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Everything posted by TPS

  1. To his defense, it looks like he only focused on the SS crisis, not medicare. If that's the case, then it's a much smaller trillions of dollars crisis......
  2. Interesting piece on how to correctly measure government deficits--accrual vs. cash accounting. If the government used accrual accounting, like all other entities do, they'd be forced to include future obligations incurred today--social security and medicare for example. The argument against it is that they are not "true obligations." The government has no binding contract to provide these benefit--they can be changed or elminated at any time. I'd support the accrual accounting because the government would then be forced to start answering the questions of how the current obligations will be paid? If not, what changes will be made? It's a lot easier to ignore the problem and let a future congress deal with it... Measuring deficits
  3. Maybe it was Ezekiel's stellar play, or his new haircut?
  4. I say arm the populace! Especially those guys in prison. We're going to need them when Cheney and company declare martial law.... Tinfoil cap to dunce cap, over...?
  5. That would make a good picture: me in my tinfoil helmet, and you in your dunce cap..
  6. It's a perfect storm brewing. The Neocons are licking their chops and egging on Bush and company (and israel) to go after Iran. Israel will provoke Syria and bring them into the conflict; Iran will then be forced to support Syria; and the US will jump in to support Israel. Their plan for "regime change" in Syria and Iran is about to start. It'll probably be as successful as their plan for Iraq... Oh, but it really is about the 2 Israeli soldiers getting kidnapped... Another reason to get liquid....pass the beer please....
  7. Gee, I get that from his statement too. Friggin AAArab lover! It's a celebrity death match--Jesus vs. Mohamad! All muslims bad; all christians good. Who's the idiot...? Who's being duped? Time will tell...
  8. According to the article, it was a 1956 law. You mentioned she voted for it in 2003 but don't provide a link. ???
  9. are you talking about Lebanon? Palestine elected Hamas to govern it, but Lebanon's prime minister is a christian. AS for the complaining, I saw something on the news yesterday that the Americans were frustrated because they saw many other governments getting their people out quicker. Also, I'd venture to say that most of the Americans there are working for corporations, not "travellers to the Middle East".
  10. I think that's what explains the uptick for the most patr--more and more Canadians have been buying Bills tickets. On the other hand, I sold my house six months ago for nearly double what I bought it at in 1997, so maybe something is happening?
  11. thanks. I've signed and sent it along to others.
  12. I don't believe they were interfering with State. They were asked to provide all possible options to engage Iran if the White House decides that military action is necessary. One of the (many) issues raised in the article was that the military brass objected to the fact that Rumsfeld/Cheney wanted a nuclear option, and the generals were able to convince them to take it off the table.
  13. Actually my assumption would be that you actually believe this story to have some truth, and I was trying indirectly to get you to respond to the content. I suppose issues about the messenger are more important than the message though. So, how about that Ann Coulter?
  14. yes, it's probably all fabricated.... He's certainly been fed bad info (or was it disinfo?) at times, but more often than not, his sources are good. Given your response, I would take that to mean you think all is hunky dory between the military (sans air force) and Rumsfeld on Iran policy?
  15. Interesting piece by S. Hersh in the New Yorker about the behind the scenes debate over Iran. Hersh article
  16. Isn't Halliburton good though? Why would a corporation ever screw workers or the middle class? I thought they always did things for the public good?
  17. Oh, by the way, burp...what was the topic?
  18. Do you think he actually reads her stuff? He and Rosy Palm are having a great discussion about her book....
  19. Hmmm... I must be sober. Time to get a drink.
  20. As I mentioned in another thread, I've been leery about global equities this year given that the Fed (and the central banks of many other industrialized countries) is in the midst of a tightening period. As GG mentioned, combined with the housing bubble ending (if not bursting), I don't think we've seen the worst of the equity slide. I moved a significant chunk of my portfolio into a global bond fund, which can also take advantage of a falling dollar. I'll sit on the equity sidelines until the end of the year at least. I don't know why, but it always seems the worst equity declines happen in the fall. good luck.
  21. I am very sorry to hear this news. He was a good influence on the PPP board. I will miss him. RIP GBiB. I'll uncork a good bottle in your honor this evening....
  22. Or was that sour grapes.....???? Buuuurrrrrpppppppp!!!!!!!
  23. those funny dems
  24. Must be Canadian officials tonight...
  25. Maybe DCDick is too busy posting here and elsewhere to actually read the article? Let's see, the CATO institute is Libertarian; the Financial Times is Britain's equivalent of the Wall Street Journal (but the lemmings bought his diatribe). Oh, wait, I get it, they must be anti-constitution republicans....
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