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Everything posted by Johnnyp56

  1. And BTW if the Bills committed to a tank does anyone trust Doug Whaley to oversee it? A tank involves acquiring assets.. he generally lights draft picks on fire.
  2. Whaley is such a simpleton that he'd get rid of Taylor because it's not "his guy".
  3. And even Preston Brown is a mediocrity.
  4. I've gone back and forth with whether or not this guy is simply brutal with the media or is genuinely not very bright. What I can't handle, and I know the draft and lighting picks on fire by handing them away is intolerable..is the inconsistent message. 1) Takes over and claims we will build through the draft and supplement with free agency..you guys know the draft stuff. They also rely in free agency to compensate for bad drafting so the message has rung hollow. We don't build through the draft. 2) He has been in lockstep according to Doug himself with now 3 coaches..need I say more? 3) He lied about Shaq Lawsons shoulder after the draft and treated the fan base like they were idiots. 4) Does anyone actually believe the unprofessional leaks about the last two head coaches have nothing to do with Whaleys camp? It's simply ridiculous how he plays the card of putting all this elite talent together only for the coach to screw it up. 5) The press conference to end the season was a train wreck. 6) He started the offseason by saying we were close and then later claimed we need to build a foundation...more conflicting messages. 7) Cap jail...last I checked he's the personnel guy...the Dareus contact should have gotten everyone fired. ......I could continue
  5. Good to hear from you my old friend. Wouldn't blame anyone from BBMB for distancing themselves...as you can see making new friends takes me a while.
  6. I'll be just fine. You guys need to relax. One thread that absolutely went places it shouldn't have an now I'm the villian of the board. I'll add plenty of substance when things slow down with this. If I was a troll I never wouldve last where I came from and the others know it who just transferred over. Nah received 4 infractions in 9 years bud.
  7. Or telling the truth for anyone who's ever listened to John Wawrow ask questions.
  8. Unreal. Now doesn't this issue seem recurrent? But hey Doug needs more time.
  9. And you seem indecisive and tend to ramble when you ask questions.
  10. Looks like BBMB in that there is an establishment around here. Once you all team together you will be able to frame the narrative like never before. Anyone who leads a busy life and posts a thread without having in depth knowledge of the content of another thread already addressing a similar topic will be vilified. That's a scary thought for a forum which should be about diverse thought and opinion. Also that's a great way to run good people off a forum so be careful just shredding anyone who creates a new topic.
  11. Funny how many replies this thread has gotten. It's almost like I've created discussion...hmm...I think that's good for a message board.
  12. Well this guy that doesn't bring anything to the table had a post last year RE the Bills covering for Dareus when he was on his hiatus post suspension. Few wks later Jerry Sullivan had a news article on this topic. As many have said I need to give this place a chance...it needs to give me a chance.
  13. Oh every veteran that gets released gets posted here as well. Ahh just like old times at BBMD.
  14. Thank you for talking football. If Dareus contract didn't make him near impossible to trade I would attempt to find a suitor. He is a lazy headcase and a bad liar. One more strike triggers a huge suspension. As for Sammy I love the guy and I know when he gets past the bad luck injuries he will be elite. And it's so ironic that a place the welcomes a lack of censorship cant wait to try to shut someone up.. Almost sounds like...oh I won't go there. That's so November.
  15. Yea but Ron Darby was and he wouldn't talk. Don't be naive.
  16. Says the guy who bases his username on Chan Gailey.
  17. If tanking was an exact science I'd advocate for it....but it's not so until you have something better lined up you keep Tyrod. Jury is still out on Winston. Don't get sold on inflated numbers these days...he also sexually assaulted someone in college and got away with it.
  18. Everyone gets called an idiot just to get it out of the way, eh? Is this place littered with irrational hate? I've heard so much about how everyone wants to talk about unique football topics and analytics and facts yet this whole thread has largely been a shoot the messenger deal. My topic was a kudos for forum freedom....At BBMB you couldn't criticize management...here if you're new you can't say much of anything...even dry humor.
  19. Well said my friend. Glad you made the trek over.
  20. Micromanaging their fan base is grasping at straws in order to repair an image that they have damn near tarnished over the last 17 years.
  21. Brownie seems nice....Murphy seems condescending.
  22. Yea it's garbage to want things right. Yet another Internet tough guy busy toiling in mediocrity.
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