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Everything posted by cd1

  1. Yeah, the only quarterbacks we like are the ones who haven't proved they are human - YET.
  2. TOO MUCH Capital for a crap shoot.
  3. Except McC being a back up he likely practiced behind second string...
  4. Funny thing is... One becomes a "Franchise QB" because someone caught the balls he threw because he did not get sacked or chased all over kingdom come. Having a good running game also helps keep the defense at bay. In other words - no one becomes the "franchise guy" without having a good supporting cast.
  5. Deonte Thompson #10
  6. He also said that he "had no intent on moving up or down in the draft"... How did THAT work out?
  7. Just start the rook? That is a whole 'nother meaning to FANTASY football. The folks here who have already discounted AJ as well as Peterman, YOU will be the first to call for the head of said "rook". You folks don't seem to understand PROCESS (not to be confused with "the process"). FCOL
  8. "Rookie deals" don't last forever! If not careful or you won't be able to "afford" you franchise guy once it is time to pay the piper.
  9. Find some positive regarding the anxiety of not knowing what is to come. When the chips start to fall, there will be a lot of disappointed fans, Some fans will be happy but most will likely be disappointed because "their guy" yada yada yada...
  10. Nick Foles...
  11. Nick Foles...
  12. New owner, New coaches, New GM, how moronic to allude to the status-quo! They may make mistakes but those will be their very own mistakes and have NOTHING to do with the old Bills regime. Time to get new material.
  13. Actually, earlier today I was re-watching the first few games of last season. I was amazed that Tolbert was actually making some nice plays. The last part of the year he just looked slow and tubby. I wonder if Preston Brown would share some dieting tips with him? ;-)
  14. Nice try, but not amusing.
  15. Question: If the Bills new OC and McD want to have a pocket passing QB scheme, AND would like to draft a pocket passer for the future, why would they keep a "run first" QB that they would have to build around? Thanks
  16. FCOL - Just stop televising the National Anthem!!! Case closed. Why the hell is it so important to televise it anyway?
  17. There you go, Bubba, showing your true colors (WHITE).
  18. The only ones NOT playing are the [ONE] they won't let play.
  19. Drivers being murdered for "driving while black" and it is the BILLIONAIRS that are impacted the most? TRUTH is "It is NEVER a good time for BLACK PEOPLE to say they are unhappy with the status quo", isn't that right?
  20. I think it is YOU who does not understanding what the protesters are protesting.
  21. Funny, The same exact words could be used to you. PLEASE show us the FACTS - LINKS
  22. I have a few questions for all of you who want to draft 1 or 2 QBs in the first round. Define "Develop" in terms of snaps. How many snaps do these rookies get? How many quarters of football do they get to play to prove themselves? IF one or all of them play "bad" for x amount of quarters, can we dump them before the football year is over? Logically, there is no sense letting such a loser take up a roster spot for a whole season, right? /sarcasm It seems that too many of you ONLY like a QB who has never taken an NFL snap. (for the Bills)
  23. I did not watch the game. I watched other re-run games from 2017. Now that it is over and Knowing there is something something worth watching, I WILL watch it when it becomes available on League Pass.
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