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Everything posted by cd1

  1. Cory Coleman - What the hell is he doing catching passes in the backfield????? Something doesn't smell right here!
  2. Love Hulu and never have a problem with streaming.
  3. Just venting here... McCoach is not making a good impression here. He is either lying or just plain inept. Lets say, he is just lying about who is going to start. WHY? Why lie? It is not a good look. Let's say he just doesn't know. Really? Is he that incompetent in evaluating talent? It is not a good look. Let's say, he secretly favored someone to start, but the someone has not shown in other coaches eyes. What if the delay is just to give said favorite one last time to shine? It is not a good look. To delay such an important decision sets the whole team back. It is not just at Quarterback, there seems to be great indecision on the O Line as well. WTF is up with the coaching staff of the Bills they all are looking like idiots right about now?
  4. I was responding to a post regarding our O Line...
  5. Traditionally, the fourth preseason game is where those players that have NOT secured a place on the roster are played. If we have players that need a fire lit at this point - start those players in PS4 then BOOT their AZZes.
  6. Sorry, that is a poor analogy. If you buy an expensive sports car and expose it to the elements, you can't afford that sports car! BTW - My cousin bought a pony once and brought it home in the back seat of his Cadillac convertible- true story!
  7. Allen does just fine (for the most part). He just got rattled last week. He will learn. One of Nate's biggest assets is his ability to quickly read a defense and make adjustments. Nate's weak arm is his downfall. I think Nate will make for an excellent backup QB and a very good mentor in teaching Josh to "speed read" the defense. Personally, I think it would be great to let Josh play the whole game tomorrow night. The kid has got everything it will take to be our franchise guy. He just needs enough experience playing at the NFL level. To be able to play in a game where they are not sending out the wolves, he will get experience in more things than picking grass out of his teeth. Make no mistake, Josh is our guy. He just needs some time to get up to speed. IMHO
  8. Ummmm - YES. The reason being that if you can get in and out of the huddle faster to allow more time to read and make adjustments to the line pre-snap THEN get the ball out QUICKER - THOSE things minimize the defects of the terribly offensive, offensive line.
  9. If Ritchie plays again in the NFL, they will need a new "HEAD" rule to go along with that new Helmet rule. ?
  10. Seriously? You do know that QBs in today's NFL do not call their own plays, right? So, to say "he was trying to be the anti-Tyrod" is BS. Make no mistake about it, Peterman will "never live it down" because nobody fans will make sure of it. Mark my words, it won't be long before Josh Allen starts to collect his very own band of hangmen just waiting to hang him every chance THEY get.
  11. That is some twisted thinking right there! "Hey, let's hang the baby out the window to see if he will cry..." The rookie needs an opportunity to test his wings a succeed - not be thrust to the ground. There is not much to be learned from looking in the rear view mirror while running for your life and spitting dirt from your mouth all day.
  12. If this were true, and I was head coach, I would FIRE the OC for taking such a chance with our inexperienced QBs. Our only hope is that Daboll is a good enough OC to call plays that Peterman CAN EXECUTE. Hopefully, SOMEONE who works for the Bills has enough knowledge about the O Line can get the mess sorted out and replace whoever is responsible for the poor performance of the unit. WOW - talk about screwing up a wet dream...
  13. Actually, it was pretty characteristic of what we've seen so faR. Correct me if I'm wrong But I don't think he's completed a long pass yet. Actually, josh made that throw with BOTH feet off of the ground.
  14. The first two episodes were so inspiring, but after preseason 3, it now seems like theater. SHOW ME THE MONEY!
  15. Posted 3 hours ago Step up where? Bengals pushed the Bills interior lineman straight backwards immediately. Atkins tossed Duccasse like a bean bag right into Allen.
  16. YES, He is big and strong and the first string defense won't be in that game. He should have a real chance to THRIVE. But I'd say Josh first half and AJ the second half.
  17. Ha Ha - you just gave away your IQ
  18. BUT, BUT, BUT... Look at the Bills sideline! THEY had a ring side seat YET no one was reacting like it was a first down.
  19. I also wondered BUT watching that play - it was right in front of our bench and I saw no reaction on the sideline that anyone right there thought it was a 1st down.
  20. I re-watched that play and thought that CLAY was misjudging the ball. Clay originally sped up and then had to start coming back toward the ball.
  21. Other than Josh Allen and a few others, a lot of the starters seemed like they were only halfheartedly playing yesterday. Like I have said before - kind of like the pro bowl is played. The coaches should have had a fit!
  22. Peterman is NOT the most athletic QB on the team. However, Peterman got in and out of the huddle quicker which in turn gave him more time to read the defense and make adjustments prior to the snap PLUS got the ball out of his hands much quicker than Josh Allen yesterday. When you have an O Line that is a sieve, you NEED to get rid of the ball ASAP.
  23. What a JOKE. Peterman is the only QB on this team that stand a chance of not being sacked into oblivion behind our OFFENSIVE offensive line.
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