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Everything posted by cd1

  1. I LOVE IT - Ha Ha Ha ;-)
  2. Bullying is a the path of little men. A REAL MAN will take the high road.
  3. Sure fans overestimated his value/ability - it is called HOPE. You see the same thing happening right now with some fans and CJ. We will see it again whenever we draft another QB - HOPE again and again until one day (if we live long enough) we will see someone eventually pan out. Here's to hoping...
  4. WAIT - Did you just say FIRST off those who disagree with the OP are MORONS. and SECOND no body really knows how it works (including OP I would imagine)? Well, that is one way to cover your ass. But, you did say it with such supperiority. I guess we all have been schooled.
  5. This Bills team (under new management) is two years old. QUESTION: How many players on an active NFL roster? ANS: Teams are only allowed to have 53 players on their active roster. Of these 53, only 46 players can dress out for the actual game. QUESTION: How many draft picks have "the NEW BILLS TEAM" had to fill roster spots? ANS: 13 - 2015 (6 picks) & 2016 (7 picks) MATH: 53 - 13 = ? (you figure it out) The previous owner left this team on life support for MOST of the infamous SEVENTEEN YEARS. If you start from almost scratch you can not build a 53 man roster with a hand full of draft picks per year. The only alternative is to use the FA to fill in holes. So theres that...
  6. It really is ashame how folks get off by publically attempting to humiliate someone else. If EJ was a complete gasbag like Manziel, then I could understand the ridicule. But EJ did nothing but play football. The kid had enough talent to be selected as QB at FSU and like many other college players entered the NFL draft. He was good enough to get drafted. No one can despute that the kid gave it all he had BUT like many others, did not have the total package. YET, somehow, it is not enough that he tried and failed. A handfull of lowly board dwellers want to run up and kick him as he leaves the building (so to speak). Apparently, you can't imagine how pitiful you all look.
  7. Your ONLY mistake is that you did not notice that the OP is a refugee too. TBD has to suffer through the blight carried over from OBD.
  8. To promote hysteria OR to dazzel us lowly board dwellers with his immence NFL DRAFT SKILLS. It is truely amazing how many MELTDOWNS have been publically displayed on this board and it is just hours into the Free Agency.
  9. JFC - and I thought this was a football team. I thought they made money by putting a product on the field and selling tickets to see that product (team) compete at a game. SILLY ME So the whole point of football is to SAVE MONEY and collect draft picks. REALLY? I think MADDEN has made experts out of basement dwellers. Perhaps the NFL should have "walk on" tryouts for General Managers. I am going to go out on a limb here and speculate that the makority of fans spend their money to WATCH A FOOTBALL GAME. IF that is the case, the number one priority is FIELDING A TEAM. The Bills need to build a team to win FOOTBALL GAMES not lose players to win the OFF SEASON. FCOL
  10. 47 hours into the free agency and the SKY IS FALLING - oh my. This is nothing if not entertaining.
  11. TRADES - don't forget about trades! Whaley is a master Trade maker.
  12. Meanie, you know better than that. You wittnessed the whinny little girls always crying about something back at BBMB. Well, here they are.
  13. FCOL, this whimpering is just plain pitiful. Just wait for the dust to settle a little, Whaley bashers. Whaley is at his BEST in TRADES. Get control of yourselves and give it at least a few DAYS. HA HA HA
  14. This whimpering is just plain pitiful. FCOL For all of the whimpering Whaley bashers, this is where Whaley is at his best, TRADES. Give it a little time, LADIES.
  15. OMG - It is just NOW that the Pats shifted into "Win Now"? You mean all these years they didn't really care - come on... Sometimes the REACH to slam Whaley is comical.
  16. Regardless of what it means for success in the NFL, what about success at New Era Field with it's swirling winds? The Bills need QBs that can overcome that WIND. Flutterballs just won't cut it.
  17. This is absolutely true and very well written. This is what I have been referring to as "Luxury Picks". When your boat is full of holes and is sinking, you desparately need to plug holes and don't have the LUXURY of creative stratagies. Thus Belicheats smoke and mirrors. Some of these acquisitions I suspect, he might not even keep on the team.
  18. This crossed my mind as well. Why else is Belicheat acting so un-Belicheat? BTW - I am not sad that Gilmore is gone. He obviously wanted to move on so he would no longer have given us his best. Personally, I felt he drew far more penalties than an "elite" player should - but that is just me. I too feel concern for OUR current lack FA pick ups so far BUT then I thought about McCoy and Clay, etc. Whaley is good at TRADES maybe there are some incredible surprises in our immediate future... Anyway, I am behind Coach McD and a belief that he is NOT trying to ruin his chance at being a HC in the NFL. I think THEY have a plan.
  19. I actually had to go back and check the time stamp on your post. Just in case it was from last year or something. As I write this reply the FA is just under 24 HOURS old and you are this down?? OH MY!!
  20. Sammy was playing injured a lot last year. This had to have effected the routes and plays called in an effort to not injure him more. Thus the sideline throws to avoid tackles. I hate to say this, but, Sammy NEEDS TT. Right now, the spotlight is on TAYLOR and Sammy being a victim of a "Run First Team". This kind of gives Sammy a pass on being/playing injured a lot. The jury is still out on Sammy's ability to GET & STAY HEALTHY.
  21. GIVE ME A BREAK - The only constant for this franchise over the last 20 years is the FANS. (I don't want to hear the lame old Brandon crap) This 20 year **** is OUR PROBLEM! This BILLS franchise is virtually two years old. At least give them time to build up their own bad rep. It is just not fair to nail the failings of RW on them.
  22. Forget a discount, he stopped even trying last season. I think Gilmore had his moments, but I never thought he was great. When ever he made play, I found myself holding my breath waiting for a flag. We'll see if he starts to "phone it in" for Belicheat as well. JMO
  23. Wow it must take an enormous amount of effort to keep that fantasy bubble from hitting the ground and popping.
  24. Taylor injured - hernia. Meaningless game. Why on earth would you play your injured starter? This is what gets me about the whole "Benched" scenario.
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