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Everything posted by cd1

  1. Bills said NO SIGNING YET. HOLMES said NO SIGNING YET. But just because media says it is so, then it must be correct. THIS is what is crazy in our world today!
  2. Well they really have not done that for the better part of two decades and they STILL had to cut of season ticket sales. So... there is more to it than just winning. Well they STILL need a "back up" QB. So there is a chance for a splash there. I too suspect some WOW/SURPRISE this offseason. But, then again, that was a Russ Brandon tactic to sell tickets to a hopeless/hapless team. Maybe they will stop that now he has taken a back seat.
  3. Well said - BRAVO
  4. OH FCOL - How many men fit on a 53 man roster? Take your time...
  5. What is this WE of which you speak? Does it include the new kids - Coach McD and Coach Dennison?
  6. Like I said, You can't compare eras and just being more emphatic does not change anything.
  7. Johnny Football 2.0 I is SAD indeed to see talented people with all the stuff to make it big EXCEPT they can't get their head on straight.
  8. Here is the thing - WHY haven't the Kelly family thought about keeping the kid on the straight and narrow LONG before now? Do you think this has never occured to them? Perhaps the kid is impulsive and entitled and has been allowed to be this way his whole life. Perhaps AWAY from family is where he would have the best chance. That is if there is any hope at all. The head thing IS a MAJOR issue.
  9. Sorry, I understand your passion, but you are simply mistaken. Do QBs today get hit? You betcha. Thing is years ago, tackler did not have to hold up or think to not hit to high or hit too low. QBs were hit just as hard as any other player on the team. Just ask Joe Namath about his knees. Another thing is the equipment players wore was no where near as sophisticated as they are equipted today. You really can't compare the players between eras. (NO matter how adamant you are about it).
  10. Hard to compare era's. Even the way they make the equipment is so different. This argument reminds me so much of this debate - The little fat man hd no advantage of technology (and/or roids) https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRhdFOMGjj5QC8CVY9yq0Oz6lW1Wz4NiFbMVSxLt0-SlYFCUPUy
  11. Some players just want OUT. Teams are foolish to make them stay because they won't play with heart. ex LYNCH wanted OUT. Mario also wanted out. Some players who ant more $$$ play harder, some just hold out. What type do you want on your team? If Brown gets no offers then he has been schooled.
  12. ONLY if Rex remembered to put OJ in the game.
  13. I think they were trying to point out that the way TT was coached was NOT to improve TT but with the run first/don't make mistakes focus. That what we witnessed in 2016 was NOT TTs ceiling.
  14. We are FOUR DAYS into the Free Agency and there are SIX WEEKS until the draft. There is plenty of time for things to unfold/deals to be made. CHILL FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!
  15. Is this the thread where some posters come to get their Bill-agra for the day? Sure seems like it - talk about beating a dead horse.
  16. I think you are just plain LOST! (wink) Could Gilmore be used as a trade? i.e. never actually play for NE?
  17. Better yet - BILLBOARD!!!!
  18. Check this out for a little different perspective. http://www.cover1.net/2017/03/tyrod-taylors-2016-passing-campaign-misinterpreted-misused/
  19. You need to get some new material. This one is getting old.
  20. As they ought to... Great to hear! Hand meet glove...
  21. This is some very sound reasoning!!!! Thank you.
  22. ^^^^^^ THIS ^^^^^^ But, then again, what fun is it to be practical?
  23. Sorry you guys (TBD) have to suffer with this. But, everytime your let in the dog, there are bound to be some fleas.
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