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Everything posted by cd1

  1. BINGO! I have often felt like he is trying to "win" by trickery which implies his lack of confidence in his players. Can they find someone else to call the plays?
  2. Seriously, when has desperation made any difference in skills? JFC - WHEN will the Bills ever get that GD desperate? We've all been waiting nearly TWENTY YEARS! - asking for a friend...
  3. This is not the START of the collapse... Our offense is impotent - I think it has to due with DaBoll control... ? Don't think he is good at game time play calling.
  4. Josh Allen - WEAK 10... the offensive impotence on this team is baffling. No wonder fans throw themselves on burning tables - ugh
  5. Bills offense is IMPOTENT! THIS is why we get no respect.
  6. Bills offense is IMPOTENT - SAD
  7. ...if only we had an OFFENSE
  8. Perhaps the Browns are favored because the Bills are thought to have "Not Loss" rather than to have "Won" the games they have this year. YES, there really is a difference! In the first case, your luck will run out sooner or later. In the second case, LUCK has nothing to do with it!
  9. I don't think it is so much our "strength of schedule" as much as it is due to the fact that we are just barely beating weak teams. I think that if we were whooping a$$ against those weak teams we would be the talk of the town. HECK, while I am glad we are currently 6-2, I am convinced that each and every game left on our roster will be a challenge for us to win. I have little faith in the current play calling and believe that IT is greatly responsible for our "struggling". YMMV
  10. Thanks for the write up, Shaw. I would be interested in your observations with regard to play calling. I found myself the most frustrated with the plays - First down and Gore up the middle for one seem to be a favorite yesterday. UGH
  11. WOW - when we get the ball back will we see the first play - "1st and Gore for a yard" - seems to be Dumbolls fav.
  12. Perhaps we should refer to this (3rd) quarter as The First Quarter of the Second Half
  13. Boy - I would just like to see a Bills team that plays like they could keep up with the BIG BOYS!
  14. https://www.breakthroughbasketball.com/coaching/clap-for-mistaking.html
  15. Perhaps ALL OF THE ABOVE! Some people are capable of saying much with very few words. Some people are incapable understanding many words. Gungy the contrarian.
  16. I'm the opposite. I believe they were doing exactly what they were coached to do. I think the coaches failed - miserably - to prepare them for that game. I agree with some who say that the Eagles were the better team. That may be true. But the Bills were steamrolled, and the Eagles aren't that much better. We both said the SAME THING...
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