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Everything posted by cd1

  1. Whaley's bumbling in front of microphones? Have you heard Terry Pegula? FCOL YOU THINK? THERE WERE RUMORS? Now there is well founded speculation for you.
  2. THE TWEETS! YES, you would think that Zach would tell his buddies to knock it off. Maybe it is really some sophmoric attempt at manipulating the end $$$$ amount. REALLY, what was that with PB's tweets? A grown man PUBLICALLY acting like a schoolgirl with a crush. WHY public? Why not call your buddy on that thing called a telephone and "beg" him to come back? This all sounds too contrived to be real.
  3. Your name should be "The TruthHurtsME" Sorry dude but on a positive note, Walmart is having a sale on Tin Foil.
  4. What does the color "Blue" look like in your world?
  5. How enlightening I didn't realize that Rex was gone... The designated targets (Whaley, Brandon, "fill in name here", etc.) will be ragged about even long after they gone. Once targets, it will not matter what they do, they will be attacked until they are gone. Maybe it is not so much what those folks have done or are doing that is WRONG. Maybe it is just that the Pitt Bulls must ALWAYS be RIGHT.
  6. There a pack of "pit bulls" on this forum that once they get something in their craw they will not stop shaking til it is dead. They go from one victim to the next. EJ, REX, Whaley, Brandon, who will be the next? Pitiful but it will not stop because it is just their nature.
  7. Attitude is everything in sports. We certainly have had our share of players that did not want to be here - and it SHOWED. I am not saying that players should not get paid. You are very right that players be concerned about family and the paycheck. I am saying IF Zach over values himself AND no team will pay anywhere near what he thinks he is worth he will be forced to take a lesser offer than he feels he deserves. He will HAVE to take the "lowball" offer or not play. It is THAT circumtance right there that will cause a resentful attitude and THAT will effect his play in 2018. People who feel they are under paid do one of two things. They quit or they produce only what they think they are being paid for. The latter is a pain in the ass to deal with.
  8. What is the difference between players that play with heart and give it their ALL most every game and those who half heartedly show up and half way through, check out? One player goes to work for $$ and the other goes to work for the TEAM. I'm pretty sure most fans would prefer that their team CARES about winning and that every player gives their all. If any offer was even close to what Zach wanted, he would have grabbed it. NOW he is forced to SETTLE for LESS than he thinks he is worth. THAT is where people feel taken advantage of and become resentful.
  9. At this point I would rather the Bills move on. This will not end up well for whatever team he ends up with.
  10. Lets see - Do you want to play ball? Negotiating for cap friendly contract does not neccesarily mean less money. But reality is you price yourself right our of a job.
  11. ALWAYS FOLLOW THE MONEY! Most likely the only reason they are doing this is because advertisers didn't like the slot. i.e. Everyone left the room after the extra point and didn't come back until after kick off. They will simply move the commercials or charge more for the more limited space. But HEY, why not advertise it as if it is a gift to consumers like "tagless underwear" ha ha
  12. ??????????????? Please elaborate
  13. They ALL want to get paid. But some WANT to be on the team and are willing to negotiate a cap friendly deal. Others show up FAT, or not at all, OR quit part way thru the season. NO WAY a team should spend money on that crap. THAT is what de$paration buys you. NO THANK YOU! It seems that Zach is all about getting the the best $$$ not about being the best.
  14. BS - Let the freak go. Offer him a realistic, incentive laden offer - then show him the door. It seems he is just a Poser... (playing us for better offers elsewhere)
  15. It seems that the only way that you keep Zach Brown playing strong is if you design a contract structured like a "carrot on a stick". Structure a contract with lots of "outs" and "insentive based". This way, if he decides to phone it in, the Bills have the option to part ways and not be out any $$$. I still am wondering how McD will coerce Marcell Dareus into earning his pay.
  16. MAYBE if you just contributed NORMALLY like all of us little people, we WOULD BE IMPRESSED, if you are anything to be impressed about. Tooting your own horn is not very impressive.
  17. If the Bills do sign him, I do hope the contract is incentive laden. This way, if he decides to phone it in, he won't be able to cash in.
  18. Ohhhh - TUFF GUY - what a joke.
  19. I just can't believe how people can continue to blame the current staff for the failings of an organization they had nothing to do with over the last decade or so. RALPH WILSON ran the show and had Brandon on a short leash (as he did everyone else that worked for this team). Word is RALPH WILSON was responsible for GM Bill Polian leaving. Until the Pegulas purchased this team Brandon worked for the WILSON family. When will this twenty year **** stop?
  20. DUDE - "Duh I dunto no nuthin bout no quater bach." - What the hell do you think he is going to say?
  21. Well, lets add a little audio of Buddy Nix talking with Murphy the day after the 2013 Draft. http://m.buffalobills.com/video/audio/Buddy-Nix-Whats-NOT-to-Like-About-EJ-Manuel/eb0f90ae-c242-4ade-b2fa-2b8969a4c53d
  22. The man is contributing respectable material. Unlike a lot of the dribble around here. So this site is for discussing FOOTBALL but no well reseached and thought out information is allowed. 10 - 4 BIG DADDY. I really welcome cover1's contribution. Thank you, cover1
  23. I guess you would also have to add Jim Kelly to the list. Pretty UNREALISTIC expectations you got there folks. Not happy until you see nail holes in their feet and hands...
  24. Oh, thank goodness! I had feared that the Tyrod and Whaley haters had dried up and blew away or had found a big rock to have a party under. Nope - here they come...
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