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Everything posted by cd1

  1. Apparently, you have never encountered a SPOILED BRAT before. Spoiled brats are all about what they deserve not what they have. They will certainly trash the source of their supply when it starts to dry up. Kind of like narcissists. No, exactly like narcissists!
  2. While it may be fun to watch, slinging the ball (sand lot football) is not how REAL nfl games are played. Josh Allen needs to learn GOOD habits so it is important to run plays like you would in meaningful games. A developing rookie can develop BAD habits just as well as Good habits.
  3. Regarding penalties: Those who CAN, block; those who CAN'T, hold. Inferior players end up breaking the rules in a valiant attempt to do a job that should be above their pay grade. IMHO
  4. Well, maybe - BUT... If it was broken in "the wrong direction" it likely would have stayed in a very ugly direction. time will tell ⌚
  5. Doubt it is broken as they did not stabilize it and hanging off the end of the cart like that would be unbearable pain. IMHO
  6. I haven't read all of the replies but... I think Josh Allen got hurt today. At one point I thought he was linking a little. Anyway, his play really changed during the game and I think that may have been the reason. The Bills right now ARE Josh Allen.
  7. This was not Josh Allen's day!!!
  8. This is like grinding gears!
  9. THAT depends on it is in Sun Life Stadium or not... ;-)
  10. vvvv THIS vvvv is why he won't. The guy does not stay in NFL shape and THAT is a very big tell about his attitude!
  11. After the Jets we play Lions Patriots Dolphins I do not see us being favored over the Patriots or the Dolphins. I'd be surprised if we were favored over Lions.
  12. Well, after-all, this will be the... Battle To The Bottom Game for the AFC East. Someone has to be favored... Ha Ha Ha Go BILLS!!!!!
  13. Week one against the Panthers - Josh heaves one 65 yards to Foster and Foster just missed (exact same scenario) at the 5 yard line. Foster started looking over his shoulder at the 20 yard line. Even Steve Tasker remarked that he should never have been running that far looking over his shoulder.
  14. Yeah, but now you can at least watch the Lyons to see how many different facial ticks displayed by Patricia you can count . So, not a total snooze anymore... Ha Ha Ha ?
  15. I heard he had the same model that Gronk has installed. ?
  16. PLEASE - NO more lazy players on guaranteed contracts. Incentives and EZ outs if player fails to produce. In short NO to Darius.
  17. The fact that Baker Mayfield Quarterbacked for Texas Tech for the 2013 season then voluntarily LEFT Texas Tech to play for RIVAL University of Oklahoma wouldn't make Baker a schmuck, would it? ? Mayfield has no "high horse" to look down from.
  18. What do you know... Old Marcel will "miss the bus" yet again. ?
  19. AGREE - If he drowns, he is not a witch Quarterback... or something like that ?
  20. ...IF he manages to catch the bus ?
  21. NFL Game Pass - can't watch live but can listen live. Then watch after game is over. Watch any game any year back to 2009.
  22. When the hell is Pittsburgh going to get themselves a QB? ? WOW - FOUR interceptions!!!! (so far) /sarcasm
  23. Hopefully NEVER! (to the navy uni's)
  24. Well sir, Christmas will come early this year!!!! December 23, 2018 - Bills beat Pats in Foxboro and mark the beginning of the end of an dynasty. ?‍♂️
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