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Everything posted by cd1

  1. Lets hope THAT sticks in Bortles' head and he plays scared on Sunday.
  2. WOW - you are so darned impressive. A person with your abilities should be a god damn NFL scout. /end sarcasm
  3. Sorry, late to this party BUT that statement above is about the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard! A rookie plays one half of a football game and is immediately deemed a BUST. WIWWY
  4. Please provide proof that a fall to the (immovable) ground is "not near as punishing" as two moveable objects colliding. You decide - Would you rather run into a tackle dummy OR run into a block wall?
  5. Boy, you would think that the Bills would also need such a bridge and mentor. I absolutely want to move on from Taylor BUT if we are banking on some rookie QB, WE are going to need him as bridge and mentor. If we trade him, we are likely going after Cousins or Smith.
  6. A few years ago I suspected there might be an incentive for the league to "favor" some teams over others. This may be influenced by the fact that ALL owners share EQUALLY on the TOTAL of ALL weekly ticket sales. In other words Pegula gets the same $$$$$ as Kraft. With all that said, I searched google to find seating capacities and avg ticket sales per stadium. I created a spread sheet with the results. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oLcPYmu42YWpYWLkoqxAQHMDp8G4xZGvSgqTi5oghyM/htmlview hope you can access the page. ALL owners make more money when certain stadiums are FILLED. Perhaps that was the reason for the "MUST have new stadium" line of thinking.
  7. Any game where the Patriots LOSE.
  8. No truer words were ever spoken!!!!! BUT - tick-tock, tick-tock. B&B's days ARE numbered, Tick-tock, tick-tock.
  9. Based on the assumption that Zay looks bad because of Tyrod - and another excuse often used that Tyrod looks bad based on receivers... How convenient! A circular argument for all occasions - one size fits all. When will folks finally stop settling for mediocrity and demand the Bills do BETTER - MUCH BETTER. IMO The Bills gave Zay far to many chances this season. Taylor had another chance to prove he could be a legitimate NFL starting QB and he failed. All he proved is that he is an above average BACKUP QB. Please, lets move on!
  10. Sorry buddy, You know how they say - "follow the money" , well who the hell has benefitted from the questionable calls? You come to a competitors forum and try whining about it is unfair to the Pats too. Ha Ha Ha. You Pats fan are in for a very rude awakening when this current rein of terror has run it's course and has come to an end. I think I hear your mother calling... bye!
  11. THIS is why GOAT and Patriots is a !@#$ing farce!
  12. Not to change the subject or anything... Is it just a coincidence that the Bills have NOT been to the playoffs SINCE YOU started being a fan????? Hmmmmmm
  13. BUT... This year BRADY is starting to look more like Brady. You can see he looks tired getting up. His throws are mostly short throws to Gronk or over the middle. His long throws have been rarely on target. This is the new OLD version of Brady and he IS beatable.
  14. Do you watch any other football besides the Bills? I watched Rogers, Roethlisberger, and Brady ALL dive head first in just the last three days! JFC - It is OK to let go of the puppy now PIT BULL.
  15. I would like to see the memo as well. PM me if you are not going to post it publicly. tx
  16. OMG Russ is the FAN WHISPERER Russ Brandon found a way to fill this stadium IN SPITE of an almost twenty year playoff drought [suck product]. Contrary to popular belief this NFL Football team is a BUSINE$$.
  17. You mean like in Ha-Penis?
  18. I see she was born and raised in Syracuse, NY Wonder if she was a Bills fan?
  19. It certainly gets them ATTENTION. Trolls in training.
  20. It was possible that the flag was thrown during the play but even the other refs did not see at first.
  21. Rooting for MIAMI I will NEVER root for the Bullychick's team!
  22. Maybe... If Indy wears their WHITES they will be camouflaged!
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