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Everything posted by TPS

  1. Maybe DCDick is too busy posting here and elsewhere to actually read the article? Let's see, the CATO institute is Libertarian; the Financial Times is Britain's equivalent of the Wall Street Journal (but the lemmings bought his diatribe). Oh, wait, I get it, they must be anti-constitution republicans....
  2. I must be out of touch if the CATO institute is now considered liberal and the Financial Times is a liberal newspaper. Of course, given the politics of this board, Libertarians are now considered "liberal" by the arbiter of objectiveness... Tom, Dick, and Harry...I can't figure out which one you are...
  3. It seems he correctly evaluated the Bills' draft based upon their scheme and needs within the division. The "experts" who have given the Bills low grades did so based upon players they could/should have picked based on relative talent. However, the Bills' rankings were based upon who fits best in Jauron's system, given the talent.
  4. One of the ways the pass rush might be improved is with Tripplet and McCargo playing 3rd downs as Jauron stated is likely. A strong interior pass rush can be just as effective as the exterior, if not more so by disrupting the pocket.
  5. I certainly questioned not selecting a DT with the first pick, but It's about time the Bills will have a safety that will punish you over the middle (if only TD would've picked Roy W instead of Mike W). I like the CB pick too--you can never have enough. Interesting OSU connections: maybe Nate will want to stay with this group?
  6. army poll Just came across this; more fuel on Rummy's fire? I'm sure it's the media's fault... Yes, I'm sober... somewhat...
  7. Seems a little more serious than that--these are generals, not politicians. It seems most of those who are criticizing were actually involved in the war effort too.
  8. I sober up on Mondays...
  9. While the administration is trying to down play this, seems to be some serious critiques from some former heavy weights. What say you vets?
  10. I'm heading out to CA on the 4th for a 50th wedding anniversary party in the Bay area. It's been a great spring in WNY (and winter wasn't bad either). Actually played golf in March. gotta love that global warming stuff....
  11. Bob, how's life in SD? Any regrets leaving Bflo?
  12. No wonder you seem so lucid to me...
  13. Ok, first, let me admit that the post you are responding to is inebriated tps. Damn! I spent 4 hours at Coles, then got on the computer--I need a breathalizer control on this thing. So, yes, I was a little over the top on the response you responded to. That said, you're over the top a bit on the Bush bad thing. I don't say bush is bad, rather, it's his administration and advisors. Also, many of my posts are about his economic policies which are based upon "reagonics." On the other hand, yes, I believe this administration is one of the worst on record. It's hard to find something good about them. HELL, what is it that the right posts? Democrats are idiots or have no policy. IN fact the most common responses are "Bush bad" "halliburton" etc. You guys don't even try to respond most of the time, all you do is change the subject because these guys are so bad. I was not a Clinton supporter either. i post negative things about bush because I hope to try and convince the right that the the right is just as bad as the left. I think most of us here probably agree on many things, and want to see an administration that responds to the average American. I only wish we--the right and the left--could come together and get rid of the one party system that rules this country... Ok, yes, I've been drinking tonight too...so if my post is contradictory...I have an excuse......
  14. Great. When you folks on the right wake up to the insanity being waged, maybe we'll be able to stop this crap....too bad you buy their pr...
  15. The nuclear option? God must be telling our president it's time for armageddon...
  16. I guess they didn't get it...
  17. Colleges and universities should be "overwhelming(ly) liberal in nature." Students should be exposed to all ideas. And I mean liberal in the traditional sense, not the political. Given that, you are absolutely right on with your last statement. From my experience, yes, colleges tend to have more liberals (in the political sense) than conservatives. I'd say it's due to the generalization that conservatives who do post-grad degrees are more inclined to go into the private sector because it offers greater financial rewards, and (we) liberals tend to go into higher ed because we're less concerned about the financial reward and prefer the life-style. Even though there are more liberals on campus than conseravtives, I have had students tell me stories about being forced to accept ideas from both liberal AND conservatives profs (by "forced" I mean they better write papers or answer questions that support the prof's leanings). However, these have been rare instances. Like so many issues today, people like Horowitz take these rare instances and make it sound like a pandemic. One of my best friends on campus is a conservative historian (our history department actually is overwhelmingly conservative), and we argue all the time about issues (it helps that we mainly do this at the campus watering hole). This is what education is about. I wonder how diverse the convesation is at Liberty College?
  18. That must be why the democrats control every branch of government.... Get over it Rich...
  19. Did RichiO move?
  20. JC, You need to understand these guys have a hard time with the realization that the republicans are just as, if not more, corrupt as the democrats. If we're lucky, they might eventually vote for alternative parties... On the other hand, most of them still believe invading Iraq was the right way to fight global terrorism...
  21. Paul Craig Roberts Former Reagan Administration official and Supply-sider.
  22. Not true. Prior to this losing streak he was floating around 4th or 5th in the league in GAA and Save pct. His slump started a little before the Olympic break, when Lindie was over-playing him and wearing him out. I'd be willing to bet Joe a six-pack that Miller will be a top 5 goalie within the next two years.
  23. That's quite the conundrum...
  24. I'd look into this a bit more. As long as the charity is a qualified charity (501c3), and as long as you personally don't materially benefit, you should get a deduction. Why should it matter what aspect you specify if it's a charitable organization? While it's admirable of you to donate and not expect the deduction, I think you are being given incorrect info. With respect to Babs, she doesn't materially benefit, so she should still get the deduction. Why would this surprise anyone? This is standard Bush (substitute any other politicians name if you like) operating policy.
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