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Everything posted by cd1

  1. Do you really thing that Ralph/Brandon and Belicheat would have tolerated each other? NEVER would have happened!
  2. Maybe IF anything positive comes out of the Nate/Chargers fiasco it will have taught McCoach not to jump the gun on a rookie QB. Trial by fire gets everyone burned.
  3. IDK - McCoach has already been caught having to send start a 3rd QB (Webb) against the Colts in the snow game.
  4. Personally, I FEEL that Allen will be our guy. But the Bills will need to find a decent back-up QB. I do not think that McCarron wants to settle for second best at this point in his carreer. If Peterman can improve enough, he just might be THAT guy.
  5. Who has gotten LESS than half a game? Regardless of the results, Peterman deserves the opportunity to compete! It is almost like some of you folks are afraid to let him compete because he will have the chance to prove you wrong. FEAR is a funny thing...
  6. Excuses? Excuse for what? Ha Ha Ha I think you are "tilting at windmills, Don"
  7. Funny but I always felt the Gailey was about to fall asleep. I swore that Ralph hired one extra guy just to nudge him every now and then just to make sure he wouldn't.
  8. Here's the thing... I have no problem admitting when I am wrong. That said, I have not declared anything to be right or wrong about! I have been a fan long enough to earn the right to be HOPEFUL damnitall and I will gladly fight the negative Nelly's who detest anything positive. If you are a Nelly - you are simply a killjoy and it must suck to be you.
  9. Ha Ha Ha It just must make you ooze green.
  10. Would 2 quarters of a pre-season game count or would he actually get to play 2 quarters of a regular season game BEFORE folks could dismiss him? Inquiring minds want to know... /sarcasm
  11. How many chances did your guy Tyrod get? You are just being rediculous.
  12. ^^^^^^ THIS ^^^^^^ I have been Whole Food Plant Based for a full year. No meat (beef, poultry, pork, fish, etc.), no dairy. Plus no gluten. Just got test results and protien and calcium levels are well within the normal range. Where do you think these guys get protein to grow their muscles? NO. Whole Food Plant Based (WFPB) diet means NO meat (beef, poultry, fish, pork, eggs, etc), NO dairy (cheese, milk, butter, anything made with milk products). NO oils. Little to no sugars. Little to no processed foods. Vegans eat no meat or dairy. They eat oil and sugar. Vegitarians only cut meat from diet. They do eat dairy.
  13. Ever been to a nice party then someone shows up who has real bad gas? wow...
  14. Keep a bag near by. The kid deserves a chance and what happened in San Diego was a travesty. Coaches were to blame. No one believes Peterman will be the Bills franchise QB - NO ONE. There are just folks here that would like to see him get the chance he deserves. He may just end up being a very good back-up QB.
  15. When the Bills clinched the division against the Dolphins in 1990
  16. The snow game made even sweeter because the Bills were wearing all RED! (I normally am not a fan of the red unis)
  17. It is not the getting injured part. It is how they got injured and by who. Allen has already commented on just how different the NFL level players play. They read the play faster yada yada... Lets not forget to mention the SIZE of NFL players. Example Gronk on Tre White. I am not saying he will never get hurt because he will. Just not right out of the shoot for some dumb rookie move like sliding head first.
  18. I can appreciate that your are "having fun" but you are bordering on trolling. We have a NEW OC a very new mix on our O line. THIS could be disasterous for a rookie with no real NFL experience. Laugh it off all you want but I believe there have been QBs injured in thier rookie years and THAT injury resulted in them "playing scared" and ruined any potential they may have had. I believe that a great many here who are calling to hold Allen out for a bit, are everybit as excited about his prospect (I know I am ). BUT BUT BUT are worried that throwing him in there behind and untested offensive line and ALL of the offense inexperienced with the new playbook COULD be a recipe for disaster! Personally, I do NOT want Allen starting until Daboll has a chance to get his feet wet with his NEW TEAM.
  19. Sorry but as much as I would like to speculate this year it is NOT just a new quarterback! 2018 New Quarterback New Offensive Coordinator New Playbook New/untested Offensive line I HATE to think that they would rush Allen into the game (even if he is the best QB) before the OC and offensive line gets settled in. While testing the new system, I'd asoon they risk Nate or AJ - NOT our Future Franchise guy. YMMV
  20. Thing is... Nobody faults Jones for passes over his head or in the stands (aka Taylor). Unfortunately, we all witnessed way too many incidences where the ball went through his hands or bounced off his body, etc. NFL WRs are paid to catch balls that get within arms reach. The ones that can't catch the balls are called "fans". If it walks like a Hardy and talks like a Hardy, most of us start getting very suspicious (especially us old timers who don't have many more years to waste )
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