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Everything posted by cd1

  1. SEE there you go. Now you are making up **** about ME. PLEASE point out ANYWHERE on the internet where I have sung Whaleys praises. PLEASE. I NEVER have. However, listening to people make up crap or repeat other peoples made up crap is sickening. Some of you need to put on your BIG PANTS and grow up. The world is not black and white, good and bad. There is no easy answer to solving the Bills football woes. You act like if we just find THE witch and do away with them, we will live happily ever after. If McD does not have a good year - HE will be next on your list.
  2. REALLY? You link to an article then say that the info in it is not correct. Then you tell ME to go find articles written by RoDICK who happens to be real objective on all things Bills. You are part of a witch hunt plan and simple. There is no reasoning with the bunch of you because you've already pulled out your torches and pitchforks. Happy Hunting
  3. HA, HA, HA, HA - DID either of you READ that article THAT is a LaConjecture article about the front office and Marrone. It said the photo was an altercation between Marrone and Monos. Whaley tried to intervene but that didn't help so Brandon got involved. So THIS is what points to Whaley not getting along with anyone in Buffalo. Boy, sometimes you just got to laugh to keep from crying.
  4. This could have been stated a loooong time ago. Too lazy to look for something that I did not know was there? I politely requested a link it should have been easy enough to point me to it.
  5. Picture it... Mustard & Catsup carrying the football being chased by a team dressed like sesame seed buns. The zebras could dress like hamburglars. SORRY - This color rush thing is just riddiculous.
  6. You have stated "he said/she said" over and over. THAT does not make it true. PLEASE PROVIDE A LINK - Thank you.
  7. No one is acting like a child except you. If you make an assertion then you need to back it up with links. Otherwise it is purely YOUR opinion. Regardless of popular belief, you can't just make up REALITY. You asserted that Whaley was fighting with Rex and now McD. I asked you for a link to support your assertion. If you cannot provide a link then what you are asserting is opinion or speculation - NOT FACT. Please provide a link.
  8. Hilarious!!!! Thanks for the laugh.
  9. NO, If you make an assertion then back it up with a link. ELSE it is just BS.
  10. ^^^^^ This is the GODs honest TRUTH! ^^^^^ The team is just starting to recover from being on "life support" for the better part of a decade. Ahem... you forgot Roswell, NM. I heard that Whaley was the one who ordered the debris to be taken to Area 51.
  11. Will do my best - promise! (you guys got a nice place here - thanks for let us in)
  12. REALLY - What do you have other than bloggers speculating? I'll wait...
  13. Consider BALLS BUSTED
  14. I'll give you this one "Pittbulls". Misspelling a word is the very essence of the definition of idiot. Ha Ha Ha
  15. Where is the proof of the friction between Whaley and the coaches? Please provide a link or proof that this is something MORE than wild specutlation. Thank you
  16. irony1 [ahy-ruh-nee, ahy-er-] noun, plural i·ro·nies. the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning. Where is the IRONY?
  17. YES, the way they treated Anthony Lynn. It is referred to as "Shooting the messanger". Only in this case the people the media really wanted to HANG were not there so they took out their anger on a fill-in OC who just days before was thrust into the interim HC job. By GOD they (media) were gunning for someone and it did not matter to them that they attacked an innocent pawn (AL).
  18. YES, he is a bonifide IDIOT
  19. It is just that simple! That is why all of the other teams in the NFL have their Franchise QBs and we don't - WAIT.. Did you even READ what Promo wrote? GEEZ
  20. BINGO PLUS, the way the media seems to want to attack him - remove the possibility. If they try to treat Coach McD like they did Anthony they will have another thing coming. I think the Pegulas have had it up to their ears with this media ****.
  21. Zach won't be good anything if he does not want to be here! At this point I pray that the Bills offer is off the table. He will not play well with sour grapes. DON'T PAY HIM. Let him bomb on someone elses team.
  22. Yes, maybe if a defensive player jumps over the offensive line nd runs down the kicker BEFORE the ball is snapped and then the make the kicker sit out a play... Naw - no need for review uncalled penalties. I am sure a LIMIT would be set just like challanges.
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