, it appears that the investigation also leads to the "selling" of the Iraq war to the American people--that is, Cheney, Rumsfeld, et al knew much of their information was dubious, but used it anyway to trump up a case for the war. I'm sure some here will argue this is as trivial as trying to impeach a president for a blow job.....
  10. This is a question for anyone who tapes the games. My guess is that it's a combination of Schobel and Anderson, since it seems nearly all of the big runs have come from that side. I saw Denney in for Schobel a couple of times too. LBs at fault too? Can it be fixed with the personnel we have? If we can't stop the run, I can't see too many more wins coming...
  11. Ahhh...it's been a long time since we've had a good debate. Very clever.
  12. Well, it must be a scandal if Fox carried it... Just typifies what will end up as one of the worst presidencies in history. Seems many on the right are jumping ship after his latest bad decisions; never happen here though. Someone needs to start posting the anti-"Bush Bad" post-- "Bush can do no wrong." foxnews
  13. It would be interesting to know what media outlet showed an "edited" version.
  14. I thought this was a thread about Larry Franklin spying for israel, but i should know better...
  15. The apple doesn't fall far from the Bush...
  16. How could they do anything here? the reason we are ifighting them in the streets of Iraq is so we don't have to fight them in the streets of America....where's the sarcasm button?
  17. So typical of the Bush suck-up crew--bush can do no wrong. Nothing is ever Bush's fault. It's just whiney Bush critics. You guys are as bad as the old regime--the Clinton suck ups. No, actually, you guys are worse. It's a religous cult here: Conservatives good; liberals bad. What will it take for you republidiots to realize both major parties are corrupt? The right wing has you eating out of their hands...
  18. Collapse of the dollar?
  19. Maybe the story you've posted is not all that it's cracked up to be. Just like Vietnam, the right tried to paint the anti-war movement as communists and anti-troop. This story suggests they are using the same tactics this time too. The real story???
  20. Gee, what do you know...a thread that should be on PPP, except that it's attacking a liberal. I wonder how long it would've been here if you substituted Rush Limbaugh...??? The over/under would've been 5 posts.
  21. Interesting, only 2 NFC teams made the top 10. Personally, I think this year will be a lot like last year: maybe 3 real elite teams (Pats, Pitt, and Eagles), then the second tier, of which the Bills should be one based upon their defense alone.
  22. And the video was shot in Hollywood?
  23. I met a GI on a 4-day leave while in an Atlanta airport bar a couple of weeks ago. He commented that our media spoonfeeds us. I inquired whether it was worse or better. He said it was much worse than what we're shown. He said they laugh at the coverage they see (he mentioned FOX and CNN). He did say the morale was fine, and, like they always have, they rely on each other. I bought him a beer and wished him well....
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