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Posts posted by cd1

  1. 8 minutes ago, Thurman Kelly said:

    The Bills are taking a lot of credit for this on buffalobills.com. - talking about how "successful" this hiring is.  This, from the only NFL team never to win 10 games in the last 20 seasons!  I don't think they should be talking about any of their hiring being "successful" until they start winning.  I love the Bills, but they have been pointedly unsuccessful since the 90's.


    Show me that the team does better by "diversity based" hiring.  If that can't be shown, it's just a marketing ploy, and marketing ploys aren't that interesting to people who watch football for the football.


    p.s. It's kind of beside the point, but when I saw her on the sidelines I had no idea she was a woman, so I'm not sure what diversity point is being made here.

    Maybe the point that women can be hired for something OTHER than their LOOKS.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Giuseppe Tognarelli said:

    Others might not care about this as much, but it bugs me that they refer to this as "home blue" and yet seem to avoid wearing it at home. For example, I don't understand why we were in all-white for the first home preseason game. I (like many fans) tuned in wanting to see the blue and our new field. I could be wrong, but it seems like the all-white look has occurred frequently at home under McDermott.


      I am not sure how much in advance the "colors" need to be planned but, given a choice, one would always be wise to choose the WHITE in August because white is COOLER in the HEAT.

  3. 6 hours ago, Stallions said:

    I thought Josh looked very poor in the 1st pre-season game.  The same accuracy issues as last year and the lack of game instincts.  His release is slow and if he keeps running the ball when he feels no receiver is open he'll get hurt. 


    As a LEADER for the offense he seems very immature.  A lot of nice talk to the media and in his Buffalo area commercials but he just doesn't come-off as THE GUY!!


    With the HC in his 3rd season he needs WINS!  Will he allow Josh to decide his fate???




    • Haha (+1) 1
  4. 36 minutes ago, mjt328 said:

    I may be in the minority, but maybe we should give Zay Jones a break on that drop.


    Nobody wants to get hurt in preseason, on a meaningless play that won't count.

    The defender was about to take his head off.  You really can't blame him for bracing himself and losing focus.


    Don't get me wrong.  I believe this is Zay's last chance to prove himself as a starter on the Bills.  The talent around him is getting much better.  If the drop problems continue into this season,  I don't see him getting much playing time going forward.  





    Just how far away should a defender be for it to be SAFE for a receiver to catch a ball? 



  5. 3 hours ago, StHustle said:

    I for one want Brady to keep playing til that season he does hit the wall and we demolish them twice. I'm glad he is stubbon and won't go out on top.


    Sorry, I would prefer that the Bills rise up and steal whats left of TB12's playing years away from him.







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  6. 19 hours ago, Gugny said:



    Unless Josh Allen completes 100% of his passes and the Bills go 19-0, there will be people here who will complain.


    And even then .... there would be people who would say, "yeah, but he still ran too much and we only won because of our defense."


    Some people are simply incapable of being happy/enjoying the Bills.  Eff 'em.


    Pessimists are people who fear disappointment.

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  7. On 7/23/2019 at 8:22 AM, SoCal Deek said:

    The problem is that every year for the last two decades the Bills have gone into a mid season swoon where they look absolutely terrible and lose games that everyone ‘knew’ they were supposed to win. And they generally lose them in epic proportions! Maybe this year will be different? The only silver lining is that Fitz isn’t on the Jets anymore so he can’t embarrass us...again.

    Go Bills


    "for the last two decades" -  you mean when our current QB was THREE YEARS OLD?


    When are we finally going to STOP pinning decades of poor performance on NEW regimes? 


    The only thing the current team has in common with the old is the team NAME and it's FANS. 


    Why not judge our current team (Owners, GM, Coaches, AND Players) based on their successes and failures? 


    BTW - Fitz can still embarrass us from way down in MIAMI! 

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    • Awesome! (+1) 1
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  8. 12 minutes ago, Doc said:

    The only pro for parking across the street is that you can get to and from training camp quicker.  The con is it costs $15 to park near and $10 to park further away.  The shuttles only cost $1 but don't have AC, take more time to get there (obviously) and there can be a wait when trying to leave (my son hangs around for autographs so that leads to less wait time).


    The shuttle cost $1. but is FREE for seniors!

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  9. 3 hours ago, Virgil said:

    This really doesn't make me feel better about the accuracy issue.  To be dead last in these metrics and not much better even after the break is tough to read.  I get that short throws will help with that, but I always wonder just how much a QB can increase their overall accuracy.  I feel like you either have it or you don't.




    Just ask Tyrod CheckDown Taylor... ;) 

  10. On 7/11/2019 at 9:18 AM, Shaw66 said:

    This is absolutely true.   It's like a perfect storm.  


    I have always believed, and continue to believe, that Brady wouldn't have nearly as good any place else, and Belichick would have been good but not THIS good without Brady.  As you say, Brady's an OC on the field.  He has Belchick's work ethic, but more importantly he has a brain that somehow is in sync with Belichick's.   Belichick's genius is that he gets everyone else on the team, coaches and players, into the same mindset - do your job, do it right, do it every time.  Then he got a QB who learned to do that at the QB position and lead all the other offensive players to do it.   It's really quite amazing.   


    I think it is very important to note that it is not just Beli & Brady. Belicheat makes the entire team work their ASSES off studying film!





    'There's nothing fun about it'


  11. 39 minutes ago, simpleman said:

    i don't get the logic. The man was obviously mentally ill at the time. He is being suspended for being mentally ill. That is different from choosing to beat your wife,  or choosing to drink and drive. If he is still mentally ill,  then don't let him play the game. That makes sense. Judge him medically unfit and don't let him play. You don't punish someone for being ill. What a message the NFL is sending about dealing with mental illness. A suspension is a punishment. Punishing someone for a mental illness does not provide a deterrent, you don't choose to get ill. You declare him still ill and get him help. Punishment is inappropriate, and is it even legal?


    Regardless of "mental illness", Richie threatened an establishment full of people with weapons.  Forget the ***** father's head thing. Without the weapon thing, he would have simply been hauled off for a psych e v a l.  Richie's mental illness tends to express itself in danger to others (see gym incidence).   Unfortunately,  someone (Raiders) still believe that they can still make $$$$$$$ off of this guy before he goes totally POSTAL.  

  12. 8 minutes ago, Gugny said:

    The officer told him to sit and he sat.


    The officer then started using profanities, which was totally unnecessary.


    He was sitting when he got tased.  I didn't see the need to tase him at that time.  From what I could see, he was being compliant and cooperative.


    But after that, I think he got a little out of hand and should have definitely been arrested.


    Read the article. A lot transpired BEFORE what is visible in the video.

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